I have to agree to the fact that online relationships really do work. Vee and I first met online (not for the purpose of dating) and we ended up having an online relationship. And now, we live happily together and plan to marry soon. Until only 3 years ago (we've known each other since 7/7/2005, together since 12/11/2007) we've lived 1367 miles away from each other.
A very good friend of mine spent the latter half of his college years to join ministry and after he became an ordained priest, all of his friends and myself pitched in and bought him 3 years of membership to match.com. After 3 months, he found someone from across the state, and it wasn't even 2 years later that they ended up marrying.
Usually, when relationships don't work online, it's because they weren't compatible or they were really not looking for a relationship. As stated before, Vee and I lived almost 1500 miles away from each other, but our relationship worked out for the best. Here's the thing about online relationships. It's the same as real life. The best relationships you have that make compatibility were the relationships you have from a friendship that developed withOUT the purpose of getting a relationship, married or laid. When my friend was on Match.com, he merely looked for female friends within his own age (being mr. priest to the end). If you don't spend time to get to know someone and become attached to them, an online relationship ends up as pointless as a real one if you do the same thing.