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Author Topic: Milo of Redwall  (Read 2655 times)

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Offline Milo_Xyunto

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Milo of Redwall
« on: May 27, 2013, 06:46:00 PM »
[Please note, this story was made up, long before I chose a RP chara named Milo. This story was dorment in a file for so long, I forgot about the characters in it, or even the series of Redwall altogether. I decided to post it on the net, starting with these forums. Again, it was by mistake I chose Milo as the same name]
This story is a fanfic of Redwall. "Foxes are considered evil creatures, along with crows, toads, lizards, neuts, wildcats, ferrets, martens, weasles, rats and Greater water rats. Few of the mentioned evil creatures have ever stepped foot in Redwall. Those that did, ended up stealing or killing. Redwall Abbey is a haven for all those seeking help and aid. No creature is turned away... At the same time, no evil creature is welcomed."
Here in a few hours I'll post the first chapter. The story is complete, I completed it about... er... 4 years ago. I want to reread the story to see if it need improvment, I will post it though, dont worry.
For those who have no idea what Redwall is. Redwall is a series by Brian Jacques. It has a varity of illistrators. Each book is about 200-300 pages long. It is primarily about mice, hedgehogs, moles, voles, badgers and hares who seek refuge in a abbey surrounded by walls. This is why its called Redwall abbey. You dont need to know much else. My story was intended for those who didnt know much about Redwall.
See you in a few hours. Oh and questions about the story should be PM'd, comments can be posted on the forum.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 01:23:29 AM »
  • Cdr writtings presents... A Redwall Fanatic Fictional story...
  • Milo of Redwall
  • Part one: Milo Stumble Fox
  • Chapter 1:
  • The twin bells, the Methuselah and Matthiass bells, rang in a sad afternoon. A creature recently passed away. And while only one remained that witnessed this creature's good nature, his rememberance would be forever in the hearts of those in Redwall.
  • The moles, headed by Foremole, was carrying a bandaged body. Creatures lined the burial site. Not many weeping. The Abbot manage to shed a tear of sympathy for the dead creature. The old badger guardian, Stella, was the only one shedding tears of great sorrow. The moles put the body in the hole. And buried it. Stella held in her paw a small picture of a female mouse. She walked up to the grave and put the picture on the dirt mound. She turned and left, walking pass Abbot Sam Kritle. The Abbot watched her walk off sadly. Her old features was clearly showing as her walk was slow.
  • He turned to the newer, more able bodied guardian, Stiffel. "I do hope she will be alright." He said. The badger nodded as the Abbot gave one more look to the grave and then walked off after his friend. Many mice looked dumbfoundedly at the grave. But one young mouse decided that he should be the one to ask the uncomfortable question.
  • Timmy Sparkle, walked to the grave to look at the writting on a head stone. The writting read,
  • "Here lies a good friend of Redwall abbey, the only one of his kind to do great things for it.
  • Milo Stumble Fox, Born in the winter of the Late plums, died in the fall of Warrior's past.
  • May the guardian of Redwall watch him in Dark forest."
  • The little mouse cocked his head and then ran to catch up with the abbot. "Abbot Sam! Why's there a fox buried here? Why's he a friend of Redwall?" The abbot stopped and looked at him. The sincerity of the little mouse's face told the abbot that he was really interested. "Ask Stella, she will tell more about him then I could." The young mouse gave a face of displeasure. "But Stella might give me a bath!" The mouse complained. The abbot laughed and said, "You already had one, besides, she'll never pass up talking about her friends. You go ask Stella in Great hall, she'll tell you all about him." Timmy thought about it, then ran for the abbey.
  • Stella's tears had dryed. She now was smiling at all the friends who had came to comfort her. Abbot Sam Kritle, Ulus the Chef, Jermy the current recorder, sister Miley, brother Fredwick, Foremole Dirty the third. And of course, the little rouge himself, Timmy Sparkle. Stella shared laughs as the dwellers of Redwall did their best to distract her of the funeral. Abbot Sam nodded towards Timmy that now was the right moment to confront Stella. Timmy shyly walked up to Stella and was greeted with an old badger smile. "Timmy!" She said in a old cheerful voice. "Have you had a bath today?"
