I've got a fleece had with fox ears on it! I really wanna put together a fox-themed outfit soon. It would require the hat, a pair of black jeans, a black thermal shirt, a pair of black fingerless gloves (all four of which I already own), a white T-shirt to go over the thermal shirt for my white belly, and a red plaid flannel to go over that with the sleeves rolled up to show my black arms. It would also be awesome if I could get a tail as a finishing touch.
I've also been thinking about getting a collar lately... Looks like I have a lot of stuff to save up my money for!

None of it should be TOO pricey, since the red flannel could easily be found at any thrift store, and I can just get a pack of white T-shirts for pretty cheap at Wal-Mart or something.
Also, I tend to make numerous growls/grunty sounds in conversations with my close friends as passive feedback, rather than saying, "Yeah, uh-huh." And when my three closest female friends tickle me, I often yip/screech/etc.