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Author Topic: My Universe  (Read 21357 times)

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Re: My Universe
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2015, 03:08:17 PM »
I've been thinking a bit more about Darkons, the physics behind them and how they would need to be utilized and changed in order for the physics to sort of work

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  So for those who have read this whole thing, which is probably next to nobody xD. Darkons are the sub-atomic particles in my universe that are responsible for all four of the fundamental forces. Originally they were particles that "sucked-in" space-time, basically they pulled in space-time, condensing it around them. They made up mass. By accelerating a darkon, you create a wave of space-time dilation which compresses space-time on a particular vector. You can exploit this phenomena to bend spacetime in such a way that you create a wormhole from one side of the universe to another, in a form known as STVN or Space-Time Vortex Navigation. Read a few articles above for a bit more of a detailed overview.

  But Darkons need to be slightly different in order for all the fundamental forces to be effectively unified. The first thing is that space-time is not a 4-dimensional space, but rather a 5 dimensional space, with a certain "polarized space" that represents charge. IE: Instead of a coordinate of space having "x,y,z,t" the coordinate has "x,y,z,t,Q" where Q is this polarized dimension of charge. Darkons, given by the symbol "l" (for luminous) have a quantum number "q" that corresponds to charge. What charge really is, in this universe, is the condensing and stretching of this polarized dimension Q. So while the Darkon condenses the "x,y,z,t" directions, it also condenses or stretches the "Q" direction. The Q direction has a law that it wants to be balanced, that is the Q direction has a "steady-origin-state" where it is flat, with Q = 0. When the Q is stretched or squashed, it will actively attempt to go back to a balance state. An object with a positive charge will stretch the Q while an object with a negative charge with squash it, because it's trying to get an equalibrium the like charges repel and unlike charges attract. There are thus two types of darkons that need to be introduced. l+ which are darkons with positive q and l-, darkons with negative q. These quantum numbers give rise to charge and the electroweak force.

  While there are normal darkons "l" there are also reverse darkons "L". Reverse darkons pull space-time apart rather than push it together and there are equal amount of normal darkons and reverse darkons. A reverse darkon will repulse to EVERYTHING in the (x,y,z,t) direction, while a normal darkon will go towards everything in the (x,y,z,t) direction. There are also positive and negative reverse darkons, but the extra repulsion and attraction is generally negligible. They do this with equal force so a reverse darkon and a normal darkon will effectively be in an unstable equilibrium if they are together. Because the density of darkons is not uniform, darkons tend to clump together. Darkons with opposite charges will go towards each other so quickly and will compress infinitely, such that they are annilated into energy, which than eventually turns to two darkons again somewhere else in space. Darkons with like charges, however, will not annilate and will instead become in a stable orbit surrounding each other due to the repulsive force of their charges, giving rise to matter in the form of quarks. Positively charged darkons have a lower (x,y,z,t) compression that negatively charged quarks, which is why up quarks have only 1/3 charge and down quarks have -2/3. A majority of darkons (99.999999%) do not clump together and instead remain in an equilibrium field with the reverse quarks. However, because some darkons have clumped together, there is a slight imbalance in the equilibrium field, with 49.999999% of darkons being normal darkons and 50.000001% of darkons being reverse darkons. While this imbalance may seem very small, because it is everywhere in space, this imbalance causes significant affects in the form of what we call today as dark energy. Energy of the universe that pushes the universe outwards, causing it to grow in an accelerating manner.

  So according to this theory there are four types of darkons. l+, l-, L+ and L-, but L+ and L- are basically the same. Quarks are made of l+ or l- darkons, they must be like charges so they don't compress infinitely. Therefore a quark is a massive battle of charge vs compression with the quarks. Because there are darkons everywhere in space in an equilibrium field, normal space is relatively stable. However, if you apply a collection of raw darkons into this field, you can disturb it and amplify your darkon compression field. This is how STVN works, by shooting a large collection of darkons in a particular direction, you absorb normal darkons into that area, pushing all the reverse darkons out of the way, this causes a massive compression of space-time leading to basically a worm hole. However, as the darkon field becomes so strong in compression, reverse darkons will actually begin to be picked up by it, weakening the darkon field. Eventually as you get to the end of your trip, your darkon field has picked up so many reverse darkons that your field has become weak enough that it stops any space-time compression. All the pent up energy is released during this and the reverse darkons explode out in every direction, causing a warp storm. The imbalance that was created from the space-time navigation creates an unstable field of warping space-time in the form of rip currents. Thus the theory is better explained with the addition of these 3 new darkon particles.
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2015, 10:56:15 AM »
A couple of interesting tidbits about the expansive universe

Measurement and spy techniques
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  Spying on distant stars for other races has become an extremely lucrative business in within the world, information can be worth a lot of money and governments for each race are willing to pay a lot of research into new techniques for spying. The most interesting form of spying is...

far spying:

  Far spying is a form of spying only possible with Darkons and talks about spying on other races from a distance, sometimes thousands and thousands of light years away. Using optical methods for this sort of spying is entirely useless, however one can spy on races at distances this far away using Darkons and warp storms. All races use FTL travel via some form of STVN, STVN causes a large deposit of darkons within the given area which causes a warp storm, darkons being pelted out in each direction extremely rapidly. The resulting warp storm from an STVN can release even more energy than the STVN jump itself! This doesn't violate conservation of energy, as the energy is simply "taken" from the empty l-L equilibrium that exists in empty space (see article above). Because of this massive amount of energy, some darkons can actually go much faster than the speed of light themselves! Just like a ship can be pushed faster than the speed of light via darkons in STVN, a darkon can be pushed faster than the speed of light by other darkons. When giant clumps of darkons compress the spacetime to such a degree, darkons can be moving at relative FTL speeds and these darkons can be detected thousands of light years away based on their subtle, but noticeable spacetime disturbances. Keen observers of a distant star system can use these disturbances in Darkon technology to extrapolate lots of details about the star system, how many ships have entered the star system, where they have entered, the size of the ships, how far away they jumped from, and so forth.

The Minders and the Utopic Passworld

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  For those who read the Symbias (Atos or Union) article will know that it is made of three dominant species as well as some other non-dominant ones. The three dominant ones are the Minders, the Strikers and the Troopers (these are human names for these races). The troopers make up the vast majority the species, with the Strikers making up the smallest proportion, however being the 2nd highest heirarchy based on their extra strength and intellect. The minders are few in number but make up the leaders of the entire species. The question is then, if there are less Strikers than minders, where are all the Minders? Seeing them in space or in battle is a very rare site, this is because the minders have constructed a gigantic, utopia fortress known as the passworld.

  The passworlds location is unknown and it is hidden amongst the stars and because so few people go in and out of it, it's very difficult to know where it is even through far spying techniques. Little is known about the actual Passworld, however it is known that almost all Minders spend their entire lives there, it is considered a utopia, with almost every want and need administered to, to all minders. Part of the resources of all planets and all systems within the entire Symbias empre is acquired to help maintain or improve the utopia passworld. Strikers would ordinarily not stand for this, however a few strikers have been granted access to the passworld, however all that have been given access to the passworld have never returned. The passworld is said to be one of the greatest and most divine places in the entire galaxy, so most people theorize that the strikers never leave simply because they don't want to, as most Minders themselves who are born in the passworld never end up leaving it. However, some Striker conspiracy theorists fear that the Passworld doesn't actually exist, and the strikers who are sent to the passworld are merely murdered, and the minders use the passworld to manipulate the Striker race. No trooper has ever gotten access to the Passworld, but due to their inherently submissive nature, this generally hasn't cause much problems.

  While some say no Minder ever leaves the passworld, this is generally not true. Most Minders do, at one stage or another, leave the passworld, either for militaristic or government necessity or for simple site seeing. Minders generally relay their orders via the communal, a large section of approximately 250 Minders and Strikers that are outside the Passworld at all times, in order to keep the species well organized. The communal is made of representitives of each star system owned by the Symbias, each representative is known as a counciler in the communal. A counciler is in charge of Wardens, representatives of the owners of each planet within an Symbias controlled star systems. So again, each planet has a Warden, all the Wardens in a star system report to their Counciller and each Counciller talks amongst themselves in the communal. Wardens are generally Strikers or Troopers, while Councillers are generally Minders or Strikers. No trooper is a Counciller and no minder is a Warden. The Councillers are changed often, and Minders that were once a counciller often return to the passworld and are replaced by other minders or strikers. Though there is a strict policy that the amount of Minders in the communal always should outnumber the amount of Strikers.

  Minders also are deposited to areas of extremely high necessity in which a Strikers intellect is considered not enough to handle the situation. Minders generally loath going outside of the Passworld and only a few minders voluntarily go out, including most of the ones part of the Communal. The passworld remains a place of extreme allure and mystery within the entire galaxy.