  • The mouse just blurted it out, "Who's Milo Stumble Fox? And why's he friends with Redwall?" Ulus scolded him almost instantly. "Timmy! Ya know that Redwall is peaceful to all livin' creatures!" Stella picked Timmy up and sat him on her lap. She smiled at the chef-hog. "It is alright. All of you never knew Milo when he was living at Redwall. Only I am the beast now that can vouch for his great deeds he done for our home."
  • Stella looked around. Now all ears and eyes was on her. It was clear, they wanted to hear the story. She nodded and said, "I dont know where to start. How about the reason for Milo's good nature...
  • _________________________________________________________________
  • Winter was on the far south lands. It hit very heavy. There was a famine during spring and summer. Fruits in the fall was tastless and uneatable. Creatures that did not strave, froze to death. It was a hard time for the south. But it was much harder for the foxes. The foxes had grown numerous, and one day, a fox killed the wrong squirrel. A deadly hunt was then forth sent out. A hunt for foxes and rid the lands of their kind. Even if creatures was not a fox, the land would be cleansed of all vermin that the squirrel saw fit to be exiled, or killed. The squirrel being the leader of such a great hunt.
  • The markets was closed. It was a bad choice on the squirrel's part. For one thing, the market helped circulate the food and closing it just added to the starvation. The markets was a center gathering of, not only foxes, but of all creatures who saught a good trade. This also included mice and hedgehogs, and the badgers who grew and made wheat bread. It was suppose to help rid the vermin from the lands, all those who was not such creatures, was invited to a castle and stronghold where they could be fed.
  • Still foxes lived on, some found refuge with others. Some could live by themselves. But this winter was by far the most brutal in all the south lands. Most foxes died by the arrow of the archers. Some died from the freeze of the winter. Indeed, it seemed evil was being vanquished finally from the south lands...
  • ________________
  • A female fox was chanting and twirling around her son in a den. He clapped and tryed to sing along with her chanting. Bouncing up and down in a dancing mimik. A small bandage was on his ear. The mother laughed and nuzzled him. "You'll make a great healer fox, mark my words, Stumble." The infant fox giggled and hugged his mom's snout. He totally forgot his injury on his ear tip. She picked him up and pointed to the entrance, "After the snow is gone, I will promise to teach you how to make a lift without being caught. You maybe the greatest theif in the world, save for me of course." Again he giggled and laughed, only excited from his mother's excitment.
  • She had a good reason to be excited too. Word was that the fox hunt was over, and the squirrel leader apoligized and urged the reopening of the markets. Now food was available for the first time in winter. Well, available in large quanities. She sat him down and smiled at him. "You stay and wait for me to come back, and I'll see to it you get a full belly tonight, my little theif." The infant knew the word stay. "Say!" He said excitedly. She smiled and said, "Good boy, your mother will return, dont you worry."
  • She grabbed a sack and shot out of the den hole, up the entrance, pass the bushes hiding the den, and to the market. She wanted to get there as quickly as she could. After all, she and her son needed the food. She left the kit fox starring at the entrance. He well knew to stay put. He looked around and saw a cricket hop down into the den. It was a fimilar cricket, one he enjoyed playing with. The cricket saught this den as refuge and well knew the kit would'nt harm it, of course the kit also had a rough playing style.
  • As she ran, the female mother fox came upon a fimilar ferret. "Fraila, I be happy to see ya! I bet yer..." She ran past him and shouted over her shoulder. "Cant talk Tailcut, I am bound for the market!" The ferret smiled and said, "Good huntin to ya mecker!" He continued walking, grim faced, away from the market.
  • Fraila smiled at the market place. More foxes then ever showed up. This many proved that the hunt really had been called off. Why else would there be others? She walked on, her face now serious. She played the normal face. Making the others beleive she was'nt in any real need. She held tight on the sack she carried. Then she saw it. The food section. She walked up, emotionless and studied the well gathered food. There was a bustle noise nearby. She looked left of her and saw two hedgehogs packing up their food to close their area. But they did it hastly. Fraila ignored it. "I want to have two days worth for me and my infant."
