nixon, can you describe your equipment in more detail, please? I assume the 3-inch thick plastic on your shoulders is a set of shoulder guards? Are they attached directly to your shirt, or do they have straps/a harness of some kind? Also, what exactly is this sword thing, which arm is it on, and how does it function? Is it double-edged or single? Curved, or straight? How long is it? Does it have a hilt so you can use it as a conventional sword, or is it just a blade that's mounted on your arm? How is it mounted, anyway? And how does it shoot out? Spring-loaded? Air/gas-powered? All these things are important.
Also, what happened to your character when the outbreak hit? How did you come to survive for this long, and what are you doing at the apartments at this point?
Just post all this here in this thread to avoid breaking the fourth wall in the actual RP thread.
Finally, I hate to be a grammar nazi, but please try to spell things correctly.