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Author Topic: Ask and Answer  (Read 158869 times)

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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18705 on: November 10, 2017, 01:20:11 PM »
By reverse time travel do you mean travelling backwards in time? If so then time travel is already possible. We can travel in the future by moving at relativistic speeds or by moving near a black hole.

  Actually if "warp speed" is actually possible, then we could kinda move back in time. For example, if we warp sped to mars, then when we got to mars and looked at a telescope to earth, we could see ourselves getting into the ship to warp speed to mars

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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18706 on: November 10, 2017, 01:21:59 PM »
By reverse time travel do you mean travelling backwards in time? If so then time travel is already possible. We can travel in the future by moving at relativistic speeds or by moving near a black hole.

  Actually if "warp speed" is actually possible, then we could kinda move back in time. For example, if we warp sped to mars, then when we got to mars and looked at a telescope to earth, we could see ourselves getting into the ship to warp speed to mars

Interesting addition, but I was wondering that when time travel would be possible, we could percieve the changes made in the past or not.

Nope, I have not.

Should AI be allowed to flip the kill switch in events of war?

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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18707 on: November 10, 2017, 01:24:16 PM »
Kill switch of what exactly?

Kill switch of what exactly? (Q & A xD)
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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18708 on: November 10, 2017, 01:25:40 PM »
The kill Switch that allows AI to "neutralize" potential threats for the own troops.

Should AI be allowed to flip this kill switch?


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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18709 on: November 10, 2017, 01:27:23 PM »
In a way they kinda already do, advances in missile technology and friend-or-foe technology have computers deciding when to attack and when not. I don't think having sentient AI in war is a good idea though.

Would you star in your own movie about you?
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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18710 on: November 10, 2017, 01:28:15 PM »
I wouldn't like reliving everything.


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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18711 on: November 10, 2017, 01:31:13 PM »
Yeah I would, I dunno how good of an actor I am though

If you had a time machine that went backward in time, and then inside that time machine you put a time machine that went forward in time, and you were in the forward time machine, what would happen to you?
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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18712 on: November 10, 2017, 01:36:54 PM »
Depends on how it works.
Let's keep it simple and use following model, let's say the backwards machine goes 25 years back, and the other 25 years forwards.
|CURRENT TIME[<=[You=>]]|. If physics say that both machines are activated at the same moment it would mean that the first machine would go backwards and you in the other machine go forwards, giving following result:
[<=] |Current time| [YOU=>]

However if the machine you're in is activated a moment later than the backwards machine, it would mean that you are send backwards in time, then forwards in time. Meaning that you would do the following= (Current time - 25 )+25. In other words: you would stay in the same spot.
Resulting in this:
[<=] |CURRENT [YOU=>]|
I hope this made more or less any sense?  :P

What event in your life had the biggest influence on you?

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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18713 on: November 10, 2017, 01:41:00 PM »
(Heh xD For me I'd assume that the time machine going backwards is independent of the rest of the world (otherwise if you turned on the time machine yo'd then leave the time machine cause it's going backwards). So noting that, the time machine going backwards wouldn't affect the time machine going forwards, and the time machine going forwards wouldn't effect you, but would affect the space of the time machine going backwards. What this would mean is that the time machine going backwards goes backwards in time as normal, the time machine going forwards goes forwards in time relative to the backwards time machine and you stay put, which basically means overall the time machine works just like a backwards time machine with or without the forwards time machine, except if there is any delay between the backwards time machine running then that'd be skipped by the forwards time machine)

Probably joining TFF, or joining KoL

Same question
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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18714 on: November 10, 2017, 01:43:12 PM »
(Heh xD For me I'd assume that the time machine going backwards is independent of the rest of the world (otherwise if you turned on the time machine yo'd then leave the time machine cause it's going backwards). So noting that, the time machine going backwards wouldn't affect the time machine going forwards, and the time machine going forwards wouldn't effect you, but would affect the space of the time machine going backwards. What this would mean is that the time machine going backwards goes backwards in time as normal, the time machine going forwards goes forwards in time relative to the backwards time machine and you stay put, which basically means overall the time machine works just like a backwards time machine with or without the forwards time machine, except if there is any delay between the backwards time machine running then that'd be skipped by the forwards time machine)
Well we both used different assumptions, guess I was being more materialistic and working in entities. Both ideas could check out.

Most influential moment? When I heard I no longer had to take it.

How can hate be changed into respect?

Offline anoni

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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18715 on: November 10, 2017, 01:45:03 PM »
By playing on the cognitive biases of people. Become friendly with someone, show that you understand their point of view, show that you understand the person, that the person is right in your eyes and that you want to be with them. Give them their ego.

If you could travel to any time period including the future, what time period would you travel too?
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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18716 on: November 10, 2017, 01:46:12 PM »
With knowledge?
I would go back to '72, invest massive in tech-start-ups.


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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18717 on: November 10, 2017, 01:48:30 PM »
72 is too far away, I'd probably go back to 2010 and buy/mine a bunch of bitcoin

What level of schooling do you hope to complete? (High school, Bachelor, Masters, Phd?)
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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18718 on: November 10, 2017, 01:52:18 PM »
Now doing a bachelor in logistics, but I hope to do a doctorate in it since it's a field that is quite interesting and expertise from this branch of management could be used elsewhere.


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Re: Ask and Answer
« Reply #18719 on: November 10, 2017, 02:18:11 PM »
Not sure yet, I have my bachelor in Physics and Compsci, might one day go for a PhD in Physics

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