  • The ferret on the other side of the stand held up a paw, "Show me the goods then we will talk." She nodded, "How could I forget the greedy stuff?" She pulled out a golden handled dagger. The gold was a bit worn out, but it still held a marvelous luster sight in the ferret's eyes. "Two days is exactly what it is worth!" He took it. Fraila handed the ferret her haversack. He took the sack and packed it full of food. When he gave it to Fraila, she noticed it was lighter then it should be. She looked in it and then quickly threw a glare at the ferret on the other side of the table. "I said two days for me AND my infant!" The ferret grinned and said, "Well you give your infant milk while you take the foods." She threw the sack about her. While he made a flashy show of a sword. She growled angerily but did not act. The food would have to do. She began walking, feeling cheated. It made sense coming from ferret, but it made her feel like she was loseing her old luster as a haggler.
  • She looked around. Why is it the only food areas is opened by just weasles, ferrets and rats? She turned and saw three voles quickly walking away. She shrugged and continued. At least she could give her son a full belly tonight. That thought made her smile a bit. Everywhere creatures was beginning to pack up and leave the market. Few foxes was included. Something was amist in the air, and the heavy feeling of instinctive danger had began to waver in Fraila. But she was leaving and would be gone soon.
  • She continued, when all of the sudden, she heard a death scream. It would be normal to hear one at least once a visit. But what followed was not normal at all. She turned and saw arrows shooting from the trees. One flew by her head, she quickly dove down and crawled under a table. She watched as foxes ran healter-skelter, some fighting each other to get away. Then she saw one's feet run pass the table, the feet lifted into the air as a swish noise was heard. Then his body landed a few paces back.
  • It was a trap! Fraila was firghtened, she had escaped the hunts before, but she never came this close. There was screams, shattering objects, and the swishing sound of zipping arrows passing by.
  • The noises ceased. Everywhere, silence fell as dust was blown away by the wind. Tables turned, food, weapons, cloths, sacks and packs, medicine and shiny objects... all laid scattered on the ground. Food trampled, some weapons was broken and glass objects shattered. Bodies of what was once living foxes laid amoung the carnage. This was the work of a mad beast. No not a beast, a dishonored squirrel.
  • Suddenly, the table overturned and landed in front of her vision. She turned around and saw two squirrel archers with shafts drawn back. She felt horror pass threw her entire body. Then the squirrels released, and arrows whizzed, well aimed, at Fraila.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 01:24:20 AM »
  • The infant was talking with the chirruping cricket, who listened between every chirp. "I knows mama come. She said she come. She has food. Food for me." The cricket's chirp ceased. Something was wrong. By now the mother fox would have been back, and he would have to leave. The cricket starred at the innocent fox. It's bug mind simple, but very observant. It studied and sized up the situation. The bigger fox was not yet back, and this little one ranted ceaslessly. Perhaps she got lost. The cricket and the fox still sat in the den, both was oblivious to the outside events.
  • A mousemaid, dressed in a purple dress with white flowers, was running from a nearby tree. The tree housed a owl, who loved to hunt mice, and gave her a running chance just for sport. The night had a half moon lingering in mid sky. Its paleness shined greatly on the grass. The owl waited a few more seconds. The mousemaid gave a look back and ran up a hill, towards bushes. The bushes was dead from the winter. The cold air, freezing her lungs as she faught to kept running. As she crossed the bushes and headed down hill, she fell into a hole.
  • The owl saw that she crossed over the hill and decided he gave her enough time. He flew high and looked around. He gave the mousemaid a good start, promising her that if she managed to reach the tree line, he would give up trying to eat her. As his vision come over the hill to the wide open area, he found the maid had disappeared. Where did she go? He looked at the bushes and saw right threw them. The ground was white, and no trace was from the mousemaid. He looked at her tracks, and they ended at the bushes. He flew closer and saw a hole. A fox's den most likely. He screeched angerily and flew off in miserable defeat.
  • The maid tumbled head over paws into the den room. The cricket was startled and jumped high and landed on Stumble's ear. The fox flicked his ear, sending the cricket flying, and gave a yapping noise of despair, unsure of what to do. He backed up yapping loudly, while the cricket angerily jumped to the corner. The mousemaid sat up and rubbed her head and then yelled over the yapping, "I wont hurt you!" Instantly the infant fox stopped.
