If you are Australian like you say you are, why aren't you upside down?
Actually this is an interesting question, because it is all about how you view the earth and what direction you view it at. Historically the only reason that America, Scotland or England are above Australia is because maps and the first geological records of the earth were made in the northern hemisphere. That said, some people may argue that the North pole is the reason that the earth is the way it is, because north is on top. First of all, north and south are terms that we humans came up with to describe positive or negative magnetic charges, which one we call north and south doesn't matter as long as it'd consistent. Second of all, there's some controversy about the north pole and that it actually may be the magnetic south, the north edges of magnets pointing to the magnet south of the earth, which is what we call the north pole. So that explains why I am not upside down, because the world on maps is not the same as the world in reality.
Are you sure you aren't Austrian?
Yep, though actually I am a part german, which is close to Austria but not quite. I have been confused before where it said "An Austrian scientist did something amazing" and I see "Australian" and I'm like: "YES! AUSTRALIA RULES" until I'm savagely corrected by good friends of mine haha.
Have you ever used toothpicks to emulate the appearance of a walrus?
No, unfortunately I haven't, but it's on my list of "things I should do before I die" so it won't be no for long! Besides, chopsticks are better for Walrus emulating xD