I vote yea, we need to cut out the distractions, and for the record, I was not saying to give away the whole story, just give a general idea of where you enter, when you enter, how you enter, and your reasoning for doing so, you don't even need to directly say it, I only hinted at it, example: where- I did not know where or how we werestarting so I let things flow, when- I obviously stated that I would need to be recruited so before the mission was my general timeframe, how- this was not based off of my characters intentions, but rather the intentions of others, I was to be recruited because I am a (or rather was) a neutral party, and had no reason to help you guys or the templars, my reasoning for entering in this way- this is based off of my characters backstory, that, while it highlights main points, is still extremely vague, (examples: why did the templar kill my parents, where am I from, was my family of any importance, why was I not caught, why are they not looking harder, why is my heart so cold, how did I learn the ingredients for potion making and poison making, after all who would teach a woman these things in medieval times, women were possesions, how did I kill the assasins that worked for the templar and killed my parents,what about the rest of the family? All this is unanswered) there is also the problem of character intentions, give a vague idea of what you plan, how and why you plan that, communication is invaluable, if you don't want everyone knowing, just tell the. Person who runs the RP at the very least, that way he can tell us to modify posts in order to avoid character conflicts
Post Merge: October 17, 2012, 02:04:38 PM
Also try to be mature, you don't call the shots so ordering people around will cause trouble, as well we don't know your character, so it would have likely been assumed, (provided you did obtain the piece of eden), that you were a servant of the templar attempting to carry it to safety, you would have promptly have been A-taken prisoner
Or B- killed. Please do not attempt to say you would not, there are how many of us? Not to mention the templar would be out to get you as well, considering you killed the captian, translation : success = public enemy # 1 and an astronomical price on your corpse.