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Author Topic: Star Wars: Vengeance  (Read 16805 times)

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Offline MrRazot

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Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #180 on: October 18, 2012, 09:42:23 AM »
Warren's eyes flickered open.
He sat up speechless and cuped his head in his hands.
He felt empty and he knew why...

He was no longer sensitive to the force.
  • Avatar by: John Redbeard
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Offline Cifero Windtail

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  • Height: 5' 10&quot;
  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #181 on: October 19, 2012, 12:52:19 AM »
Thatch exhaled. "You gave us a scare, Grand master. We thought..." Suddenly he widened his eyes, sensing that the man before him was not a Jedi. "S... sir?"
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
  • Signature art by: I just want to tell you, the reference is a link to my other fursona.  Also:
(I love my sister)
Don't mess with Grammaton Clerics. THEY WILL END YOU.

Offline serpington

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Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #182 on: October 19, 2012, 07:03:26 AM »
"i am no sith.i am an assasin and not worthy of a sith name. teach me what you will, that is your choice. mine is to stay what i am. but i agree with the rest. we should leave as soon as we are ready."
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

Offline Luke White-Heart

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Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #183 on: October 19, 2012, 03:57:28 PM »
Darth Fulgur nodded shortly.
"Very well. We must leave at once, before the Jedi wakes up. And," he felt the presences of the three younglings stashed away in the cargo hold of his shuttle, "We have some new recruits to or Order."
He dismissed Serpington, then began to prep his ship. His destination: Ziost. A lesser known home of the Sith, a planet festering with the Dark Side...exactly where he would turn the Jedi.
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall (THANK YOUS!!! :3 )
"Normal" is a word for something that doesn't exisit. It was created by those who don't challenge the status quo, and don't aspire to greatness.
Happiness is the way the Universe rewards those who face the hardships in their lives head on, with determination in their hearts.
Love is what binds us all together, what keeps us sane, makes us insane, holds the world and Universe together.
In my mind, it doesn't matter where you are going, where you've been, where you are, nor even the journey you're on. What matters is that you keep moving, no matter where you're going, where you've been, and where you are. Just keep moving.
I am White-Heart, white because it is every colour put into one, my heart is of all colours!

Offline serpington

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Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #184 on: October 19, 2012, 08:08:05 PM »
serpington turned away and started heading for his ship, cero climbing into one and serpington put the jrdi into the other before climbing in himself and taking off.
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

Offline Luke White-Heart

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  • Currently: Meh.....been better. But in love. ^^
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #185 on: October 26, 2012, 02:58:14 PM »
Ziost. While not the birthplace of the Sith, the planet held an imense place in Sith history. The ancient Sith such as Ajunta Pall, Darth Revan, and Lumiya had all set foot on the world. This place was a focal point for the Dark Side. In a far more ancient time, this planet was the homeworld of the Sith species, so it was only right that Darth Fulgur could come here to turn and train new Sith Acolytes.
He had established the Temple here long ago in one of the many ruins that dotted the planet's surface, a place for his Sith army to train and grow in the Force. This was a perfect opportunity to check on the Temple's progress, as he had long since learned it needed the attention. He had set in charge there the incompetent Darth Baceolus; a fool who knew how to teach the Dark Side, but was incapable of calling on it's full power. A weakling, and Darth Fulgur despised weakness.
He sent Serpington a message to come in quietly; Darth Fulgur knew the only way to check true progress was to catch it unaware. He set down on the landing pad large enough for a Star Destroyer, then waited for Serpington...and the welcoming party he sensed was arriving.
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall (THANK YOUS!!! :3 )
"Normal" is a word for something that doesn't exisit. It was created by those who don't challenge the status quo, and don't aspire to greatness.
Happiness is the way the Universe rewards those who face the hardships in their lives head on, with determination in their hearts.
Love is what binds us all together, what keeps us sane, makes us insane, holds the world and Universe together.
In my mind, it doesn't matter where you are going, where you've been, where you are, nor even the journey you're on. What matters is that you keep moving, no matter where you're going, where you've been, and where you are. Just keep moving.
I am White-Heart, white because it is every colour put into one, my heart is of all colours!

Offline serpington

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Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #186 on: October 26, 2012, 07:48:10 PM »
serpington wasn't as fond of ziost as the others, even less fond of Darth Baceolus. reluctantly flying in and landing next to darth fulgur, cero landing on the other side. the two got out and silently waided for someone to come out to great them, hoping that it would be someone coming to tell them how much Baceolus had screwed up while they were away.
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

