I actually don't really feel like anything in the NL should be deregulated...
I mean, shure, some things would be fun to deregulate, But, the consequences would be pretty severe, in our little country.
Like for example, less stricter laws for avation, allowing civilians to get their pilots licence, and a plane for a lot less money and hassle. It sounds fun.
But, in reality, we're an overpopulated country with one of the biggest airports Europe crammed right into it. Looser laws for aviation could be disasterous.
Firearms are a thing, too. I kinda sometimes wish that they'd be less regulated, so that I, if I owned one, could take it out to the woods, with a few friends, and plink around a little, (shoot some empty cans, and stuff) or that people, perhaps with some mandatory training, could carry firearms to protect themselves, and scare off those pesky terrorists.
But, then again, the NL is a small and overpopulated country, and anyone firing a gun in even the safest direction could seriously risk unintentionally hitting another person. And, if firearms become less regulated, then who knows that more criminals won't get their hands on them? And, who knows that some sort of "cowboy mentality" might not rise up from within the gun-carrying population, wich would result in frequent, deadly, firearms accidents? I know I like guns because of the technology behind them, (ask me anything about guns, I can probably explain it to you) but, the sad truth is that most people probably just want them because they can easily kill other people/animals with them...
I guess the only thing that I would really want to deregulate scertain pointless taxes, and excises. Specifically those on fuel, for example and other things designed to weigh down on car owners.
It's rediculous, and the only thing it does is make owning a car more expensive. It doesn't do anything about the problem of why people actually need cars.
What's the most beautifull place in your vicinity?