Thank you so much, everyone!
I'm glad you all like it.
And now, for some more specific responses:
Nixon: "words?" You mean my signature and the date? And "prop?" You mean her camera?
Leaf: Thank you! One thing I've noticed about my style is that it tends to change depending on the gender of the fur I'm drawing.
With males, as you can see in my avatar, I lean toward a more western style when it comes to drawing heads/faces. But with females, it seems, I go for more of an anime style... I'm not really sure why... Maybe because the anime style is cuter, and therefore better suited to female characters?
Byracka: *is pushed* I shall accept your challenge! Expect more backgrounds in future drawings!
Thrasher: I tried to make it as faithful/accurate a rendition of Maine as I possibly could, hehe. Hence the extreme levels of kawaii-ness.