Offline Luke White-Heart

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  • Currently: Meh.....been better. But in love. ^^
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #187 on: October 26, 2012, 11:02:45 PM »
Darth Fulgur could feel the dark side pulsing through the planet, like dark blood throught the veins of some enormous creature. The imensity of it almost knocked him to his feet; he had not felt so much power in one place in so long, having placed himself in isolation. But, he had to keep focus. I must revel some other time, he thought. Now is the time for business. Soon, Darth Baceolus, flanked by two Sith Acolytes, came through the door at the other end of the landing pad.
Darth Baceolus was a large specimen of a Sith, with broad shoulders, thick limbs and neck, and brutish features, he could easily have been mistaken for a Wampa. Despite his girth, however, Darth Fulgur knew he was as cunning as they came. He greeted them with his usual, deep, raspy voice.
"Greetings, my Lord." He bowed, making the gesture an insult. The Acolytes behind him bowed likewise, hiding their contempt for Baceolus in the Force, but not on their faces.
"What brings you to our humble little Temple?"
"I have simply come to check on the progress of the students, to give you a few new recruits to turn, to use the facilities...and to make sure you are doing your job correctly," said Fulgur, his tone neutral. "Serpington, bring the Jedi and younglings out. Now. Then remove yourself to wherever you wish."
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 01:28:53 PM by Luke White-Heart »
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall (THANK YOUS!!! :3 )
"Normal" is a word for something that doesn't exisit. It was created by those who don't challenge the status quo, and don't aspire to greatness.
Happiness is the way the Universe rewards those who face the hardships in their lives head on, with determination in their hearts.
Love is what binds us all together, what keeps us sane, makes us insane, holds the world and Universe together.
In my mind, it doesn't matter where you are going, where you've been, where you are, nor even the journey you're on. What matters is that you keep moving, no matter where you're going, where you've been, and where you are. Just keep moving.
I am White-Heart, white because it is every colour put into one, my heart is of all colours!

Offline Cifero Windtail

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  • Species: Crat Feline-crow mix. (Just found out.... I HAVE FRACKING WINGS!!) (SO freaked out!!)
  • Coloring: Grey with dark grey stripes, Black hair, light blue scleras and blue corneas,
  • Height: 5' 10&quot;
  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #188 on: November 06, 2012, 03:31:23 PM »
(But please wait for Razot after this! You're gonna confuse the crap out of him if you don't stop!)

Thatch looked over at Isabel. "Is he..."
Isabel shook her head. "No.... he's not insane... but..." She reaches out gently and touches Razot's forehead. "I... I can barely sense the Force in him.... it's not as strong as it was before..."
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
  • Signature art by: I just want to tell you, the reference is a link to my other fursona.  Also:
(I love my sister)
Don't mess with Grammaton Clerics. THEY WILL END YOU.

Offline MrRazot

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  • Species: Lanner Falcon
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  • Currently: Well, it was a good run.
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #189 on: November 07, 2012, 08:44:09 AM »
(lol remember it's Warren :P)
Warren lay done staring at the roof of the temple and tried to recollect his thoughts, he didn't really care about those directly around him as he was too focused on what he was trying to achieve.
A brief moment of blank staring at the roof and Warren sat up and looked at Thatch.
"Though I do not feel it now, I remember from before that the force is particularly strong within you" Warren looked up at the roof again
"I must speak with the rest of the Jedi Council, then your training can begin" Warren said as he pulled himself off the ground
"though I fear a lot more may be at stake"
Warren walked off to assemble a secret meeting with the Council.
  • Avatar by: John Redbeard
  • Signature art by: MrRazot

Offline Cifero Windtail

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  • Species: Crat Feline-crow mix. (Just found out.... I HAVE FRACKING WINGS!!) (SO freaked out!!)
  • Coloring: Grey with dark grey stripes, Black hair, light blue scleras and blue corneas,
  • Height: 5' 10&quot;
  • Weight: 89 lbs. and then about 50 more (about 139 lbs.); he's fit, but he's not muscular. Has a bit of an outie.
  • Build: Lithe but wiry; a little soft around the middle, but it's hardly noticeable; he's actually got a rather feminine form.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: Holding out for a hero... but always having to save myself.
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #190 on: November 08, 2012, 01:29:04 AM »
Thatch watched Warren walk off.
Isabel watched as well. "Hmm. Apparently there's something big going on..."
  • Avatar by: I have three or four great ones: one by Sabah and a few by Lovableoutcast/Kishi... and also this one, drawn by Kayato/ Kaya... thanks guys. ^_^
  • Signature art by: I just want to tell you, the reference is a link to my other fursona.  Also:
(I love my sister)
Don't mess with Grammaton Clerics. THEY WILL END YOU.

