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Author Topic: Vent: Frustration and a sore heart.  (Read 444 times)

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Offline Eibhleann

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Vent: Frustration and a sore heart.
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:04:52 AM »

I really just need to let all this out, so here goes...

Vent One
As many of you know, (at least, those on the IRC) I recently broke up with my girlfriend of about two years for various reasons, but particularly because we had a huge personality clash and she wanted me to be someone I'm just not. After a few weeks of bickering back and forth, we seem to be at a mutual acquaintanceship. What bothers me is, even though I technically broke it off with her, I felt this heavy, sick and anxious feeling, as if she were going to cheat on me, when she told me she was hanging out with a male friend in the city looking for paint and such (she's an artist).

I really cared about her a lot, but I never fully trusted her. Although that was probably because she always told me how she drooled over men with abs and told me her fantasies of them, which I won't go into detail here, but she was always making me jealous and it made me wonder how loyal she could really be. On top of that, she was always insisting I "experience" other people, learn them, date them, (online), etc. She also said to me one day, "You know, Gxxx (name withheld for privacy) is a really nice guy, and he's attractive and athletic, and if I could date him I would, but I want to be with you later on in life. But once we move in together and are comfortable with each other, we should date other people in real life." ...What? Like, that totally throws off my whole being loyal thing, she always wanted other people involved. On top of that, she said it just after I got over feeling really depressed and told her so. It's like she either had no regard for my emotions or was just extremely oblivious. Also, whenever I expressed that I felt like I wasn't good enough for her, or that she was going to cheat on me, she'd do one of two things:

A) Get really, really pissed at me and start yelling at me and putting me down, OR

B) Tell me how beautiful I am, how lucky she is to have me, tell me how much she loved me, etc.

She tended to treat me on and off like that a lot, although she was usually pretty nasty to me 90% of the time and rarely said she loved me back.

I don't know why I still get uncomfortable with her, but it really bothers me. I mean I guess it's going to take me time to accept the fact that she's going to have someone else when I really had it set in my heart that she'd be my wife if she'd just change a little for me (I changed a LOT for her). Some of the thoughts and mental images I get from time to time thinking about that tend to make me feel pretty sick and anxious... I really want to express this to her, but knowing how she is she'll just question it and then get mad at me, which in turn will make me feel worse.

Any of you guys have suggestions for how to deal with this type of anxiety or jealousy?

Vent Two
I'm not sure how to really talk about this, but here goes...

I'm with someone wonderful now, I mean, absolutely fantastic. Treats me well, makes me really happy, has effects on me that no one else ever has. But a huge problem we have is communication and how to start conversations with one another and keep it going. Another thing that bothers me, and I know it's part of their personality, is their want to get a conversation over quickly, not necessarily because they don't want to talk, but just because it's their nature. So I'll ask how they are, or I'll say something and I get a one-word answer which comes off as pretty cold. It may seem silly but this makes me feel distant and a little shoved off, even though they don't mean it that way at all. I guess it's a little hurtful to me, because I want to be held and loved and picked up and they just don't show much drive or emotion behind their actions, though when we audibly speak to one another, the emotion is very obviously there and it makes me happy.

Anyone have suggestions for this situation?

(I'm exhausted and falling asleep, I'll probably update this tomorrow, but thanks for reading it.)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:25:16 PM by Eibhleann »
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Offline Jacen

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Re: Vent: Frustration and a sore heart.
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 04:30:56 AM »
Vent 1. That's just awful. @.@ I don't think I'd be able to cope with being with someone like that for as long as you did. Good for you to break it off, people like that will only hurt your self-esteem and drive you into depression.

Vent 2. It's good to hear that you found someone better. The only advice I can give you is to explain how it makes you feel to them. Let them know that the way they respond sometimes hurts you. I'm sure that they love you enough to try and change that aspect of them-self. ^_^
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Offline Eibhleann

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Re: Vent: Frustration and a sore heart.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 05:20:16 PM »
Thanks for being there, Jacen. I'm not really sure what to say, I just woke up, heh.

Vent 2 Update #1
So... They called me at like 3:00 AM, and their computer pretty much shat the bed, so I'm not going to be talking to them for a while... This is gonna suck :/ I don't want to end up getting distant from them, not a second time... They got a job offer to work as a deckhand but they'll be on and off for several weeks at a time... I told them to find out more about it but it sounds sketchy. I hope something turns up soon because I really don't want to be torn from them again. My girlfriend from Vent One tore me from them the first time... I felt really bad last night too, their mother was ripping into them and treating them like shit and I was too tired to know what to say, I felt sick and had a pounding headache...

Croesi Bysedd...
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:26:57 PM by Eibhleann »
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Offline Jacen

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Re: Vent: Frustration and a sore heart.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 06:58:19 PM »
No problem, I hate seeing a friend feeling down. :) As for your update, I hope you two can figure something out. I'm sorry I can't be of any more help.
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Re: Vent: Frustration and a sore heart.
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 03:14:42 PM »
Hope you mutually find something that works for you both. This advice may not apply to you and you may hate me for saying this but this is all from past experience. Dont be to clingy, but the main point is obviously tell them you love them but don't go over the top as you will be wrapped around her finger. Once they know you will be completely in awe of them and be at their feet instantly. They have got the advantage. The amount of times this has happened to me has been tremendous and I am still trying to seek something that can deal with heartbreak. But then again maybe not everyone is as unsuccessful as me when it comes down to women. Just PM me if you need anything.

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