  • "Moma kill you when she come. She come back." The fox said. The mouse maid looked at the kit fox, her vision returning to normal. "I am sorry to barge in, I was running for my life. Dont worry though, the danger will pass." As she spoke, the fox starred at her. His vocabulary was very limited. He didnt understand. She played with her dress and then asked, "What's your name?" The fox smiled knowingly and said proudly, "Sumble." The maid giggled at his attempt to say 'Stumble'. She curtsied and said, "My name is Marie. Where's your mother? Shouldnt she be back?" Stumble grinned and said, "Momma get food. Fox hun ova. She come back wif food." Marie's heart suddenly sank. "Is your mother at the market?" She asked, hoping he didnt know. But his nodding confirmed it. "She ah Markeh."
  • The fox went back to resting. Marie's eyes no longer saw just a infant fox. He was homeless and was going to starve. She thought about fate and destiny, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not help but think fate threw her a chance to save this poor creature. His fate should not be born to suffer a young cruel death cause of the hunt, his should be to live a long fox's life, at least long enough to learn to survive. She tightened her paws into fists.
  • Red Squirrel was the one who hunted the foxes, and lead the parties. She had nothing to do with it. Because of him, many more will suffer, and he did not care. It mattered not how many died, he wanted revenge. The anger subsided. She felt obligated to inform the fox of the cruelity that happened to his mother. She breathed in and closed her eyes. Not sure how to go about it. "I have news about your mother..." She said reluctantly. The infant fox understood a few words, news and mother. He sat up and waited. She breathed in and opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Not a word, she just couldnt do it. She turned away. All she could think about was the pain of losing someone dear. She felt it before, and didnt want him to feel the same... Not yet.
  • "Where moma?" He asked curiously. She turned and said smiling, hiding her true emotions. "Your mom is going away for a long time. I am affraid she wont be coming back tonight. So when I heard this, I came here to take you home with me. I will look after you until your mom comes back." The fox blinked at her and then said, "Moma... gone? No come wif food?" Tears built up in his eyes. It was the tears of a infant wanting his mother. She ran over and conforted him, trying to keep a soothing voice. "Its alright, I have food. You come with me and I will feed you until you have a full belly." Stumble wanted to wail out, but he instead nodded. "I go wif you. Take me food. I wai fuh moma wif you." She smiled and grabbed his paw. "You'll be happy dont worry."
  • All the while, the cricket obsearved what had taken place. This mysterious visitor was showing affection toward the fox in a motherly manner. Who was this creature? And wait, was she taking him outside? She was! She is stealing the fox infant! He jumped after them, following them closely.
  • ___________________________________________
  • The cricket followed them as they treked all night and arrived at Marie's house. It was a hollow dead tree, but the inside and outside was patched, and detailed to resist storms and insulate heat. Marie led the sleepy Stumble inside. She then led him to a empty bed and said, "This is where you will sleep." In a trice, he layed down and fell asleep. Marie smiled as he curled. She had led him upstairs to the guest room, where it was the warmest. She walked downstairs and entered her room to change into a new dress. A dark blue dress.
  • Now she hurried to cook. Stumble would be awake probably in two hours. He would be hungry then. She made a simple meal. Oat scones with some berry toppings, and mushroom soup. The drinks, she chose water that was saturated with cherries to give it a slight flavor. She was thinking about the thought of raising Stumble. "Stumble..." She said to herself as she prepared the food. "That name roles to much. Plus he did'nt stumble once. No he needs a new name. But what?" When she got done, preparing the food, she headed back upstairs, detering from the main hall into the bathing room. She took some water and poured it into a tub. Stumble needed to be cleaned up. He may have shimmering fur, but it needs washing.
  • She paused, she once again said, "Stumble... It just wont do, I mean I cant call anyone Stumble." She shook her head and walked back down stairs and headed for the cloths room. But she had nothing to fit the fox infant. She thought for minutes. She would have to make the fox new clothing. She looked around her room and found her meterial. She decided he would look cute in a small tunic. She laid the meterial out and over looked it. The color would be red, with tiny fox-prints over the ouside. They would be... Hmm... She thought for a minute again. Then saw yellow. It was a thought, but red and yellow. Maybe? No. She rethought the entire thing. Perhaps a normal red shirt with brown pants. She nodded at the simple arrangment. And chose the meterial, knowing she would just change her mind once again. She laid them on a table for later, sewing took weeks, and sometimes a season. So she planned for the spring.
