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Author Topic: I'm looking for a book. Can you help me?  (Read 7761 times)

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I'm looking for a book. Can you help me?
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:09:13 AM »
Years ago, I was surfing an art site, maybe deviant art. I found a young female artist and in her profile was a link to a book. To my knowledge the book was named something like, Draconic or something close to that. It was like a .PDF file or something because I downloaded it after purchasing. The book was fiction, I believe the cover was dark green. If I remember correctly the main character was a female dragon. I remember a temple. The main character flying across a vast ocean, maybe on mechanical wings? Talking to a goddess late at night I think in a forest. Moon goddess? Silver lady? So much I can remember but I can't find it. Please if anyone knows what I am talking about, or if this post even makes a little bit of sense I would love to have that book again.

Offline Arquette

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Re: I'm looking for a book. Can you help me?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 03:17:20 PM »
Ok, I realise this is an old post, but you might return to see. I use Abebooks extensively because they are so good,(their and .com websites) and this list might be what you are searching for.

If anything rings a familiar bell, further check out on Amazon. Its the best I can do.  :)
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Offline Kyle MaJoi

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Re: I'm looking for a book. Can you help me?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2015, 02:28:20 PM »
Thank you so much!  :D
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― H.P. Lovecraft


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