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Author Topic: Starting a new podcast!  (Read 1545 times)

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Starting a new podcast!
« on: March 12, 2013, 10:32:41 PM »
     Okay I have been interested in being a Disc Jockey/Talk show host since I was a youngfur. Lately I have been getting more serious about it and have been listening to a good amount of podcasters. But I do not want to host alone, so I am looking for a remote co-host that would like to be a part of my shows.
     There is going to be two shows. Both shows will be variety talk shows, but in different ways.  The first of the two will be a little more serious, and will cover topics such as: World News, Current Events, Politics, Some Anime/Manga/Cartoons/Comics/Video Games/Etc., and General Sub-Culture Topics. The latter of the two shows will be a laid-back "After Dark" show covering more mature topics and will have no general hold backs when covering those topics. This is also where most of the fur-talk and furry culture items will come-up.
     I am looking for a co-host that is open-minded and willing to listen to abstract ideas, who also speaks English in a way that can be understood (my general target audience is English-speaking). There will be a lot of topics that are American-based and Libertarian. I do not mind and actually encourage non-Americans so there will be more discussions about different governments and politics. Age, gender, sexually-orientation, and political views do not really matter, as I said before just be more open minded to views that do not match your own.
     I am also looking for guests and help for behind-the-scenes, so if you feel like you may want to help in some way but do not feel comfortable (or are too busy) to be a co-host, I also need help on a website, iTunes, audio tech, etc. I will also be commissioning a logo and when the site is up site-artwork.

Applying/Other Info.
If this interests you, PM me with the following information...

~Age (18+ only. As a large portion of the After Dark Topics will be 18+. There may be separate co-hosts for each show, depending on co-hosting interests. If 16-18 still apply.)
~Time of day you are available
~Alternate contact info. (email, im(google, skype, yahoo, microsoft), text(USA only), facebook, physical/Snail mail.)

~Age (not necessarily that important unless adult topic)
~Contact info.
~List of topics in which you would like to be contacted/consulted on.

~Contact Info.
~What you can do to help

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