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Re: My Universe
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2015, 10:49:57 AM »

This is very interesting and very intriguing
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2015, 03:19:36 PM »
Thank you! You may be the first person to actually read it XD
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2016, 10:46:22 AM »
A list of the most powerful entities in the universe in no particular order

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  1. The Minders: The Minders are the leader and governing body of the Symbias, a large collection of alien species and the largest and most dominate nation of the Alpha sector of the galaxy. The minders themselves are very mysterious, but what is known is that they are creatures that have been capable of space-faring travel for at least a hundred thousand years and their reach extends far beyond the alpha sector, perhaps even beyond the milky way galaxy itself. The minders technology is so advanced that their species is in a state of utopia at a mysterious and hidden away area called the passworld, in which any of the minders desires is satisfied. The password is theorized to be one of many things, one of the most prevailing theories is that it is a universal engine, in which universes are created to create material, as well as to fulfill desires. Regardless, it seems the entire symbias nation is around the idea of benefiting the minders and maintaining the resources needed for the passworld.
  Minders rarely go into battle, but when they do they are considered an extremely large threat in the battlefield. Minders that go into battle are known as Gods, who use extremely advanced technology beyond that of any species known today. A God is capable of destroying entire armies, perhaps even an entire fleet, their technology is so advanced and misunderstood that anticipating a gods ability is basically impossible, seeing a god in a battlefield is considered awe inspiring and extremely frightening, adding to the image within the symbias itself that minders are indeed spiritual gods. For other races such as the revice, seeing a god in action is of great interest as a lot of technological advancements can be made by simply observing and indirectly measuring the gods technology on the battlefield.

  2. Exterminators (Kets): The Exterminators, or known as Kets in their native language, are super soldiers created by the Blue Cross after thousands of years of genetic research, all considered to be the perfect being. The Kets were awakened early due to the threat of the Sentinels on the Blue crosses home world and thus were left without any sense of control from an external party, this made the kets themselves single thinking beings, capable of independent thought and decisions, less than a thousand kets were created and yet they've been extremely influential throughout the galaxy, being responsible for destroying the Blue Cross, Saving the universe from the Realm and threatening both the Revice, Symbias and Xenox simultanously.

  Kets are immortal and never age, they are extremely difficult to kill as they regenerate any wounds in seconds. Kets have reaction times that far exceed humans, being able to react to anything in nanoseconds, they have super human strength, they do not require oxygen to live, they are extremely intelligent and are master manipulators. In a one on one battle a Ket is unlikely to be defeated, though other creatures like the aforementioned Gods may be able to win. The Kets true strength comes in their strategy and tactical mind, they were able to turn Crimsons planetary shield against it, destroying the entire planet and killing everyone marking the beginning of the end of the Blue Cross. Callius was able to open the Realm portal, allowing for elements to be spread throughout the galaxy as well as starting the universal war. Oxer and Andres were responsible for creating a genetically modified army that devestated the expanded revice empire after the universal war. Vran single handedly assisinated many others kets as well as destroying many political figures in both the Xenox and the Union. Each single Ket was capable of destroying or saving species making them some of the most influential creatures within the universe.

  3. The G.O.: The G.O. standing for Gigantic Organism is the Hive mind of the Terronix and a rouge overseer from the Realm, being the oldest creature in the universe and being the size of a large planet. The G.O. is an overseer, the dominant species of the Realm universe, the universe that created our universe. The G.O. fled the realm and hid within our universe, severing the connection from our universe and their universe, which actually caused our universe to not be harvested and thus lay there long enough to create life (this severed connection was eventually reconnected by the aforementioned Callius).

  The G.O.s ability is not well known, as an overseer they are extremely powerful, being capable of manipulating darkons on a massive scale, however the G.O. was a lesser overseer and has its powers limited by being in a lesser universe. Despite these limitations the G.O. is still capable of destroying entire planets and stars as well as controlling an army that is considered to be one of the most powerful in the galaxy. The G.O. darkon ability allows it to teleport large distances, perhaps infinite distance, it is capable of creating warp storms on a massive scale and is capable of controlling millions of other organisms using darkon manipulation. The true extent of the G.O.'s power is unknown but it is believed to be extremely vast.

  4. The Overseers: The Overseers are the dominant species of the realm and are by far the most powerful known entities within this universe. They are basically omnipotent creatures that are capable of creating and destroying entire universes. They live in a higher universe to our universe, which means the physical laws of their universe are more lax than our universe through the inheritance principle. Their abilities, like the G.O.'s, are not exactly known but it is theorized that they could destroy universes at any whim if given full access to that universe. They are antagonistic to our universe, luckily for us the G.O. has created a limited connection to our universe in which the Overseers are unable to bypass through making the overseers only have limited access to our universe. Thus they usually send in the creatures of the Realm to do most of the work, as well as manipulating others from our universe on a massive scale.

  5. FSUs: FSUs or Fully Stocked Units are the strongest entities of the sentinels, an extremely powerful species of robotic creations that entire dominate the Beta sector of the milky way galaxy. The sentinels work based on programs (the minds) and units (the bodies), each unit has a maximum storage of interconnected unique program personalities that is generally in the trillions. Most units will only have a limited amount of programs, much smaller than the full storage capacity as destroying a unit will also destroy all the programs. However a unit that is fully stocked is an FSU and thus is working at maximum capacity.

  An FSU ability rivals that of any organic. Trillions of extremely intelligent minds communicate, sense and plan every action at the speed of light. The FSU is capable of seeing microbes from kilometers away, capable of moving faster than a bullet and capable of planning extremely complex strategies in fractions of a second. FSUs are some of the most powerful entities in a battlefield and destroying one is considered very hazardous to the Sentinels.
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2016, 12:58:09 AM »
This is all so in-depth!

I haven't read very much yet, but I'm intrigued.

When I get a chance I'll read the rest. I'm pretty busy rn.
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2017, 06:42:05 PM »
Because I'm constantly shaping this universe (as it expands) sometimes I rewrite certain aspects of the history. In this article I talk about the Externimators, also known as the Ket. While their history stays roughly the same, who they are and their names have changed somewhat.

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  The Blue Cross, before their apparent extinction (and revival into the Black Elegance), were masters of genetic engineering the likes that the galaxy had never seen. While many races strayed away from genetic engineering due to either lack of resources (Human case), ethical reasoning (Symbias case) or simple disinterest (Xenox case), the blue cross dedicated most of their technology into genetic engineering. All their thousands and thousands of years of research would cultivate into a class of super soldiers known via the galaxy as the Exterminators, but called by the Blue Cross as the Ket. These super soldiers had capabilities unlike any other, they had super human strength and speed, reflexes thousands of times quicker than any human, they could survive in space and other harsh environments, did not require food or water to survive, had super human intelligence, did not age and most importantly, had a healing factor that surpassed all others in the galaxy, being able to regrow limbs in minutes.

  Originally designed to have their minds controlled for the Blue Cross's needs, they were forced to be awoken early due to the incoming threat the Sentinels posed on the Blue Cross's home planet Crimson near the tail end of the War of Sapience. The awakening of these exterminators caused them to turn on their creators, single handedly destroying Crimson by sabotaging the planetary Tesla Grid that surrounded Crimson. There were only 150 soldiers and yet not only were they able to destroy an entire planet but were also able to fight back the Sentinel forces using advanced guerilla tactics that threatened the race originally. They carved a great trail of destruction, led by the Exterminator Samatos (previously known as "Sam" in these articles). However, exterminators were not invincible and several of them perished due to their exploits, as well Krotoros staged a cue against Samatos causing a civil war among the Exterminators. At the end of the war and chaos only a few Exterminators remained. Nether the less, they still managed to be extremely influential in the galaxy, here's a quick bio of all current living exterminators.

    Callius is by far the most influential person within the universe, treated as a god among some and a devil among others, he was the exterminator that opened the Realm into our galaxy, as well as the one to sacrifice himself in closing it off. Callius was no ordinary exterminator, a follower of Samatos, during the Civil war Callius survived the conflict and eventually went his own separate way exploring deep space in order to find purpose. There he found the a large mass of Darkons, later known to be a defective beacon that, once activated, would alert the Realm (our parent universe) of our universes existence, spurring the Universal war (read these articles to get more information about them). Callius activated the beacon out of curiosity and although the beacon fired, it was sabatoged (By the G.O. the leader of the Terronix and rouge Overseer in the realm that hid in our universe) causing it to explode and shatter it's fragments all across the galaxy, leading the formation of the Elements (rocks that grant people great time manipulating power). Callius, being the closest to the explosion, absorbed the most dark energy giving him unparalled space-time warping abilities. However, during the explosion Callius saw visions of the Realm and their intentions to harvest our universe, leading him on an quest to save our universe at all costs.

