aurora glanced over at almar "y'know, innocents get wounded too, go get your leg sewed up, your limp is quite noticable, they will take care of the POW back at the terminal, there is no frontlines, this is a cloak and dagger operation, but go with the team protecting giza, you will need less people and you can protect the few in the group, we will need a small team to go slice fuel lines as well, there are about......574 aircraft in this base capable of catching and out-maneuvering the one that i'm pretty sure giza will take us in,, you are to quietly... disable them, snow you will be head of transport team until you rally with giza, he will take charge, the guild has a vow to never take sides....we have to do that and we are using their stuff, they won't like it" now, team up and go!