Uh hi

My (fursona's) name is Akira and he's a black and white foxky, as I call it. (Fox and husky.)
He was created through genetic experimentation (Hence the white mark in the shape of a bow on the back of his neck.) but doesn't remember anything about it as he escaped as a pup.
I feel rather awkward posting this as I'm generally rather bad at introducing myself but I'm doing my best here!

I haven't been a part of the furry fandom for that long to be honest but I've always had an interest in anthropomorphic animals ever since I was 8 or 9. I found out about the furry fandom when I was 11 or so thanks to friends but haven't really become a part of it until recently.
Outside of the furry fandom, I'm a student, honestly. I'm not gonna lie, it's not amazing but life's what you make it right? I come from the extremely rainy country of Britain, England to be exact.
That's all I can really think of saying at this moment, so uh... Hi!

(I still feel really awkward even though I've been lurking for a few days ^^')