*there is the sudden sound of a record scratching, and the Jaws theme is replaced by the opening riff to Slayer's "Raining Blood"*
Slayer - Raining Blood (skip to 0:32 for the best effect!)
*ShinobiFox races onto the scene on a pair of the raddest rollerblades ever conceived, flying off a newly-appeared ramp; he executes several fancy flippy tricks as his rollerblades fly off, and a trio of nondescript ninja henchfurs leap after him—one on a skateboard, another on a Razor scooter, and the third on a BMX bike. Shinobi produces a katana and a Mateba Unica 6 revolver, putting four rounds into one ninja's chest as he comes out of an upside-down flip, and then skillfully slicing the remaining two in half as he spins into a perfect landing near the edge of the ball pit. Their severed bodies land behind him before exploding into confetti and king-sized Kit-Kat bars shortly afterwards*