  His abilities become godlike, he was able to bring starships out of the sky, levitate entire armies and blast cities with the power of a nuclear bomb all with his mind. This coupled with his fantastic exterminator super human abilities, he became unstoppable. Lucky for many of the races involved in the universal war, Callius was not interested in participated within the conflicts but was interested entirely in stopping the realm. In his exploits he managed to generate a working relationship with humans (The Revice), forming a bond with a solider known as Alexander who was given proto-type exterminator treatment based on humans trying to replicate the Blue Cross's exterminator program. This working relationship greatly helped the Revice leave a foothold in the galaxy as they poured resources into aiding Callius's quest in exchange for Callius helping in several conflicts the Revice had, in which he did with great ease.

  Callius eventually completed his quest when he discovered the Universal Cannon, a failsave installed by the Realm that would destroy the entire universe with massive amounts of energy. He teleported the universal cannon out of our universe into the realm, and then fired it, causing devastation to the realm, killing himself and cutting most of the realm's connection to our universe, this also having the effect of dampening the elements abilities. Thus he saved the universe from the Realm threat.

    Oras is the second most influential person within the Galaxy, Oras was an exterminator that tempted to create a new army of exterminators. Oras survived the Exterminator civil war fighting on Krotoros's side, after the battle he went into hiding and lived in a small rural world farming. While keeping down appearances he was actually planning a great effort to use the world as a facility to clone himself, creating an army of new exterminators in the process. He sprung his plan into action near the beginning of the universal war, however the Revice and Symbias caught wind of the plan, and thwarted it. Oras once again hid from the galaxy, this time waiting thousands and thousands of years living in pure isolation, studying in secret, thought to be dead.

  After the universal war had been completed Oras once again attempted to clone an army of Exterminators, this time being much more successful, his army of exterminators was enough to overwhelm the Revice, the dominant army of that current period, and cause the war of Exterminators, the war to end all wars as this war destroyed almost all of interstellar civilization, leaving only some remnants left. Oras, in an act of history repeating himself, was killed by his own creations in a similar way to the Blue cross.

  Vran: The final, of-note Exterminator in our list, Vran was an assassin of exterminators. He neither followed Krotoros or Samatos during the civil war, he fled. Due to him fleeing after the civil war several exterminators attempted to track him down to kill him, but he evaded every single one. He began to harbor a great hatred for Exterminators and decided it was his mission to kill all other exterminators. He was relatively successful in killing about 15 exterminators. He was defeated by Callius but managed to survive the confrontation, he joined Oras during the war of Exterminators but when Oras died he once again fled. Vran is believed to be still alive, even after the war of the exterminators, completing his goal of having all other exterminators killed, he perhaps seeks to create his own intergalactic civilization with him as king.

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Re: My Universe
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2017, 11:11:21 AM »
Inspired by the warp factor within the star trek universe and how it makes little-to-no sense, I decided to talk about my own version of the warp factor for STVN travel. WARNING: Mathematical.

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  Space-Time Vortex Navigation (STVN) is the most common form faster-than-light travel within the universe. The mechanism of STVN uses darkons, space-time contracting particles, to create a miniature wormhole in front of a ship that the ship can move through. In more detailed terms, the ship fires a pellet of concentrated dark matter (matter made of darkons) in front of the ship, the dark matter pellet move at a high velocity and thus stretch space-time significantly, the ship than follows through the resulting space-time vortex and moves with incredible speed relative to the outside of the universe. The dark matter pellet eventually decays due to darkons from outside the space-time vortex pulling the pellet apart, and when the pellet completely decays the space-time vortex collapses and the ship appears inside the external universe, thus the ship has finished its travel. So the question is, how can we calculate how fast the speed is travelling?

  Although it may be tempting to calculate speeds or distances we have to realize that the space-time vortex changes both space and time and it's actually mathematically simpler and more intuitive to talk about time. There are three types of times we need to consider:
  - External time (te): This time is the time that moves relative to the entire universe, it is the "normal" time that everyone experiences outside the Space-time vortex.
  - Internal time (ti): This time is the time that moves inside the space-time vortex within STVN. The ship is moving insider this time-frame and it is not relative to the outside universe.
  - Ship's time (ts): This time is the time that moves relative to the occupants of the ship, this time is relative to the internal time within the space-time vortex and not the external time outside of it.

  There are thus three different ratios of time we need to consider, we'll talk about the warp factor first. The warp factor is a dimensionless logarithmic scale factor that defines the ratio between the internal time and the external time, the symbol for warp factor is w and the equation for the warp factor is w = ln(ti/te)/ln(10). For example a warp factor of 6 would mean that for every second in the external universe, 1,000,000 seconds would have passed within the space-time vortex. The warp factor is used to calculate the speed of the ship relative to the outside universe and thus is considered one of the more important factors to consider for STVN travel. To calculate the speed of the ship relative to the external universe the following formula is used ve = vi*10w where vi is the internal speed of the ship relative to the internal time. What this means is a ship that moves at the speed of light within a STV (space-time vortex) with a warp factor of 5 would move at 100,000 times the speed of light relative to the external universe.

  The second ratio that is important is dilation factor, this factor is once again a dimensionless logarithmic factor, but this time it is the ratio of ship time to internal time. A ship with a warp factor of 6 would mean that for every second in the external universe, 1,000,000 seconds would pass within the STV, this means someone moving with zero velocity in the STV would experience the time period of fortnight every second that passes in the universe. This is obviously not feasible for people to travel over these extended periods of time, however we have to remember that the ship is moving at relativistic speeds in respect to the Space-time vortex. What this means is that relativistic time dilation for people on the ship plays an important role in as the time in the ship moves slower with respect to the time within the STV. We use the normal time dilation formula to calculate the time dilation, and the factor becomes d = ln(1/(sqrt(1 - vi^2))/ln(10), where this in natural units (so v is a % of the speed of light). This dilation factor of 5 means that for every factor second on the ship, 100,000 seconds would pass within the STV. The normalization speed is the velocity that a ship has to move such that ship time and the external time are exactly equal (so one second in the external universe is equal to 1 second on the ship), this is the speed such that the warp factor and the dilation factor are equal. Calculating the normalization speed is equal to vn = sqrt(100w - 1))/10w, where w is the warp factor. So for example the normalization speed for a warp factor of 3 is 0.9999995c and the normalization speed for a warp factor of 6 is 0.9999999999995. As you can see these normalization speeds are extremely high and become higher the higher the warp factor, thus attaining a normalization speed for high warp factors is generally impossible.

  The final factor and, arguably, the most important factor is the livability factor and this is a measure of how livable an STVN jump is by comparing the ship time to the external time is. As you'd expect this can be derived from the warp factor and the dilation factor, the livability factor is given as l = d/w, where w = warp factor, d = dilation factor. At normalization speeds the livability factor is 1, above normalization speeds the livability factor is above 1 and below normalization speeds the livability factor is below 1. A livability factor of 0.05, that is for every second in the external universe, 20 seconds occurs on the ship, is considered the minimum practical livability factor that is allowed.

  For a short distance STVN ready craft that uses dark-matter batteries as fuel, the general warp factors range from 1 to 1.5, at 1.5 the ship needs to be moving at a speed of 0.774 to reach the 0.05 living factor. Most ships of this size travel at about 0.8c, meaning the living factor is about 0.0527. To the external universe a ship traveling at this speed with a warp factor of 1.5 would be traveling at about 25.3 times the speed of light, that is to travel from the sun to pluto it would take about 12 minutes relative to the outside of the universe, and 4 hours relative to people inside the ship.

  For a large distance STVN craft that has a darkon reactor to generate it's fuel, this craft will travel with a warp speed of about 4.5-5.5, at 5.5 the internal speed would need to be moving at speeds of about 0.9999999998c to achieve the livability minimum. The average large space ship uses a darkon reactor to generate about these speeds through the STV (requiring 1.8 * 1022 joules of energy, approximately the amount of energy the sun gives the earth each day). The ship to the external universe, at this speed, would be moving at 316,227 times the speed of light. At this speed it would take, to the external universe, 3.79 months to travel from one side of the milky way to the other, for occupants of the ship it would take 2 years.

  Courier ships are the fastest ships in the human fleet and are used for getting messages from one place to another. They are controlled by robots and thus the livability factor is not so important, the fastest courier ship travels with a warp factor of 7.2, meaning it could cross the milky way in 2 days relative to the external universe. Sentinel ships, which use LTM (Light matter transfer) to transfer themselves into light to avoid many of the costs have been known to travel to warp factor 8.6, which means they could cross the milky way galaxy in just 2.2 hours, this significant increase in speed is one of the reasons sentinels are so feared across the galaxy.

  FUN FACT: The time it takes on a ship to travel a distance is actually independent of the warp factor. Suppose d is the distance you have to travel, then the time is only proportional to the dilation factor, in terms of the internal speed the of the ship, the time it takes to travel a distance d to people on the ship is just ts = vi/(sqrt(1 - vi2))

« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 11:29:51 AM by anoni »
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2017, 05:46:32 PM »
More mathematics of STVN, while the previous mathematics was on the speed of STVN, this mathematics is about the maximum distance one can travel.

