Lets all hear some interesting facts that we might of never knew!
Ill start by explaining the deferences between a normal DVD player and a Blue Ray DVD player.
First off thies two devices work the same but that one is alot more powerfull/advanced then the other.
First off they both work by emitting a lazer that reflects off of the gooves and bumps in a CD
and is then analized by a device in the DVD player. The beam in a normal player would look the color red,
while in a Blue-Ray DVD player would be.... BLUE!
This is because a blue beam is stronger then a red beam!!!! GASP!!!
A red beam in term of waves is very narrowed and does not "wave" up and down as much.
A blue beam in term of waves spreads up and down alot more then a red beam therefore able to "scan" alot more.
This also is why the sky would look red smetimes and why the sky is blue most of the time(and why we dont see thoes red skys as much anymore"Global Warming"
It has to do with the sun and partcles in our atmosphere. Ill tell you more in-def if you want...