  • Stumble had awakened. No sooner then he opened his eyes, then Marie peeked in and told him it was time for breakfast. He blinked curiously at her, forgetting that he was not in the den anymore. "Whuh brekfis?" She smiled and said, "Food." He shook his head, now seeing his surroundings and reminded of his mother's absence. She led him down stairs to the kitchen. The meal was prepared for him. They both sat down, he didnt hesitate to take paw fulls. Ignoring the plate in front of him.
  • "No! Put those on the plate!" He starred at her while chewing. She got up took the scones from him and put them on the plate. "Eat one at a time." He looked down at them. Not entirely sure of what she meant. But played along with this crazy game. One by one they disappeared. He was eating as if he suffered a famine... Wait, he was. She smiled at his pleasure. She scooted her chair closer to his and put the soup in front of him. He lower his head, going to lap it up. She quickly stopped him. And put a spoon in the bowl, while bringer herself one too.
  • "Do as I do." She picked up the spoon and dipped it in the soup and lifted to bring it to her mouth. Stumble tilted his head, not sure as to why. But he mimiked her, finding it entertaining to have a new method of eating. She watched him lower his head towards the bowl but still use the spoon to eat, his grasp was heavy, holding the spoon firmly in a tight grip. She allowed this. She smiled, it would be difficult training... No teaching this fox the way of mice, the way she was taught.
  • Once they had finished eating, Stumble was led upstairs once again. This time he saw water in a tub. "Get in, go in." She said encouragingly. He was hesitant, but obeyed and sat in the tub of warm water. Once fully in, he looked up at her. "Why?" He asked the simple word of question. She smiled and said, "This is how you get washed." He looked at the water strangely. "No wuss. I show wuss." He reached up and grabbed her, pulling her into the tub. Marie gave a squeak as she splashed in the tub with the young fox. Then he began licking the back of her neck, in a grooming way. On the third lick, she came out of the stun and turned putting her hands on his snout, stopping him from grooming her. "I wuss!" He said grinning. She shook her head. "No Stumble, I wash." She grabbed soap, but the infant quickly grew bored. "I eat food." He said while leaping out of the tub, and flew down the stairs for more scones before Marie could do anything to stop him. She sighed and hung her head, soap in paws. She looked down at her wet blue dress. Her dress was clean, but she had not taken a bath before getting in it. She shrugged and decided the bath shouldnt go to waste.
  • With her soaking dress flung across the room, the wet mouse maid thought about Stumble, as she washed herself. How to teach him what bathing was. But it led to her thinking a new name for Stumble. He reminded her of a young mouse who almost got a different name. A name she really liked. It hit her. She had the perfect name for this cute infant fox.
  • She came down stairs and headed for her cloths room and put on a new dress. This one was a lighter blue with a yellow mouse face at the top left shoulder. She walked into the kitchen to see Stumble laying on the rug by the pantry, his eyes tightly closed as the morning sun shone on his face through the window. The scones was gone, and the mushroom soup was all over the table. She shook her heard despairingly. "Stumble, I want to talk to you." His eyes snapped open and he got up and looked at her smiling. "I dalk good."
  • She had him sit down with his back to the pantry and sat next to him. "What do you think of the name Milo?" The fox blinked trying to understand. "Who Milo?" He pronounced it perfectly. She smiled. "Your name is Milo." He laughed a bit and said, "I names Sumble, no Milo." She smiled and said, "I will call you Milo, not Stumble. Your name, til you leave here, is Milo." He sorta understood. He repeated in his words. "I name Milo. I go, I name Sumble?" She nodded smiling at the infant's attempt to understand.
  • Stumble smiled and laughed. "I like Milo name. You name Flowa. You go, you name Mair." She shook her head and giggled. "Alright, my name is Flower until I leave." They both shared giggles at this new, and confusing relationship. All the while, the cricket was watching, noting that this creature would take care of the fox, and this tree would have to serve as its new refuge.
  • _________________________________
  • Old Stella smiled as Timmy and some others laughed. They enjoyed the little story. "Is it true?" Timmy asked. Stella nodded and she looked up and said, "But its far from over little one..."
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 08:02:26 PM »
Really nice read.
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Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
 FDF forever       "
SNIPER!!!  boo ya FDF!!

