I was never any good at introducing myself, though the best way to meet people is to make yourself known. Words I have become all to familiar with. My name is Scarel, and I've come to find people make the person. To live without being heard is as if not existing at all. Therefor I introduce myself in the hopes of making friends, companions, and good memories.
Though I am rusty I enjoy role play, talking to people is about all I have anymore, and I look forward to speaking to anyone about anything. My future time spent here I hope you will find me to be very open minded and friendly. I would greatly enjoy getting to know anyone and everyone, in the hopes of bettering myself and learning how to better communicate with people. I've found life to be rather trying at times, yet getting through it has given me a never failing wisdom. However learning life as such has caused me to develop a hard exterior, though I can assure you, I have a very soft and squishy interior
. Sadly most people are put off by it very quickly, and I rarely get the chance to open up to people and show them who I really am.
I'm a 22 year old male that hopes to become a robotics programmer, or at least something similar.
As far as my personality, well I'm an INFJ. Perhaps that is the best way to introduce myself?
My hobbies, well... I'm not sure really, currently I pass my time with video games. I enjoy paintball and various activities with animals such as horseback riding. The thing that makes me the most happy however, is helping someone. I'm not sure you could call that a hobby... It actually sounds kinda odd. Then again, I am a bit odd at times...I suppose that is my introduction...now to post before I delete it!