Well, if you'd like, I can try and find some videos for you?
Drawing wolf and fox heads I've learned thanks to a video tutorial ^^
I mostly just set myself a goal, like drawing a wolf's head,
and start finding specific videos and tutorials about that.
I also look at real wolf heads and study them.
This is how I learn(ed) to draw human anatomy, for example:
-find a pose you like, preferably a photograph of a real person.
-draw a couple of times over.
-Once your hands/brains are used to the approx. lenght and such of the build, you can start sketching the same pose. If this does not work out, go back to drawing over the picture/photograph. Do this as many times needed untill you can sketch freely the same pose without too much trouble.
-Eventually draw a self-thought picture of a different pose. If this doesn't work, go back to the previous step.
That's how I practiced, so it's only a tip