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Author Topic: The parody sorting thread  (Read 1320 times)

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The parody sorting thread
« on: September 28, 2012, 12:53:21 PM »
This is inspired by me and my friends when we discovered the intelligent design sort. Make a sort that is related to everyday issues or ideologies!

The Intelligent Design Sort
Spoiler for Hidden:
The probability of the original input list being in the exact order it's in is 1/(n!). There is such a small likelihood of this that it's clearly absurd to say that this happened by chance, so it must have been consciously put in that order by an intelligent Sorter. Therefore it's safe to assume that it's already optimally Sorted in some way that transcends our naïve mortal understanding of "ascending order". Any attempt to change that order to conform to our own preconceptions would actually make it less sorted.

(The rest were done by me and my friends)
The Evolution Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
The evolution sort would traverse an array and any elements that weren't sorted would be deleted so only the elements that are sorted remain. Then it spurs and bunch of random numbers into random places within the array and does another step. Repeat indefinitely.

The Creationism Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
The creation sort will automatically produce the right order just because it can and you cant argue with that.

The Reincarnation sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Get an array, completely delete it, and then reproduce a completely new array, do this until the array is sorted, then do it again.

The Heaven/Tax Return Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Get an array, put everything in the wrong place, then go to a confessional and then claim it's all sorted.

The Capitalism Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
The highest 2 elements of an array of 1,000 elements are sorted, then the remaining 998 are utilized to ensure that these two elements are sorted.

The Communist Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
The highest number is sorted and the rest are assumed to be equal.

The Dictator/Russian Communist Sort
Spoiler for Hidden:
One element is chosen at random and assumed to be the highest, any element contradicting that is deleted.

The Socialist Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
The greatest element is distributed among the lower elements to make them equal.

The Republican Sort:
Spoiler for Hidden:
All odd numbers are taken to the bottom of the array and remain unsorted while even numbers go to the top and get sorted. Cause everyone knows even numbers are the superior number
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