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Author Topic: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)  (Read 1139 times)

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so if you need help with Ancoragement  or any thing you need. if you feel down or need some one to talk to or invite me to somthin.whateves
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 10:39:47 PM by Sytex »
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 04:53:35 AM »
can you help me explain to my dad and grandmother about fursuits i'm trying to commission one but they won't let me because they say it's "not normal" please help :(
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 05:01:32 AM »
tell them *then mascots aren't normal.* or bugs bunny isn't normal. in other words give them examples of "normal" things or tel them you can make it patriotic to the us or your school. or tell them if you make it all on your own it would build character or it could teach you in some way. (somthin along those lines.) i believe you will and CAN figure this out. ;) good luck  ^_^
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2012, 05:30:16 AM »
Well, then say "I know, cuz I'm not normal." xD

My mom knew I wasn't normal from the get-go so it wasn't a big shock to her; the way I said it was kinda in a conversation with my sister, it went like...

Sister: Man, I want some of those fuzzy rave legwarmers...
Me: Don't worry, my furry friends can hook you up, I know some that make em for cheap
Mom: You have some weird friends.

I guess that it helps that I'm into some other "weird" stuff like anime. She jokes around about my furry-ness, and she even offered to get me a tail at a fair, so I guess I had it easy, even though I'm a private furry fan.

There's also a thread about coming out being a furry, you should take a look because it also has some information on explaining the fandom stuff in it too.And if worse comes to worse, say that there's a game called Furcadia, and that its kinda like a furry World of Warcraft, and you wanna dress up like your character. (It kinda is, in a MMO sort of way...)

But you also have to see it from your parent's point of view...  In Japan, there's a proverb that goes "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down", and that's what your parents are probably worried about. Furry is foreign to people, and in a world that's so full of hate, anything that's different could make you a target for persecution. People both verbally and physically harm gays, so they're worried about your well-being. (Not saying that being gay is the same as being furry exactly, I'm just comparing the two because in both, ignorance and misinformation is what drives people to treat both with disdain.)

And how old are you? If you're still living with your parents, you should have more priorities than getting a fursuit. Saving up for college, a car, a place of your own should be your top priorities. Even a cheap one will run you about $500, and even if you make it yourself, fur is not cheap.

In addition, where are you going to wear it? It'd be a waste to just wear it inside the house, that's like buying $500 shoes and stashing em in the closet. The only really accepted place to wear a fursuit would be at a convention that caters to the fantasy/anime/sci-fi crowd, and maybe at a furry outing, and even then its really pricy.

All that said, I'm not trying to dissuade you, I'm just trying to get you to think whether or not a fursuit would be the best purchase at this time in your life, its a big one, that's for sure.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 05:34:31 AM by NamelessTraveler »

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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2012, 11:44:47 PM »
i'm 17 :S
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 02:05:43 AM »
Exactly, I saw it on your profile. :P
When I was 17, I was in my junior year of high school, so if things are different in your situation, then my bad, but just going from my experience, people are usually still in school at that point without a job or at the most a job paying minimum wage.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 02:08:09 AM by NamelessTraveler »

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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2012, 01:09:38 AM »
dead on :o
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2012, 01:17:30 PM »
so the last few months have been my literal hell and alot of stuff has gone horribly wrong, but the main thing I need advice on is with getting over my ex. He was the best mate ever and made me so happy to be with him. my parents freaked out that I was dating a guy and cut off any access I could have to him and told him they would call the police on him if they ever found out we spoke to each other again. This was a couple of months ago and I still cant get over him, my parents are worried beacause Im becoming "distant" but I dont want to speak to them they ruined my life and Im not going to tell them Im not over him unless I want a repeat of hell. I try sending him messages on F4L but hes not responding probobly in fear of my parents or something completely diferent idk......
Our mere existence is enough reason to carry on. Never let others steal your lust for life. Life is all you have and it is all you will get. Cling to it until the universe says it's time to let go. Then rest, only then have you earned it.

