How do you feel about the Queen of England? Well, the queen of England I think is a bit, well. Put it this way, she doesn't do anything really, and she still gets thrown money, she visits Australia and we have to close roads and spend $30,000 on festivals and such, so she can wave. I think the monarchy is a bit old fashioned now, the Parliament is the current trend, democracy in who we want to be leader, not royalty, the peoples choice, not a royal family. The queen doesn't have much say anymore, so I really think royalty should no longer be existent, unless someone has an argument to say otherwise.
If there was no one else to do the job, would you become leader of the world? It's a lot of responsibility but I can't take down that chance! I would rule the world with an iron paw and invest greatly in science and strive for global unity!
You're on steam a lot! What game are you playing the most of right now? Combo is right about this one, in the last 3 days I've spent 19.6 hours playing Far Cry 3, it's a good game, I'm really enjoying it.
Also, what is your favorite game genre? I don't really have a favourite game genre, but I tend to enjoy more sandbox games, open world, physics sandboxes and such (including Garrysmod, Minecraft, GTA4 and Far Cry 3 to a lesser extent). I do like shooters, indie games, not much of a fan with puzzle games, racing games are ok, sport games are kind of boring, RPGs are good, MMOs can be good too but I don't usually invest that much time playing them. So essentailly open world games are my favourite.
What happened to the super beige fox? He wonders the street, keeping an eye out for all the troubles in the world. Because when the needy are needy, he is there, when the problems are problems, he is there, when things are bad, he is the light in the shining darkness, he is the hope in the deepest void, he is the beauty in the hellish abaddon, he is the super beige fox, and he is always watching.