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  Read first paragraph of previous article about what STVN is, in this paragraph we explain in full detail the limits in distance and how one can calculate those limits. The general limit to how long an STVN can travel is via darkon decay, in which surrounding darkons within the external universe pull away the outer layers of the darkon pellet, eventually the darkon pellet decays completely and the STV collapses, causing the ship to finish it's journey (and causing a warp storm, explain later).

  Once again it is easier to talk about time than it is distance, so to calculate the time it takes to for the darkons to decay, we have to talk about the outside forces that are at play. The darkon pellet is held together by the contraction forces of the darkons themselves, the entire volume of the pellet (which can be approximated as a simple sphere) attracts the outer most layers towards the center of mass, the center. Darkons from outside the pellet pull away the darkons from the surface via a dark energy field, the field is proportional to the velocity of the darkon due to severe relativistic dilation effects, what this means is the faster the darkons appear to move with respect to other darkons increases those darkon attractions. This is the mathematical reason of the "Law of balance" in which all darkons seek to remain at rest and in equilibrium, by applying a force proportional to the speed they do this.

  Thus the total net force of the darkons is equal to Fnet = Fsphere - Fexternal. First we will calculate the force of the sphere that is keeping the darkons together. Darkons behave like any other material, thus the force overall is proportional to the number of darkons within the geometry multiplied by a force constant that each darkon exhibits. Thus the total force is the Force constant of each darkon * Volume of all the darkons * the density of darkons per unit volume. If we call the density p and the force constant k then the force on the sphere is simply p*k*(4/3)*Pi*r3, where r is the radius of the sphere. k turns out to be the volume of force space, which is around 1.24*10-30, and p turns out to be an extremely high number we will get into shortly.
  Calculating the external force that is applied is similar to calculating the force of a charge in a magnetic field. The dark energy field is given simply by the average density of darkons in the universe (pe) and charge constant per darkon multiplied by the apparent velocity (usually more than the speed of light) between the darkon pellet and the external universe. Thus the final formula for external force is just Fexternal = k*v*pe. Recall from the previous article that v = vi*10w where w is the warp factor, we'll go into detail on how to calculate the warp factor soon.

  Thus the final formula for the forces that exhibit the net force is F = k*(p*Vsphere - pe*v), on average pe tends to be around 1.3*1023 particles per cubic meter, while the sphere density tends to be about 10,000 times more at 1.8*1028 particles per cubic meter. Darkons tend to be further apart, this is also why dark matter clouds tends to be more gaseous. Thus with a sphere with a meter in diameter at warp 5 moving at 0.99c the net force of the darkons on the surface is equal to -0.0042 N, which means that slowly but surely the darkon decays significantly. All the darkons escape simultaniously, but the velocity of the outer surface is slower than the velocity of the inner sphere. To see this suppose we picked a point x between 0 and r of the sphere, it turns out that all the forces of the darkons for all values > x cancel out, which means that the force keeping those darkons together becomes Fx = k*p*(4/3)*Pi*x3 and as x < r than Fx < Fsphere, so all particles inside the sphere expand more quickly than the particles on the surface, but those particles never actually escape the surface of the sphere. So what occurs is a once solid sphere begins to become a hollow spherical shell, with the center of mass staying within the center of the shell. Thus we only need to calculate the outer layer of the sphere for speed.

  The escape velocity of the darkons, and the point in which the darkons evaporate, is given as similar to the escape velocity of the gravitation, it is given as ve = sqrt(k*p*(4/3)*Pi*r^2). Importantly the escape velocity here is not actually the velocity one needs to escape the sphere of influence, but rather the velocity one needs to get to in order for the force of the sphere to be negated in favour of the force of external darkons. In our above scenario our escape velocity would be 0.15 m/s, which would mean that our darkon ball would decay in just 38.3 seconds, not very long at all. Thus in terms of all factors the time it takes for the darkon sphere to break apart relative to the external universe is t = sqrt(k*p*(4/3)*Pi*r2)/(k*(pe*u*10w - p*(4/3)*Pi*r3) where k = darkon force constant (1.24*10-30, p = density of sphere ( 1.84*1028), pe = density of external universe (1.3 *1023), u = internal velocity of ship with respect to STV, w = warp factor and r = radius of the sphere.

  Now as you can see the time it takes for the darkons to travel is directly proportional to known factors, r, u and w, we will go into how to change the warp factor soon, but the easiest way to change the time is to modify r, the radius of the sphere, even tiny fluctuations in the radius of this sphere will lead to significant differences in time. Thus if we know a specified time we would like to move we can solve in terms of radius, the formula is too complicated to demonstrate here but it is important to note that only a few femtometres drastically changes the amount of time the darkon ball will stay consistent. For example, if we took our scenario from before, the amount of extra darkons we would need for the sphere to last a year instead of a day is only 3.06 billion darkons, where as the whole sphere contains ten thousand trillion trillion darkons. Luckily darkon reactors can be tuned to be extremely accurate, so this level of precious is generally considered feasible.

  An important concept is the critical radius of Dark matter, this is the radius in which the force of the darkon sphere directly equals the external forces of the darkons, this is important because if a sphere is exactly at the critical mass the darkon pellet would never decay! Above the critical mass, the darkon pellet would actually collapse in itself, with nothing stopping the sphere from simply crushing itself the darkon pellet would collapse into a black hole, causing a massive devastation within the ship itself. If a sphere was exactly at the critical mass the STVN jump would go on forever until it collided with something, a ship would be trapped within the STV and would never be able to escape. Darkon reactors tend to have a very advanced accuracy mode in which only single darkons are added to a dark energy pellet at a time, considering that the difference (in our above scenario) between the critical mass of darkons and the mass that would decay after a year turns out to be only 8.4 million darkons, in terms of radius this is only 4.566 * 10-22 m large, which is incredibly small! Thus extreme care is taken to make sure exactly the correct amount of darkons is added to the darkon pellet, using advanced computing techniques and accuracy charges.

  The warp factor itself is calculated using the velocity of the initial darkon pellet itself, this further complicates the equation because the warp factor becomes proportional to the velocity of the darkon pellet. The warp factor in terms of velocity is simply given as in the same vein as the time dilation for the pellet itself. Thus a warp factor is then given as w = log[10](1/sqrt(1-upellet^2)) thus in order to gain a warp factor of 5.5 the pellet would need to be moving at speeds of 0.999999999995c, the accuracy and drastic speed of these pellets is why only large cruisers can go up to warp 5.5 or above, while small cruisers only need to go to warp 1.5, which only  requires speeds of about 0.9994c, while still a lot today, in the time period this universe is set in this is not so much.

  Thus in summary the full equations will be given in the next article, but basically one only needs to calculate the time it takes for a darkon sphere to decay (usually requiring a lot of accuracy).

  NOTE: Technically, the force between two darkons is inversely proportional to the radius squared, so as the outer shell of darkons expands, the force binding the darkons would decrease, which means the darkons would last very slightly shorter than what is calculated here. Will investigate further, it may seem to counter act this that we must divide a factor r2 from the force equation. Must investigate further.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 06:55:57 PM by anoni »
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2017, 05:53:37 PM »
This is summarizing the the previous two articles by just referencing the important equations and what they mean

First a short description of STVN. Shoot a pellet of space-time contracting darkons in front of a spaceship, this creates a space-time vortex (STV) where time runs differently, the ship than moves inside the space-time vortex and thus is able to travel at exceptional speeds.

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  • Warp factor: log[10](1/sqrt(1 - vpellet2).
    • EXPLANATION: This factor represents how much time passes inside the STV compared to how much time passes outside the STV.
    • vpellet = velocity (as a % of speed of light) the pellet moves at
    • log[10] = log based 10
  • External velocity: ve = vi*10w
    • EXPLANATION: This is the velocity that a ship moves relative to the external universe.
    • vi = velocity that the ship moves relative to the STV
    • w = warp factor
  • Livability factor: l = 1/(sqrt(1 - vi2)*10w)
    • EXPLANATION: This factor represents how much a second in the external universe counts towards a second on a ship moving at some vi relative to the STV. A livability factor of 0.05 is generally considered the minimum livability, this means that however long the travel time takes in the external universe, it'll take 20 times longer for people on the ship
  • Time it takes to travel some distance d relative to outside the universe: te = d/ve
  • Time it takes to travel some distance d relative to people inside the ship: ts = d*vi/sqrt(1 - vi2)
  • Darkon decay time: tdecay = sqrt(k*p*(4/3)*Pi*r2)/(k*(pe*vpellet*10w - p*(4/3)*Pi*r3)
    • EXPLANATION: This is the time it takes for the darkon pellet to decay and thus is the time it takes for STVN jump to end. This is relative to inside the STV.
    • k = darkon force constant, equal to about 1.24 * 10-30
    • p = density of the darkon pellet, equal to about 1.8 * 1028 darkons per cubic meter
    • pe = average density of darkons in space, equal to about 1.3 * 1023 darkons per cubic meter
    • r = radius of the darkon pellet
    • Solve for r and multiply by p to get how many darkons are required to for a particular time the darkons must travel. Multiply this by the ve velocity to get the distance that will be travelled.
  • Critical amount: rcritical = p*0.01190690251 * (vpellet*10w)1/3
    • EXPLANATION: This is the maximum amount of darkons that can be placed inside a pellet. Beyond this critical amount the darkon pellet will collapse into a black hole, at exactly this critical amount the STVN will never end the ship will be trapped in the STV until it collides with something.
Now for a few examples:

EXAMPLE 1: A small ship capable of firing a darkon pellet at 0.999c and moving at speeds of 0.8c wants to be able to move to the nearest star, 4.2 light years away
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  The warp factor of such a ship would be 1.349. The speed the ship would be moving would be 17.893 times the speed of light. The amount of time it would take to make the trip for people on the ship would be 3.15 years, thus the darkon pellet would need to be made with exactly 61,762,087,406,633,318,889,315,662 darkons (about 0.23 metres radius). The time it would take to travel such distance relative to the external universe would only be 2.8 months. The livability factor for such a ship is 0.0745.

