Ember dashed around for a while, still hearing the carnage back at the battlefield. She took a deep breath, feeling the metal next to her skin warm with friction. Her father was right... she probably never should have joined the FDF. She could be living a cushy life back home, with her father paying for everything, with all the toys and gadgets she wanted, just for being born into the biggest weapon manufacturing company on the planet.
She grimaced. No... she wanted to fight for the right cause, for the fandom, for foxes like her. She glanced at her armor readout.
"Okay..." The hydraulic chestplate opened, and she slid out.
"Repair Sequence, activate." she muttered, intoning her voice command. Immediately, the mech sprouted twin mini bots that ran round the mech repairing and re welding the mech armor. Ember's heads up display flashed around, showing the damage to the system.
"Ugh... I'll have to use the auto repair system... refit and refuel..."
She heard footsteps approaching, big metal hydraulics stomping through the trees. She looked up sharply and saw Steel company walking through the trees, having escaped the fight.
"Good to see you. Lets move to a safer location. I saw cliffs to the north we could use. It will probably be hard for Conflict to find us then. I will call in a drop pod with refit tech."
Oddball spoke up. "That's good, cuz that thing is way out of our league! Why on earth did Conflict go rogue?"
Ember shook her head. "I don't know. Lets figure it out when we get to the CZ." She looked over at the reading.
*50% complete*
She growled, hoping other survivors would find her this far into the jungle.