Lokyar bows low, not taking the key.
"Sir, you have a beautiful daughter, and you are quite right to be proud and protective. I am not trying to take her from you, sir. But if she wills it, would it not be better for her to share herself not only with you and the rest of her family, but with yet another who will cherish and care for her? With one who will share her burdens? With respect, sir, should we not wait on Avine's opinion on the matter? If she does not want me, then I shall leave her be."
By this point, Lokyar is on his knees, head touching the floor in supplication.
"If we force her to choose, it could sour relationships for all concerned, even her chosen. So sir, I beg of you, let us be allies, not enemies. Let Avine make her own choice. She may well choose us both!"