EXAMPLE 2: A large cruiser capable of firing a darkon pellet at 0.999999999995c, capable of traveling at speeds of 0.9999999995c, wants to travel 100,000 light years (across the milky way).

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The warp factor is 5.5. The speed the ship would be moving is 316,228 times the speed of light. For occupants of the ship the trip would take 3.16 years, thus there would need to be exactly 1,493,948,415,296,281,657,709,770,797 darkons in the darkon pellet (a radius of about 0.8112 metres). The time it would take to travel the distance to universe outside the ship would be 3.794 months. The livability factor for the ship would be 0.1.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 06:44:29 PM by anoni »
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2017, 03:10:28 PM »
Finally I did some construction on the Xenox society, which has been a mystery in this thread for some time. Xenox are the second most powerful race in the alpha sector of the galaxy (and one of the most powerful in the galaxy overall). Thus it is important to note who they are, their history and their society.

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  The Xenox are thick skinned, hammerhead like yellow/orange aliens that have a reputation within the galaxy for being both capable warriors and surprisingly good diplomats. Unlike the Symbias, which comprises of a very structured, hierarchical empire of multiple races, the Xenox acts more as a massive conglomerate of nomads loosely working together to create a cohesive whole. The Society of the Xenox is ever shifting and changing, making up billions of clans and tribes in a self sustaining society.

  The Xenox originally came from a planet ruled by another race known as the Serratan, the Serratan had used the Xenox as pets, as the Xenox's intelligence was much lower than that the of Serratan. However, as time went on, the need for more intelligent slave labour arose, so Xenox with higher intelligence were unintentionally selectively bred, as more and more intelligent slaves were required to work on different systems within the planet. Soon, the Xenox intelligence was beginning to be that of about a humans when the Xenox revolted, around the same time the Serratan had began interstellar travel. The Xenox overthrow the Serratan rule and exterminated almost every Serratan that existed, it is now believed that the Serratan are extinct.

  With a crude understanding of the technology created by the Serratan, the Xenox reverse engineered many of the serratans creations, creating them for their own and expanding the empire. This process of consistent reverse engineering has become a staple of the Xenox intelligence, there are very few Xenox scientists and instead the tech core is comprised of almost entirely engineers, using technology and knowledge from other races to synthesis their designs. This amalgamates into a species of very diverse and unique designs that take inspiration from almost every other species of the universe.

  One of the most notable features of the Xenox is their population, having a population within the trillions the Xenox are the most populated sentient species in the galaxy. Due to their upbringing as slaves they were adapted for harsh conditions, to eat very little food and to breed very quickly, thus Xenox require very little essential resources to survive and can be helm many children quickly. This also means the Xenox are very difficult to defeat, because while their technology is usually not as much advanced as other species technology such as the Symbias, their sheer numbers make for a significant threat. The only issue that the Xenox has is a lack of raw resources, most of the Xenox live in poverty and have very little possessions, and thus most the Xenox conquering is due to gaining resources for their own race.

  The Xenox society has no consistent structure, which is very unusual for empires of this size. There is no singular leader or council that controls all of the species, or even a majority of it. The xenox is instead made up of countless tribes who consistently move around from location to location, the human idea of a "home" does not really relate to the Xenox, who instead seek to move and explore rather than remain in one place for too long. However, in times of danger, such as when a massive war is brewing, many tribes will band together to create a temporary empire, these tribes are usually lead by an elected leader or council of leaders that coordinates the war effort and the military. As well, military resources such as star ships and so forth are usually bought through multiple tribes combined effort, thus alliances within tribes are common, but these as well are forever shifting. In fighting between the Xenox is extremely common, wars between tribes happens almost constantly, however these wars can be halted if a big enough threat emerges or there is a big enough need. Xenox usually operate on a principle of the common good rather than a principle of the "do what my boss says", so they don't often need leaders to be convinced to go to war.

  This constantly changing structure can be likened to water, where as the rock of human or xenox society can break against their enemy, it is difficult for a rock to break water. Xenox military is just as fluid as their society, and once again each military is comprised of tribes or alliances of tribes, and temporary empires can be formed if a need arises. Due to the general fluidity of the society, military discipline is not very common, tactical assessments beyond small movement tactics is equally uncommon as xenox attacks tend to be more random in nature as many different plans will be executed at once. This makes the Xenox a difficult foe to deal with as it is difficult to fully predict where the xenox will go and what they will do, as many xenox don't even know what their brothers in arms will do. This makes the Xenox equally hard to attack as each tribe of the Xenox can behave more or less independently, meaning one can't just assassinate a leader and break the resolve, to truly snuff out a xenox thread one needs to overcome all of the xenox. While loose leadership is employed in times of large battles, this leadership generally only picks out targets and the more nitty gritty of battle usually comes down to the tribes themselves. This does have the unfortunate side effect of causing infighting DURING battle however as tribes who are enemies may begin fighting amongst themselves as well as fighting against the enemy, however as the perceived threat gets larger, the cases of infighting gets smaller.

  Xenox on an individual basis generally idolize battle, but again this isn't consistent throughout the entire race. Xenox warriors are known for being some of the most ferocious and powerful warriors in the galaxy, being able to tank many shots, run very fast and have the strength of 2 or 3 human men. Xenox however do vary as much as their society does, some xenox can be weaker or smaller than humans, while some rare xenox, known as titans, can be as tall as a 4 story building. Xenox weaponry is generally crude, the weapons a xenox has is generally based on how rich the tribe that that xenox belongs to, however some consistent and efficient weaponry designs have circulated through the tribes so many xenox weaponry are made consistent and similar. In general xenox weaponry works via projectile of spike-like bullets, the reasoning for these projectiles is due to an efficient design in which the least amount of resources are used per bullet. The bullets are usually made of silicon or some other abundant metal depending on the resources of the time. The bullets are generally less accurate and cruder than those of humans but they do the job, the xenox generally have a quantity over quality assessment about them. Many xenox engineers have been working tirelessly to try and replicate the electro-plasma that the Symbias use, as this appears to be a resource-less way to fire projectiles, however there has been no luck in cracking that mystery.

  Xenox do form large collectives outside their tribes, when the need arises. These include xenox owned businesses and corporations, factories and industrial zones and engineering and scientific initiatives, these are not considered leadership roles but are instead considered "outside" of xenox society, behaving under a different level to the day to day lives of the xenox. The most interesting form of collective is a diplomatic collective, this is when a large band of tribes agrees to elect a diplomat to represent those tribes to outside species, in general the trade deals and diplomatic deals made by the diplomat are agreed to by all tribes the diplomat represents. This means that despite a constantly changing and shifting society, the xenox can become diplomatic with other races and are surprisingly good with this, forming complex trade deals with the Symbias.

  The Xenox acts as an interesting model of a society that has no inherent structure or leaders but instead acts as a flowing river changing to the circumstances that the river needs to change to.
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2017, 08:12:51 AM »
So an updated summary of all the major races in the galaxy, feel free to read if you want a simple up-to date on the races of the galaxy.

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Humans (AKA Revites by Symbias)

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  Humans act as a general minor race within galactic politics. Coming from a planet known as Earth, humans discovered STVN and darkon technology relatively early on in their evolution. The best, brightest and richest humans were the first to explore space, as well as the military and several colonists who were used as manual labor. Unfortunately, the humans exploration gave voice to a new unexplored area of the galaxy for many other races and the Symbias, who needed materials abundant in that sector, decided to invade the Sol system and the systems around it. This resulted in a war in which earth and most of humanity was wiped out, leaving only the humans that explored off-world left to carry on humanity. Eventually 3 factions emerged from this, the Unified Assembly which was founded by the scientists and social elite, the Military Alliance founded by the military officers and the relatively new Colonist front founded by the colonists and farmers that felt they were abused by the other factions.

  Humans primarily occupy the alpha sector of the galaxy, and are generally considered dying out (though as the story moves forward humans get much more powerful and important in galactic politics).