Offline Luke White-Heart

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  • Height: 6'10"
  • Weight: 140
  • Build: Thin, but strong.
  • Currently: Meh.....been better. But in love. ^^
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #191 on: November 13, 2012, 07:39:34 PM »
As Darth Fulgur strode through the halls of the Ziost Temple, he half-listened to Darth Baceolus wax eloquent about the polotics of the Temple, telling him about all that had happened here since Fulgur's last visit. He didn't not pay much attention. Instead, he was searching the Temple with the Force, scanning every inch to feel how the recruits were fairing in their path along the Dark Side. He had ordered Serpington to place the Jedi they had captured in his personal quarters, where Fulgur would acquaint himself with him later. But for now, he needed to check on the recruits. They future was boiling with war, and he needed Sith, not weaklings.
Darth Fulgur had let Serpington roam the Temple as he pleased, but Fulgur could not feel him. He smirked. He had trained him well.
"As you can see, my Lord," Baceolus was saying, "our facilities are quite expansive. We have spared no expense..."
"I want to see your top students," Darth Fulgur interjected. "Now."
Darth Baceolus's outward countenance was unchanged, but in the Force, he seemed somewhat uneasy. "Very well, my Lord," he said, bowing so low as to make the gesture an insult, "they shall be brought here at once."
Darth Fulgur nodded, satsfied. He had to test these prospective Sith, if only to test Darth Baceolus's ability to teach and run the Temple.
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall (THANK YOUS!!! :3 )
"Normal" is a word for something that doesn't exisit. It was created by those who don't challenge the status quo, and don't aspire to greatness.
Happiness is the way the Universe rewards those who face the hardships in their lives head on, with determination in their hearts.
Love is what binds us all together, what keeps us sane, makes us insane, holds the world and Universe together.
In my mind, it doesn't matter where you are going, where you've been, where you are, nor even the journey you're on. What matters is that you keep moving, no matter where you're going, where you've been, and where you are. Just keep moving.
I am White-Heart, white because it is every colour put into one, my heart is of all colours!

Offline serpington

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Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #192 on: November 18, 2012, 05:52:41 PM »
serpington walked around inside the base, hiding himself and looking for a far off hidden room to make his own. he settled for a cavern in the ventilation system. hidden, safe and unmonitored. also giving him the added benifit of being able to turn up anywhere in the base silently.
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

Offline Luke White-Heart

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  • Species: Vampyric Wolf-lion
  • Coloring: Pure white with blue streaks on the chest and back.
  • Height: 6'10"
  • Weight: 140
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  • Currently: Meh.....been better. But in love. ^^
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #193 on: November 18, 2012, 08:28:23 PM »
Five students stood before Darth Fulgur, looking prepared and calm, but in the Force, they were trembling. He smirked slightly. These students would break before him. He removed his lightsaber from his belt and took his ready stance. Darth Baceolus stood off to the side, paws behind his back. Fulgur nodded.
"Go," said Baceolus.
The students ignited their lightsabers and charged at him. Fulgur was unimpressed, swatting aside the initial strikes and blow three of the students aside with the Force, while he quickly disarmed the other two.
"Pathetic," he said, sheathing his saber. "You have no place teaching here, Baceolus."
"I hardly think that's fair, my Lord," he said, defensively.
"Then prove it."
Without a word, Fulgur threw Baceolus into the wall, shaking the training room. Fulgur's anger was boiling over, and he channeled it into his attack, charging Baceolus, lightsaber drawn. Baceolus defended, but his technique was shoddy at best. Baceolus was a fool, and knew that Fulgur would beat him, but Fulgur didn't want to beat him. He wanted to destroy Baceolus, to humiliate him and prove he was a fool. Soon, he had Baceolus on the run, on the defensive. Scared. He tried to slash at Fulgur's head, but he over extended and Fulgur lunged in, slicing through Baceolus's arm at the elbow. Then, Fulgur opened his paw and shot Force lightning directly into his chest, driving Baceolus to his knee. Fulgur hovered the tip of his lightsaber by Baceolus's neck.
"You are no longer the head of this Temple," he said definitivly. He strode off to his chambers and found the captured Jedi, slumped against a wall.
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall (THANK YOUS!!! :3 )
"Normal" is a word for something that doesn't exisit. It was created by those who don't challenge the status quo, and don't aspire to greatness.
Happiness is the way the Universe rewards those who face the hardships in their lives head on, with determination in their hearts.
Love is what binds us all together, what keeps us sane, makes us insane, holds the world and Universe together.
In my mind, it doesn't matter where you are going, where you've been, where you are, nor even the journey you're on. What matters is that you keep moving, no matter where you're going, where you've been, and where you are. Just keep moving.
I am White-Heart, white because it is every colour put into one, my heart is of all colours!

Offline serpington

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  • I'm not a bad man.....I just do things bad men do.
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  • Species: Spider
  • Coloring: Black with red patterning
  • Height: 10 foot
  • Currently: silently watching
Re: Star Wars: Vengeance
« Reply #194 on: November 19, 2012, 08:22:28 AM »
serpington was sneaking through the vents, setting up sensors, video cameras and small recorders in the openings to each room in the temple, even the unused ones. being a natural spy and not trusting the people in charge here he planed to so survalance on the entire place. wiring all the signals to divert through a small recever in Darth Baceolus' room so any suspition would fall on him while still keeping serpington's new lair hidden.
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."


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