my meaning in life?
I was told from birth to age five, by my father, that i was stupid, worthless, and would never amount to anything, and abused every way possible
then i was put in fostercare, the adults could care less in the grouphomes, but my peers treated me as an outcast, called me stupid, ugly, weird, useless.
then the foster families, i was treated well, but noone cared about my dreams, my wishes, hopes, desires, fears, at scool it was stupid, ugly, weird, retarded, and unlikeable.
when my father insulted me, i laid down and took it, in fostercare i had developed the desires to be more than that, and by the time i was in the foster families, they were calling me stupid, yet i was in middle school, on a college reading level.
my drive in life?
most people live and die, leaving not the slightest idea fifty years later that they actually existed, other than a grave stone
I strive to watch them fade into the void of uneventful history, rise above their insults, and be immortalized by the very thing that made them fade from the memory of society,
i want to prove them all wrong.