Ah x)
I'm such an idiot :_: *headdesks self*
I liked... all of them I guess... but I think I liked part 2 a lot, because of ... dar.. I forgot.. it had something to do with Saruman...
No, wait... one, because of the water-horse scene...
Anyways, I like wizards x3
What about you?
I like to draw-photoshop, game, talking with people, RP, writing and more
I think I;ve always liked furries, also, after I saw Jurassic Park, I always thought of myself as one of those big raptors
Eventhough they're not furry! I don't care xD
I've always like fluffy stuff (plushies and anthropomorpic animals, etc)
Even saw a tv show called Animorphs, lol.
How does your fursona look like? Besides being a lop ear?