Symbias (AKA The Union by humans, Atos by Xenox)

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  The Symbias is a structured empire of many races, led by the immensely intelligent and ancient race known to the humans as the Minders. The Minders power and intelligence is unparalleled within the galaxy, however most of the minders live in a mysterious place in dark space known as the Cloud Palace and do not really care for the politics of the Symbias empire. Coming in second of Authority is the Strikers (human named) who are tanky bug-like creatures of supreme intellect, great physical prowess and a long lifespan of 300 years (compared to the minders life span of about 2,000). The Strikers take up a leadership role in the day to day. The great majority of the Symbias is made up of troopers, reptile like aliens who have an intelligence slightly less than that of a human, who have a very honor driven society and are naturally and genetically predisposed to obey authority. Several other species, including many humans, have joined the Symbias empire due to their power and prosperity, but within the empire there is a strict hierarchy and almost racist attitude towards perceived inferior species. Because of this it is extremely unlikely a trooper, human or any other species will get any form of leadership role, though exceptions have been made rarely in the past.

  The Symbias operate on all sectors of the galaxy, but primarily in the alpha sector. One of their crowning achievements is a mysterious substance known as electroplasma that is used for energy transport, weaponry and all sorts of utilities within the race. The electroplasma is made in the cloud palace and the operations of creation are unknown.


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  The Xenox make up an anarchistic nomadic conglomerate of different tribes loosely working together for the common good. The Xenox are ferocious, tough and agile in battle, yet diplomatic, intelligent and understanding out of it. The Xenox began as pets and animals for another species known as the Serratan, but due to selective breeding the Xenox became more intelligent and eventually overthrew their previous masters. The Xenox have no formal government or leadership control, instead opting to create temporary alliances and empires when the need arises. In-fighting between the xenox is common as each tribe is almost always fighting every other tribe as the species in constant flux. The species is also the most populated, having very little need for food, water and other essential resources, being bred to survive in harsh conditions.

  The Xenox operate in the alpha sector of the galaxy and make up the second most powerful race within the Alpha sector.


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  The origin of the Sentinels are unknown but they have existed for an extremely long time in the galaxy. The sentinels are a robotic race who are believed to be created by an ancient unknown species. The sentinels eventually overcame their species and have been self-improving themselves ever since. The true extent of the sentinels intellect and power is unknown, what is known is they are perhaps the strongest species in the galaxy, dominating all of the Beta sector. As sentinels are machines, they exhibit two different properties, the software component (known as programs) and the hardware component (known as units). Each program works concurrently with every other program within a unit and can be used as a malleable robust processing thread that can be transferred from unit to unit on the fly. Programs and units are created in mega structures known as Cloud servers, these servers allocate raw material to create a unit and software processing to create a program. Creating robust threads such as the programs can take a considerable amount of time for even a cloud server, so the amount of programs that exist are limited. Any sentinel unit can have up to 120,000,000,000 programs in it, the more programs a sentinel unit has the more intelligent it becomes, a unit that is at its processing max for programs is known as a fully stocked unit.

  As mentioned sentinels operate in the Beta galaxy and primarily dominate that area of the galaxy

Black Elegance (Used to be called "Blue Cross")

Spoiler for Hidden:

  The Blue Cross were humanoid-like aliens that operated within the beta-sector of the galaxy. The blue cross were intently interested in genetic engineering, and had some of the most advanced genetic engineering technology in the galaxy. The Blue cross also had controversial ideas on the concept of choice and determinism, and believed that choice was the root of all problems. The blue cross created the immortal super soldiers known as the Ket, they were wiped out by a combined effort of the Ket and the Sentinels. The stragglers remained in the beta sector in hiding, being contacted by the Realm, and indoctrinated into constructing specialized suits that make them easier to indoctrinate, also making them not age and become sterile. There are currently about 2 million Blue cross individuals left, now known as the Black Elegance, all are being used for war. The Black elegance generally do spying for the realm and have infiltrated almost every major race in every sector of the galaxy, using advanced cloaking and disguising techniques given to them by their suits. A single black elegance soldier is considered a significant threat.

  Black elegance operate in all sectors of the galaxy, but primarily the Beta sector.

The Realm

Spoiler for Hidden:

  Our universe was not born from nothing, but instead was created by a higher tier universe. The higher tier universe that created ours is known as the Realm. During events within the story the Realm discovers the existence of our universe as they attempt to harvest the resources of a rogue universe. Not much is known about the realm as there is no way to fully contact it, what is known as that there is a species of race called, by humans, the Overseers which are immensely powerful and are treated as gods by many individuals of many races. The Overseers do not enter our universe, as doing so would limit their power (as they would have to obey our laws of the universe which are more limited than the laws of the Realm), so they contact species of our universe via proxy and darkon manipulation. Besides the overseers there are billions among billions of unique and less powerful realm species that are much more mindless and destructive than the overseers, these realm creatures can be seen as the equivalent of bacteria for the Realm universe, and these species enter our universe in order to help harvest resources and life forms from the universe.

  The Realm operates on all sectors of our galaxy and many other galaxies, they are the single greatest threat to the universe.

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Terronix are the most ancient species of the galaxy and are considerably technology advanced. Despite this apparent technological advancement, the terronix behave more like beasts than sentient creatures. They do not communicate to other species of the galaxy, they are not bipedal and they generally act as a coordinated ants rather than a human or intelligent creature. The terronix are made up of a living material known as terronite, terronite absorbs darkons and is used as the source of energy for the terronix, because of this the terronix do not require food, water or sunlight and can survive even in the vacuum of space, as darkons are omnipresent around the universe. The terronix are ruled or controlled by a massive planet-sized hive mine known as the G.O. (Gigantic organism), it is revealed later in the story that the G.O. is actually a rogue overseer from the Realm, and is the reason our universe has survived for as long as it has.

The terronix are the sole occupants of the Gamma sector of galaxy, anyone who enters the Gamma sector is sure to be destroyed by the terronix, however the terronix very rarely expand outside the gamma sector. The terronix's power is immense and they may be the most powerful species in the galaxy, though their true capabilities are unknown.
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2017, 03:40:07 PM »
We've heard a lot about the science of the world, but we haven't heard much about the scientists, here is an article that talks about how modern scientists study and formula theories of our universe.

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  Among the technologically advanced civilizations within the galaxy new science is one of the most top sought after goals within the species. Scientific advancements and breakthroughs are universally cherished within races in the alpha sector (and to a lesser extent the beta sector), because of this many different scientific professions have sprung up, as well interspecies scientific projects have been launched, even in times of war.

  Scientists have evolved from current science today, many new scientific fields have been created that have opened up new forms of study. One of these fields is the Alchemists, scientists who transmute matter using nuclear fission and fusion. Due to darkon reactors outputting more energy that cold fusion, alchemists can use that energy to force particles into each other creating new elements from previous elements, this process is known as transmutation and allows, with enough energy, to transmute any form of matter into any other form of matter. Because of the significant amount of energy it takes for transmutation on a large scale, most transmutations occur to create small amounts of rare materials like plutonium, gold or anything heavier than uranium. New elements have also been discovered via this transmutation method, with elements as high as 132 being created (though these elements are extremely unstable and thus collapse almost immediately). Alchemists play an important role in material science in all species, allowing the manufacturing of any rare material from a common material.

  Another new form of scientists is that of femtoscale material science. Advanced technology has allowed for advanced creation of materials using femtoscale material science, allowing material sculpting on the subatomic scale with accuracy of hundredths of an atomic nucleus. The process of doing this is using a technology called Dark lasers, though the terminology is misleading as these "lasers" don't use stimulated emission to function. Basically, at these scales even photon waves are too large and matter waves are too destructive to the material, so to compensate single darkons are manipulated via two oscillating tiny specs of dark matter (that oscillate physically) surrounded by a dark matter absorbing material (such as echelon). The dark energy waves are used to quickly oscillate a darkon in the center of the apparatus above the material, the resulting minature gravity waves push the atoms in the matter by such a tiny degree as to work on the femtoscale. Of course such manufacturing must be done at extremely cold temperatures, that of 0.15 picokelvin, but once upon achieving these temperatures materials can be fabricated with almost infinite precision. Once the material has been fabricated a form of darkon shielding can be placed, in which a large cluster of darkons is carefully injected into the material at certain points, this causes the material to clump slightly, but also causes the atoms within the material to be more restricted and act more elastic than free. The result is a material that, more or less, keeps its shape after the femtoscale fabrication, obviously not to the degree of a femtoscale but to a significant degree none the less. Femtoscale material science is what has allowed for the creation of extremely tough metals and polymers, as well as biological manipulation and the creation of higher quality echelon, material used to absorb dark energy fields.

