You know its honestly a situational kind of thing for me ... depending on the circumstances determines how I wanna die, to be completely honest and all jokes aside. I've batted back and forth the idea of telling you all the situations as most people would probably disagree and probably think I'm some raving lunatic crazy person or something...
This is the first situation: If my hypothetical mate was terminally ill, I'd like to die with them by there side in each others arms, if agreed upon by there hands as well... Even tho I don't have a mate, to me my partner is my existence, they are everything to me... and to me life for the sake of living is no life. I wish to stand by there side for all eternity, in life and in death, I will gladly travel the River of Styx hand in hand with them... Now I know your saying my partner would want me to live most likely (since saying indefinably would be an exaggeration since there is the possibility of them having the same mind set and or understand standing what I mean by this). That is why I said if they agreed to it... I wouldn't go threw with this if they told me not to... Tho I'd live in sorrow, I would not disrespect there last wishes. The reason I want to die that was is as I said before and it has to do with something deeply ingrained on my personality, and my morals. It is my code.
The second situation is: A normal boring death, probably of age or something like that preferably quick and painless, heheh that's kind of a pun ... a quick old age death...
The third and final situation: To the benefit of the greater good, maybe being the last subject to die transferring a personality from its body into a new one allowing them to make the final fixes to the process so that the next person and everyone from then on lives. Or something cool like that? I don't know I have a boring life at the moment so dieing doing something special and meaning full its kinda a hope of mine... like something you'll be remembered for a least a while to come ... I mean not like I wanna be remembered in history text book but again doing something meaning full that will be forgotten in 10 - 20 years I wouldn't mind