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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2012, 11:44:40 PM »
well me being in my religion i don't believe in gays but you know i desided not to care. i've got 2 solutions  1. wait out the storm, wait for you to have a car or somthing so you can visit on your own time.     2. make a really long and heart touching speach on how you are who you are and that you have been sad because of him not being there. somthin along those is somthin to charish yes but somtimes it can do more damage then bonding.     just don't lie to them. thats all i got bud. hope you get it resoveled. good tidings to you  ^_^
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2012, 08:44:17 AM »
Well screw them. They wanna cut you off from the person you love most in life, then boo-hoo to you about being distant? HAH.

I'm sorry, I needed to get that out of my system. It truly saddens and enrages me when people, especially parents- your own flesh and blood that are supposed to love you unconditionally- work to harm a gay person, either physically, or emotionally. Its alright with me if they don't want to associate with gays, but to go out of there way and show such hate is unacceptable.

How did you used to contact him? Because the three ways you can talk to people nowadays are electronic (Phone, internet, etc), snail mail, and in person. Do you still have a home phone? Maybe you can try calling him with that instead of your cell phone?

I don't know if you should try talking to your parents about your homosexuality again, because although you may want them to love you for who you are, and accept the fact that you love who you love and not have to sneak around, if they made such a big deal about it, they may be stubborn, and there's not much you can do about stubborn people... But maybe, they just freaked out because it was so unexpected, and parents are always thinking that something is "experimenting" or "just a phase" and they don't want you to "ruin your life" over it. They usually assume there's no thought that goes on and think that you just wake up one day and say "Hey, I'm gonna go date a guy today!" which simply isn't true. A lot of thought goes into your sexual identity, and I wish  that even if someone doesn't agree with homosexuality, that they'd respect that decision.

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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2012, 12:35:46 PM »
well thx for the advice Ill try at least emailing him if possible but their isnt rly anyway I can txt him cause my parents smashed my phone...and since the incident they are checking recent calls on the house, but I just got done talking to a friend of mine and hes letting me borrow his ipod so I can use a txting app :D

also you are right I probobly wont ever talk to my parents about anything tht has to do with my bisexuality ever again. Since the incedent with my mate though my parents are also questioning me about everything I like.

The fandom, music, video games, artwork and everything. I love my parents but I cant stand them buging me about everything under the sun -_-
Our mere existence is enough reason to carry on. Never let others steal your lust for life. Life is all you have and it is all you will get. Cling to it until the universe says it's time to let go. Then rest, only then have you earned it.

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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2012, 03:39:14 AM »
please if they ask try to avoid conversation about the fandom because isn't most of it gay? any way good luck man and oh one more thing.(to be honest your life is better then mine. because my is just so boring right now.nothing is going on and the world is so predictable i almost know anything that is about to happen.) :maybe 60 percent of the time.well when i think about stuff like that.: I mean right know your reading this you might feel pity or know what i mean. and know you might be thinking "well this kid sounds weird." and if you are then don't talk don't talk to me if you dont want to, you can just pm nameless traveler over there. he sounds smart the only reason i made this thread is to get some one to talk to. any way see ya :'(
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2012, 06:04:23 AM »
Well, yeeah... According to the latest furry survey (Reference here), 22.1% of furries are homosexual, and 35.2% are bisexual (57.3% added up), so if they're mad about the homosexuality thing, then they won't be very happy about the furry fandom, especially with the way we are so accepting towards them, gay or not.

And sounds like you need a bit of encouragement yourself Nixon. :)

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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2012, 09:12:30 PM »
ya a little bit. i don't know why but I've been down for most of this week. but I've been trying. :(
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Re: this is a thread for help,furry or other wise (but keep it furry.)
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2012, 03:13:23 AM »
I totally know how that is... I'm in the process of you a PM, so yeah. :D


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