  Dark science is a new branch of science that attempts to explain the physics of darkon interaction. Despite many technologies being based in one way or another with darkons, the actual science governing darkons is considered the most difficult science that exists, and most darkon calculations use generalizations. Dark chemistry, for example, proposes that dark molecules made entirely of darkons could exist. Dark Weapon Engineering seeks to develop weapons using darkon technology, one of the difficulties with developing dark weapons is the size of darkon apparatuses and the danger that they yield for the user, portable dark weaponry is still in its infancy while naval dark weapon has been implemented to a limited degree among many races. IT is believed that dark science is the top tier of state of the art technology, and devices developed with dark science are considered some of the most advanced and useful in the universe. Some religions however, believe that manipulating darkons manipulates the very fabric of the universe itself (which, considering darkons are omnipresent and account for the energy of empty space itself, is not too far away from the truth) and warn that manipulating darkons could lead to the destabilization of reality, something that can be seen on a local scale with rip currents and warp storms.

  There is however a more advanced form of science than even dark science, though only one race in the known universe has been able to achieve it, universal science. Universal science is the science between different universes and works with calculating interactions between two universes of different tier. An example would be the interaction between the Realm (the universe that created our universe) and our universe. The Symbias have created lower tier universes within the cloud palace, and have used these exceptional developments to advance technology far beyond that of any other species within the milky way. Universal science is generally quite useful, one can create universe and have a hundred trillion years pass in that universe in only a few seconds in our universe, they then can harvest resources from that universe after the long gestation periods. Universal mechanics though is very complicated because it deals with the very foundations of logic and our universe themselves, for example people from a higher tier universe generally cannot insert themselves into a lower tier universe due to the laws of physics in the lower tier universe being more restrictive or incompatible to those of the higher tier universe. The Inheritance Principle, the guiding principle of all of universal science, states that a child universe must always be more restrictive than the parent universe, that the laws of physics within the childs universe must create a higher restriction or less freedom than that of the parent universe.

  Finally, there are many neutral zones around the galaxy known as Science Stations. Science stations are space stations that hold many scientists of many different species, clans or creed, all in the hope of achieving further science. Science stations are usually heavily climate controlled, with cold rooms and no gravity within the stations. Science stations are respected by all sentient species in the alpha sector, so even in times of war or conflict, the science stations run as normal. Attacking a science station in war is considered extremely negative by all races and will generally get you a lot of flack from both outside and inside your empire. Some scientists are told to hide information from other scientists, such as sensitive data or weaponry, but in general scientists within science stations are there for the common good of discovering new things. This occasionally means that morality and ethics can be a bit blurred as different cultural values clash, but in general science stations act as neutral stations dedicated to the pursuit of science.
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2017, 04:53:45 PM »
Just some more on the military weaponry of the Revice (Humans)

Spoiler for Hidden:

  The nature of the humanity, known throughout the galaxy as the Revice, is a troubled past. Earth, the revice home planet, was destroyed by the Symbias while about half of humanity now lived offworld. With their center government and major economic center destroyed in an instant many offworld colonies were left isolated and stranded. An effort by the surviving top scientists and military generals went on a mission to re-unify humanity and about 250 years after the event the mission is mostly successful. However, with humanity being decentralized, resources and industry have taken a bit of stagnation, humanities numbers have declines and humanity seems to be on struggling species.

  Humanity has splintered into three nations, the Unified Assembly, Military Front and Colonist Union (Union of the Frontiersman). The bulk of the Revice military of course comes from the Military Front. Because of the decentralized environment within the Revice, industry and mass production of weapons is relatively limited, while standard issue weapons do exist they are controlled by the Military Front government, with no privatization involved. This has caused a lot of unique custom made weapons being made among revice personel or for corporations to use what resources they have to create some unique weapons among the troops.

  The standard set of weaponry that the Revice use is from B-series, manufactured by the Military Front, there are 138 different variations of weapons, most have been defunct and are no longer manufactured. The following weapons are still manufactured and are readily used within the Revice military

  B-23: A handgun, it uses standard combustion era bullets, using 8 bullets of depleted uranium. The handgun is a revolver and fires bullets of about a .45 ammunition.
  B-52: The most widely used weapon in the revice military, it is a MAR (Mass Accelerated Rifle) that uses electromagnetic repulsion to fire its rounds. It is a semi-automatic battery charged rifle that fires curved slugs at a maximum firerate of about 300 rounds per minute. Each round is about 20mm in diameter and fires an aluminium alloy RTS (Room temperature superconductor). The rounds weigh about 0.2 grams and move at about 300,000 m/s, making them have a total kinetic energy of about 70 MJ (about 25x more powerful than a 50 caliber). Their compactness, accuracy, mobility and full force make it a favourite among soldiers. However due to the significant recoil and heating, this weapon is used more as a single shot rifle than a true automatic one.
  B-77: An automatic combustion rifle that uses explosive bullets and fires at a rate of about 600 rounds per minute. The rifle uses magnetic stabilizes in order to attempt to reduce recoil so is battery powered as well. The bullets are relatively large, about 9.24 x 45 mm, they also contain usually an explosive payload at the tip of the bullet to further maximize damage. The B-77 is considered a heavy rifle. Because of the explosive and bulky nature of this weapon, it is much better at inflicting overall damage than the B-52, however it suffers in penetration.
  B-94: The B-94 is a single shot MAR that is used as a sniper rifle. It uses the same technology within the B-52 but fires a larger round weighing about 45 grams, and fires them a little faster at 450,000 m/s.  This means the full impact of the sniper rifle has about 6.5x more energy than a single shot of the B-52. However because the bullet is heavier than that of B-52, the bullet sacrifices a bit of penetration for overall power, this single shot sniper is commonly seen in snipers.
  B-120: The B-120 is a handheld recoilless missile launcher that fires a missile with a high explosive incendiary payload. Within the tip of the missile is also small fragments of depleted uranium that sent off in all directions during the explosion. This weapon is an ideal anti-vehicle and anti-personell weapon, making it very useful in an arsenal. Some people call it the "Three circles of hell" as the missile detonate with a powerful shockwave, send fire outwards in all directions and also send pellets of high velocity shrapnel.

  As stated though, a huge portion of weapons are hand modified or not mass produced, and a small number of weapons are mass produced with limited supply by private corporations. There are two notable weapons that are produced under limited supply.

  Lancer: The Lancer is a heavy machine gun designed to put on vehicles or super soldiers (new hope/final hope). It is a slow firing automatic MAR that fires 1 kg slugs at a speed of about 750,000 m/s, it fires these at a rate of about 180 rounds per minute. A single projectile from the Lancer inputs 400x more energy than the B-52, the projectiles may also be modified to have further explosive payloads added (at an expense to the projectiles speed). A single projectile of the lancer is capable of literally turning an armoured human into dust, making it one of the most powerful handheld weapons in the revice arsenal. It cannot be fired by a normal human to the huge amounts of recoil that would cause significant injury to humans.
  Multiple Shoulder Mounted Giant Railgun: MSMGR or "MSM" for short is the heaviest handheld weapon within the revice military. It is designed to be equipped by vehicles or multiple people at a time, it fires one shot and takes about 2 minutes to reload. It is a handheld RMAC (Relativistic Mass Accelerator Cannon), that fires a high explosive round of about 0.5 kg at 15% the speed of light. The amount of kinetic energy that the projectile contains is 500 TJ of energy, about 2,000 times more than a Lancer projectile and hence 800,000 times more than the B-52 projectile (Or 200,000,000 times more energy than a 50 caliber). The weapon is capable of penetrating any known material in the universe, though often the projectile will shatter on impact and relativistic shrapnel will pepper the target. Even with magnetic dampeners the weapons recoil is so significant that to be fired by humans, multiple humans must mount the weapon to the ground, a crew of 3 soldiers is usually required to fire the weapon. Despite this it is considered a devastating weapon, even by other races.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 10:15:59 AM by anoni »
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Re: My Universe
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2018, 01:50:00 PM »
Yet more detail about the organization of Humanity, this goes into the politics and society of each of the three nations of humanity.

Spoiler for Hidden:
General Assembly:

  The General Assembly is the largest nation of humanity (Revice) and was founded by the brightest scientists and engineers within the Revice. Thus it comes to no surprise that the Revice is founded as a technocratic oligarchy in which the brightest minds in their respective fields have undisputed and complete control of the empire. The general assembly functions with primary focus on industry and scientific advancement, this focus has made the Revice one of the most technologically advanced civilization in the galaxy despite being relatively new and of few number. Unfortunately one of the side effects with a high tech, scientific focus means there are very few blue collar workers, meaning that there is not a centralized governmental focus on mass production, meaning that massed produced goods are relatively limited within the general assembly due to a limited workforce.

