Someone who understands the responsibility and what kind of a chore it can be to look after one.. Woofs tend to be somewhat vary of strangers and usually they only form strong bonds with a few people so getting thrown to the left and right between 150 different owners is only going to make them sad and possibly aggressive. That's why it's important that whoever it is that's getting one understands that they won't stay small forever, they drink huge amounts of Coke, they'll most likely hog up your internet and they're also somewhat stupid, which might come off as cute at first, but as time goes by it'll only be annoying. They're still highly trainable tho, due to their loyal nature and eagerness to please.
For the right family/owner however, a woof is an excellent pet who always wants to be around where the fun stuff is and who's always ready to lose its tail and 7 toes in their defense...
Also, hand wash only and -do not use- bleach.
Is tomorrow finally my lucky day?
(Edit: I think I should remake that whole answer and write a full proper species-guide thing for/about woofs xP)