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Author Topic: How do you view your Fursona?  (Read 7225 times)

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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2012, 11:36:09 PM »
For me, Kiara is nothing more but a character designed by me. Albeit an extremely special character that I use to describe myself. She is the more social, the more outgoing me. She's my more extroverted side, although there's a lot of introverted shyness and quirkiness that goes along with her personality. I'm not saying all introverts are shy and quirky, its just that I'm a shy and quirky introvert and a lot of us (introverts) tend to be quirky, if not a little shy. The five or six I know definitely fit the shy and quirky bill, at least.

Back to Kiara. I enjoy creating stories for her and thinking her out. She's seen more than me, done more than me. I keep my cheeky, witty, sarcastic nature put inside me for the most part. Kiara is a more mature, adult me, therefore being a lot older than me, if only by four or five years. My adult height is supposedly just around 5'10", so that's where she stands for now. Kiara is the me that generally says all those witticisms, those comments, all the little things I want to say but bite back. Heck - she's an electric blue and white cheetah/fox mix! What can you expect? Most of all, she's my fursona. We are two sides of the same leaf, two parts of the same book. Part A is not the same with Part B, although both can stand alone.

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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2012, 11:39:14 PM »
Like someone stated earlier, I am not my fursona, but my fursona is me.

A lot of people ask me why my fursona is a male. The answer is because I myself and genderqueer, and although I can sometimes live happily in a female body, there are many, many days where I just wish I had been born in a male body. Slide is that male half of myself. I've put much of my male characteristics into him that are very much a part of me; characteristics that I myself do not have, but wish to have.
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2012, 02:58:31 AM »
My fursona is just a fantasy, a dream. nothing more.
If you so desire, it can be less of a dream, and more of a reality...

then I would be the one how make it [size=78%]reality.[/size]
[size=78%]but still i see no [/size][size=78%]reality in it [/size] ;) .
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2012, 03:15:40 AM »
More likely I would make it reality if you paid me, because I'm working on researching the genetics and neurology necessary to print out germ-line modified bodies which the brain can then be transplanted into. It makes you immortal if you keep buying new bodies as well.
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2012, 03:19:38 AM »
I never going to do a thing like this, sorry.
This is something where I can dream about, something what can make me happy. I will  not lose this.
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2012, 05:05:12 PM »
More likely I would make it reality if you paid me, because I'm working on researching the genetics and neurology necessary to print out germ-line modified bodies which the brain can then be transplanted into. It makes you immortal if you keep buying new bodies as well.
Your brain can decay by the way...
And it is possible to reach "full capacity" for memory.
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I Wouldn't Call them all 'Fursonas'...
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2012, 04:48:57 AM »
Well I have many 'characters' that I have come up with over the while. But the one I've finally settled on is pictured on the left side, whose name is Zaphier Alvarez. He's a black, anthro, Egyptian Jackal. He's the fursona that represents me directly, and is more or less just a furry visual representation of the real me with a few furry characteristics and actions.

As for my characters, I usually use them all for the purpose of role playing. I'd list them all; but I don't think I'll bother because the list is so long. Besides; I've got to keep SOME secrets :3.

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There's a chill in the air and the howl of a wolf while the rain beats at the door
Seven kings will ride on the wind up towards        the mountains high                             
And the only sound that will break the air is the warrior's bitter cry

-Starfire by Dragonforce.

For those who know me I'm still kicking around here, enjoying life. For those who don't know me I do invite you to get to know me if you'd like :3.

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(The song that the lyrics in my siggy come from :3).

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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2012, 02:13:51 AM »
More likely I would make it reality if you paid me, because I'm working on researching the genetics and neurology necessary to print out germ-line modified bodies which the brain can then be transplanted into. It makes you immortal if you keep buying new bodies as well.
Your brain can decay by the way...
And it is possible to reach "full capacity" for memory.
The brain can decay, but such decay can also be countered. Replace the body with a healthier and "younger" one, and the brain should follow suit.
Also, reaching full memory capacity won't be a problem. When you get full, just implant an artificial hippocampus (currently in animal testing!)and expand thy memory. Eventually, you will be able to completely transfer your consciousness to a computer so brain decay won't be an issue.
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2012, 03:13:58 AM »
My fursona is just a representation of my personality. Quirky, honest, a bit shy, humorous, very curious albeit not marred by clinical depression like me. 
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2012, 07:27:49 PM »
AorenneroA is my excuse really. Under the visage of Aoren I can be me and under Neroa i can be who I want to be, all in the microverse of the internet, where creativity isnt bound up so tightly. It's my personality given what is essentially literary form.
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2012, 02:31:40 AM »
My fursonas are several things. They are characters with their own personalities, but they're also me. They are different parts of me, similar to dissociative identity disorder, just not as severe or as complete. A friend of mind has verified that something in my aura changes when it happens, so I know it isn't just my imagination. Riku is the nature-immersed part of me. Tai is barely restrained anger, and pushed too far, explosive, unsatiable rage. Matthias is the side of me that adores running and balancing on things, as well as lounging around almost naked.  Sanji is a dancer in the most sensual way possible. Kon is mischief. Fen is fear of self. It only gets more and more complicated from there. If by chance that actually interests someone, message me, please.
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2012, 04:54:35 PM »
My fursona is an extention of myself. While at the same time also functions as a sort of promise to become more outgoing and talkative ^_^ .
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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2012, 12:19:18 AM »
An inner alter ego really. The part of me that is fascinated with adventure, danger, and well...anything Im afraid to do, I just remember hes brave and that were the same person.

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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2012, 09:12:28 PM »
Like Zombiezu, I have a goal to make these topics a reality, although my side is much more artificial...
If the technological projection of the Deus Ex Universe is correct, there will be widespread Mechanical Augmentation by at least 2027. Only another fifteen years from now. That would mean, if you had the money, you could pretty much become your persona. Some would be more complex than others... a lot of you would need replacement of bone and muscle, and artificial fur impanted into your mechanical shell. I'm not sure about the skull, however... In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, there are many people who have full-body Augmentations, all save for their heads. Lawrence Barrett looks to have a jaw replacement, most probably have enhanced or mechanical eyes, and Adam Jensen can aquire many brain Implants and Augmentations, but that's about it for cranial Augmentations. That is probably a high-risk or even a no-go area if you intended to change the shape of the skull, as they would have to remove your brain and build you a new skull that is still 'roomy' enough to house it. Some day it will work. Some day.
Special characteristics of mine might still be out of reach for many years after such advancements, due to the fact that he can take small quantities of non-organic matter, like plastic and metal, and quickly use them to repair of modify his own structure, or simply change the shape of the object without combining it with himself. He could turn a small PVC pipe into a knife, for example, without having to cut and shape it by hand. The highly advanced upgrades given to him by the Subjugators would certainly be impossible for a VERY long time, which are the actual shapeshifting abilities he usually exhibits in role-plays, along with the technology to store materials in a bank of sorts and 'download' them to use whenever he needed more mass than he had on his body, and then store them later when changing to a less massive form.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 01:55:09 AM by BetrayerOfNihil »

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Re: How do you view your Fursona?
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2012, 12:14:45 PM »
my fursona is the side of me that doesn't think too deeply about things, and only focuses on fun things and living life, in a happy but generic way. my fursona is the type of character i want too be, with no hate towards any thing, and just being able to go with the flow of things and be happy and not care, like every one else.

I over think things and care too much about the bigger picture, leaving many things behind, and over looking the better points of life, my fursona is still like this, just too a much lesser extent

(there is also a sexual/love part too it but im sure you dont want to hear that)

I hope that makes sense, im not good with words. 
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