Hello, my name is Cloudberry Weaver Rabbit and I'm a Lapist.
Obviously, my species is rabbit. But I've only recently become so- I joined the Furry Fandom about 7 years ago as a raccoon. A good friend of mine helped me choose this species by observing my personality and decided that it fit me. I chose the name Loki after the Norse god of mischief.
It still fits me, but there is a reason I went to rabbit. I read "The First Book of Lapism" (a collection of short stories following a single coherent timeline, and thus printed in a single volume) and thoroughly enjoyed it. But something about the stories touched me. The protagonists are adherents of Lapism, described in the book as a religion for humans transformed by science into anthropomorphic rabbits.
I find the tenets to be quite agreeable, and hold to them fondly. Chief among them (arguably) would be always striving to be a better person. But I can't really call it a religion- for me, it's more like a philosophy. Indeed, one may argue that even in the stories, assigning the word "religion" to Lapism is a misnomer. Any way you slice it, Lapism works for me! And I'm not the only one.
I'm a freelance web designer. I have a couple fursuits, and am told I'm a pretty good performer. I'm also an experienced handler, too. I'm really into paintball, when I can afford it

woods/rec/tactical not speedball.