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Author Topic: Foodymon!  (Read 859 times)

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Offline Kamoku

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« on: October 13, 2012, 05:54:45 AM »
FOODYMON!  Battle your friends with FOOD!  :D  Who's got what it takes to become a FOODYMON MASTER!?!!!!!?!
(for ages 10 and up, dropping out of school to go on a food adventure is a requirement by law, call 1-800-CANTSUEME to voice your concerns and questions)

You post a Foodymon to use (for example, Pizzamon (adding mon at the end of the name is a requirement))
You then chose three ingredients for both weakness and strength (three each and you can choose any ingredient as long as it's in the appropriate section, for example, only strengths for strength)
Then the person below you has to pick their own Foodymon with has an ingredient your Foodymon is weak against as a strength (for example, sugar), yet is weak against one of your strengths
Then you need to ask the all mighty Google which one won (how you do this is you Google both foods and look at the ingredients)
If the attacker's Foodymon wins he/she may change Foodymon for the next battle, if the defender wins the next poster must face the defender's current Foodymon, if the defender wins 5 times in a row the defender must change Foodymon, if the defender wins another 5 times in a row he has become the champion and gets kicked out the front door cuz I made this on the spot so the rules are likely broken

How a strengths and weaknesses are determined: if the ingredient is near the front of the list, it's a strength, if it's near the back, it's a weakness (so lets say there's 10 ingredients, the 5 front ones will be a strength and the 5 ones after the first 5 will be a weakness, if there's an odd number the ingredient in the middle becomes either a strength or weakness in favor of the defender).

You need to use real ingredients cuz that's really the only way anyone can win or lose (cuz otherwise people can just say "all your Foodymon's weaknesses are my Foodymon's strengths").

Ties go to the defender.

Not sure if I'm missing anything, but I literally just made this up on the spot, so it's probably a very stupid game and completely broken.  BUT LETS SEE HOW IT GOES.  :D

Example of a Foodymon fight (not using real ingredients cuz I'm lazy):



Strengths: dead stuff, maple syrup, magic
Weaknesses: healthy dead stuff, negative syrup, dark magic



Strengths: healthy dead stuff, dark magic, potatoe
Weakness: dead stuff, dog meat, badness

Mashedpotatoemon WINS 2 to 1!


McDonalds Bacon Slice
Strengths: Pork Bacon, Salt, Sugar
Weakness: Smoke Flavouring, Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Phosphate

(I don't know how to play my own gaaaaaaaaame  ^_^ )

This is what happens when you put me in front of a computer at 1:54am :3
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 08:00:10 AM by Sytex »
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