aurora looked around at the surrounding carnage "my,my boys, leave some for me." with this she dropped into the crypt, completely ignoring the stairs "i know the way, i also have a bit of gear in one of the side passages, a few ...distractions" she reached into a nearby casket, withdrawing a small black perfume bottle, spraying it on herself "my best distraction, the scent of a ready wolfess" instantly the strongest scent of pheremones wafts through the air, overpowering every other scent and leaving the less willed slack jawed idiots who could not think of doing anything more than her, leaving those who could resist with a uncomfortable burning in their loins and the strongest of longings in their hearts. she batted her eyes heavily and spoke in a soft, yet exotic voice "after all, we are all just prisoners of our own desires, thus they are already my prisoners, so are you, but you will live" her eyes went narrow and her voice flashed cold "unless of course you touch me"