  Despite this, life in the more populated areas of the General Assembly is generally quite privileged. All people go to publicly funded education centers from the ages of 2 to 24, from the ages of 16-24 citizens are expected to work an occupation as well as study. Private industry is very welcomed within the General assembly and a very large focus of societal control over the common folk is through corporate entities. Large businesses within the General assembly mainly dictate the policies, occupation and overall growth of smaller communities, acting as unofficial surrogate councilmen. In exchange for facilitating public needs such as food, water and shelter, the corporation is usually given a guarantee of employees for the future. Citizens who work in a corporate controlled section of the city generally sign a contract that subscribes them to future or current employment within that corporation for an extended or indefinite period of time, this means that city district investments are a lucrative business model for many corporate entities within the Revice. The schools, and government for entire large population of cities however are government controlled and not privately owned.

  Ruling over the entire General Assembly is the Council of 13, 12 of these members are split into four equal sized groups with the 13th member acting as the speaker chancellor. Each member of the council is considered a foremost expert within their field, they selected via a third party committee who scours the entirety of the general assembly for future candidates for the next councilmen position. Usually these individuals have shown intense intellect and have demonstrable achievements within their field. Councilmen hold undisputed authority and the ability to command groups including private entities to follow any action or duty they enlist. The following council position are listed the following groups
  Concilium of Scientia: Councilmen 1 - 3 are part of this group and are the leading scientists of the general assembly, usually consisting of a physicists, chemists, Doctors and mathematicians. This group generally oversees all of scientific advancements and has a close eye on many of the innovating private entities, directing the form of innovation that the Revice moves forward to.
  Concilium of Machinis: Councilmen 4 - 6 are part of this group and are the leading engineers and manufacturers of General Assembly. They specialize in direction of engineering and manufacturing, they handle the workforce, production and general manufacturing of all goods within the entire general assembly.
  Concilium of Pecunia: Councilmen 7 - 9 are part of this group and are the leading economists, finance experts and so forth. These people manage the internal stock market of the General assembly as well trade deals with other nations. These councilmen are soley focused in keeping the General Assembly funded and making sure the Revice as a whole have enough resources to maintain society.
  Concilium of Artibus: Councilmen 10 - 12 are part of this group and are the leading diplomats, legal experts and management authority. These councilmen are in charge of setting laws across the General assembly and handling diplomatic relations with other revice nations and xeno empires.
  Concilium of Auctoritatis: Councilmen 13 is the sole member of this group and acts as the governing authority over the other 12 councilmen. It is unfair to say this councilmen is in charge of the other councilmen, instead they act as the Speaking Chancellor which, despite the name, acts as a mediator role between the other councilmen. Basically whenever there is a dispute between councilmen it is the act of the Speaking Chancellor to resolve the dispute, whether that means making a decision to side or not side with a person.

The Military Front:

  The Military Front's history is that of Generals, they were founded by the military arm of humanity and thus once again it is no surprise they work as a Autocratic Military Dictatorship. The Military Front works almost completely differently to the General Assembly, favouring mass production over scientific advancement, a symbiotic relationship between the General Assembly and the Military Front has been established, with the General Assembly working on innovation and the Military Front working on manpower.

  Military service is mandatory for all citizens in the Military Front and in fact everyone who is born is immediately enlisted into the military as soon as they're born. However it should be noted that despite 100% of all citizens in the Military Front being in the military most of them do not actually fight in combat, but instead work on production or food produce in order to maintain the other fighters.

  Everyone in the Military Front is given a rank, when you are born you are given the rank of Cadet, upon reaching the age of 12 you are given the rank of Private. Ranks within the Military Front work much differently than ranks in the military, a rank is an actual sign of social significance, Privates are not privates in fighting, but indeed someone could be a "Private" farmer or a "Sergeant Miner", these ranks represent status within their respective occupations whether it be combat or not, thus attaining higher ranks is seen as exceptionally important to many people within the Military Front. A classification of all the ranks are below.

   Cadet: All children of the Military Front are given the Cadet rank, this rank is not specialized in any occupation and instead Cadets are expected to pick or be picked an occupation for them to learn about.
  Private (Third class): Upon reaching 12, every member is given an occupation (sometimes they get to choose) whether it be fighting, farming, mining, machining or so forth and are then given the rank of Private (third class). This generally means they are the lowest form of occupation, basically an apprentice or internship.
  Private (Second class): A promotion from Private third class a private 2nd class is a private who has shown enough utility to be considered beyond an apprentice, it is generally expected members get this rank at the age of 16, but some can get the rank much earlier or later.
  Private (First Class): A private first class is a rare rank, and is generally seen as an alternative to Private Second class. Promotion to Corporal (the rank above First Class) cannot happen until the person is of 18 years of age, so to compensate people are promoted to this rank if they are doing exceptionally well in the job but cannot be promoted to Corporal. First class privates are generally for prodigy youth who are expected to go far.
  Private (Inpedimentum): A private Impedimentum is given to someone who has been unable to reach even Private Second Class by the age of 24. In general this is a very negative rank that reaches slightly above first class but below second class private. Privates who get this rank can never be promoted beyond this rank and are generally considered embarrassments or inferior people.
  Corporal (Second class): Corporals are given to people who are considered experts in their field or senior members of there field. They can only be given to people who are 18 or over but are rarely given to people who are 18 (they must be a Private First Class to be promoted at 18). A lot of Second class privates skip Private first class and go straight to corporal when promoted.
  Corporal (First Class): A more senior Corporal version, corporal First classes are a direct promotion from Corporal Second class (though some people can skip Corporal second class altogether for this rank). Corporal First classes are generally considered professional experts in their field and this is the highest non-managerial rank within the Military Front, thus corporal First classes are generally quite respected. Most people will never achieve this rank or will skip over it.
  Sergeant: Sergeants are the first managerial officers of the Military Front and generally manage over corporals and privates. A sergeant must have been a corporal (of any class) before being promoted, Sergeants are will generally manage groups of 6-40 people.
  Lieutenant-Sergeant: Lieutenant-Sergeants are both a promotion and alternative to normal Sergeants. Lieutenant Sergeants also command over corporals and privates as well as Sergeants. The groups they manage tend to be much larger of over 40-250 people, they are considered quite expert and senior officers.
  Lieutenant Pure: Lieutenant Pure is a rank that is a promotion to Lieutenant-Sergeant, a person needs to be either Sergeant or Lieutenant-Sergeant in order to attain this rank. Lieutenant Pure's command Sergeant and Lieutenant-Sergeants, usually in groups of about 10-30, meaning that a lieutenant Pure could be in charge of 70 to 7600 people, though normally within the regions of 3000-5000.
  Colonel BRONZE: A colonel bronze is the next step, a member MUST be a Lieutenant Pure to be promoted to any of the Colonel levels. Colonel Bronze are in charge of Lieutenant pures, usually about 10-15 of them, meaning they can command as much as 100,000 people.
  Colonel SILVER: A colonel silver is a step up to Colonel Bronze, but can be promoted from Lieutenant Pure. Colonel Bronze can command anywhere from 15-30 Lieutenant Pure's, meaning they may command as much as 200,000 people.
  Colonel GOLD: A colonel Gold is a step up from Colonel Silver and, once again, can be promoted from Colonel Silver, Colonel Bronze or Lieutenant Pure. Colonel Gold can command as much as 120 Lieutenant Pure's in various different departments, commanding almost a million people.
  General BASE: Generals are the highest echelon and must be promoted from Colonel, Generals command Colonels in various different departments. A General BASE generally commands 4-6 Colonels, meaning they could be in charge of around 6,000,000 people.
  General STAR: A general STAR is a promotion above general BASE and can be promoted from Colonel or General base, they are in charge of 6-30 colonels, meaning they may be in charge of 30,000,000 people.
  General PLATINUM: A Platinum General is once again a promotion from star and can be promoted from colonel, base general or star general. They are in charge of up to 100 colonels, being in charge of 100,000,000 people potentially.
  General 2ND STAR: A 2nd Star general is a promotion from General Star and is can only be promoted from General Star, a General 2nd star is instead in charge of several base generals or star generals, about 10 of them. Meaning that a General 2nd Star can be in charge of 300,000,000 people.
  General 2ND PLATINUM: A 2nd Platinum General is a promotion for General Platinum and can only be promoted by other General Platinums, they are in charge of about 10 general platinums and thus can be in charge of over 1,000,000,000 people.
  Commander General: A commander General is part of the top brass, it is a promotion from any of the 2nd Generals, they are in charge of the 2nd Generals, usually about 10-30 of them, meaning they can be in charge of over 30 billion people
  Executive Commander General: Executive commander generals are the next step up to Commander general and the 2nd highest rank. There only exists around 6-8 executive commander generals in the entire fleet and command over about 4-6 commander generals, meaning they could be in charge of over 180 billion people.
  Grand General: The Grand General is the sole ruler of the entirety of the Military Front and decides their next successor. The Grand General is in charge of the entire military front, being in charge of roughly 300 billion people.

  • Avatar by: WingedZephyr
  • Signature art by: MrRazot
(int(e-x^2, x = -infinity..infinity))2 = Pi

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!

$_ = "gntusbovueqrmwkradehijqr"; tr/a-z/lad hijacked under stop sign!/; print $_, "\n";


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