Love the enthusiasm Flourescent, but I think Almar and I are in a completely different time bubble than the others, not to mention a different place ^n.n^"))
A sort of gleam enters Alex's eyes, he grinning widely as he removes his peacock feather quill,
"To begin, I specialize in telling stories and music, which is traditional of a bard.
We typically are wanderers, and look for epics and tales to sing songs or tell stories about, yeah?
Well, to explain a bit how my magic works, I should first explain that my power does not come through this, the Quill of Muses. It's sorta like a wand I use to focus the energy of my spells.
But as for the actual source of my spells, they come through the power of my ability to imagine the forces at work, the belief of the people who have the history and seen the power of magic in their very minds, and the inspiration of the world around me.
For most of my spells, I mainly try to use words of powers, or cantrips, but really, I learned the spells by hearing stories of such fantastical feats, and bringing the powers and creatures to life through song and story."