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Author Topic: Thinking about applying for GameStop but a few questions  (Read 1113 times)

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Thinking about applying for GameStop but a few questions
« on: October 05, 2012, 05:43:59 AM »
So I am thinking about applying to work at GameStop. For a couple of reasons 1 to actually be making some money. 2 25% discount on everything you buy. 3 it looks good on a resimay. I picked GameStop since I am literally on the Internet 17 hours a day. I think I can actually be one of the best employes. Also I think they would like mu flexible sceduale since I am homeschooled. The only thing I worry about is how will I do. I have never had a job before, I am 15 (yes they can actually hire a 15 year old). Should I tell people I have autism during my interview or should I skip over that part. Other then that I am a really hard worker when it is something I like and I am certain that job will be amazing for me. Just being around electronics is enough for me. The problem I see is well I am awful at being social. I know I can help costumors with video game questions easily but I am not sure. Do people engage chit chat during shopping. Anyway I am think about applying at the end of the month. What should I do

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Re: Thinking about applying for GameStop but a few questions
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 07:23:57 AM »
*Do not* skip over telling them you're autistic.

Matter of the fact is that at Gamestop, you're very much better off being social with the customers. For the moms and pops buying games for their kids, they're gonna wanna know if it's the right game and what their kid wants, etc. For the gamer, a lot of them tend to get into casual conversation with the workers, I know I do.

What you can do, is see if you can focus most of your work behind the scenes, with the stock and testing games and products, etc. It gives you great hands-on work, and you don't need to worry about dealing with costumers.

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Re: Thinking about applying for GameStop but a few questions
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2012, 11:39:25 AM »
Yeah definately don't skip that part. That's one of those things you really do need to tell them if you get an interview. That being said, just remember that just because you applied to work somewhere (which I think is great by the way), doesn't necessarily mean you will get an interview. Lot's of people apply to maybe 10 different places and manage to get only one interview. So don't be discouraged if they don't offer you an interview. However I do wish you the best of luck :)
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Re: Thinking about applying for GameStop but a few questions
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 11:14:38 PM »
Backing everyone else up on the autistic part, you should tell them. They won't discriminate you for it (it's against the law) they just need to be made aware of it so they can accommodate for it if you get the job.

You're also better off handing out your resumé to several places, not just Gamestop, as you always run the chance of not even getting an interview. Bear in mind how many people they have apply all the time. It also depends on whether they need more staff and also if they think you're good enough. Tailor your resumé specifically to them, find out the manager's name and address it directly to them etc. that'll boost your chances of your resumé being noticed and remembered.

Socialising shouldn't be too much of a problem. Just think of generic questions you could ask the customer like "what games are you looking forward to?" etc.
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