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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2014, 03:03:18 PM »
Sorry for the delays. The redwall series has had an update... To keep my fan fiction in union with the story, changes are being made... I'm almost finish with the first and second parts of my fic, but the third and fourth part need to be done differently... I'll post up the next chapter later today
See you in a few hours.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2014, 07:55:55 PM »
Chapter 2:
Redwall was busy. Nameday was approaching fast and every creature knew it. Kitchens was alight and filled with smoke. Creatures busied themselves to prepare. The abbot at this time was named Wilson. He over saw everything and the beasts enjoyed following his orders as he ordered in an unusual way.
"Please, let us hurry and get this table set out. If you please, could you get the cloths. Little Turt, you young mole, please stop running in my path. Hmm, why is that mole in front of you?" He asked himself and then awnsered, "Cause its a habit! Ha ha ha." The old abbot's humor was something to be desired. But he had dedicated himself to making at least one pun everyday and then present the best one of the season at the feast. Just because he was working, does not mean he could not enjoy a laugh.
The badger guardian, Stella, shook her great striped head. The pun was very awful, why he decided to dedicate his life to making puns was something a creature could ponder for seasons. Still he was a very sweet and gentle mouse. She enjoyed his company. She walked over to him, "Father, that pun was worst then yesterday’s, but I guess if thats the best you got." He looked up, his frailty clearly shone. "I beg pardon Stella? Did you say something that would hurt an old mouse's heart? If so, then you better reconsider your words, you could have just said that it wasnt funny at all." He then laughed. Stella shook her head. She knew the old abbot was serious when he needed to be.
"Walk with me my friend." Stella said leading the abbot to the shade of the ramparts. "Spring is coming and I definitely look forward to the feast, but did you forget we have traders coming in two days from now, the day of the feast?" The abbot shook his head. "I indeed remembered. Let us be generous with their gifts, offering more than what the value is of their items. By the way, did you say you was looking forward to the feast?" Stella nodded knowing what was coming, another worst pun. "Then why are you looking forward at the wall? Ha ha ha." Stella shook her head. "Father, sometimes I think your brain was born backwards." The abbot laughed and said, "Yes I am backwards. My body is completely backwards. My feet smell and my nose runs! Ha ha ha ha!"
Martha, the warrior of Redwall, heard the laughing of the abbot. She looked over and saw Stella shaking her head, embarrassed to be standing next to the abbot during one of his fake sounding laughs. Even if it was heartily true, it was fake, at least that was how he described it. He loved good humor, but he only laughed so much to help mask the true anxiety building up. She knew the abbot was worried about the feast to come, but Martha wanted to re-ensure her friend.
As she began walking to the embarrassed Stella, who was still shaking her head, she was greeted by Ongar the mole head chef. "Hurr, Oi needs 'ee 'elp Martha." She looked at the pudgy mole and smiled a greeting at him. "How may I help you my friend?" The mole smiled and his eyes nearly disappeared in the wrinkles, "Oi needs more paws to 'elp push yon fish." He pointed with his digging claw to the fish, caught by sister Daisy and brother Chris. The fish was on a wheeled table, and they did need help as the wheels was caught on a few rocks. Martha nodded and agreed to help. She walked over and inch by inch helped push the table inside to the kitchens.
Martha panted as the mole put his heavy paw on her shoulder. "Thank 'ee bunch maister Martha. We'd neva wood 'ave done et wit'out yer service." He smiled and went to preparing for the fish. Martha left, going back outside, but no longer saw Stella or the abbot. She sighed and went to the infirmary to see if a certain squirrel needed help. She walked into the infirmary and saw him smiling, staring straight out into the orchard. She walked up next to him. He continued to smile and said, "Martha, I thought that was your flip-flops I heard coming up the steps. That fish smelled big from up here, and I take it Ongar needed help."
He was a old squirrel, one of many seasons. But Martha was not surprise of his age. "How did you know the fish was big from the smell?" The squirrel turned to her, starring upward just over her head. His eyes focused on nothing. "Well, you pick up a few things when a creature like me is born the way I am." She smiled and grabbed his arm. "Triscan you never fail to amaze me." Martha said as she led the blind squirrel down into the orchard.
Martha let go of him, "I am sorry friend, I must see to Stella and the abbot." Triscan smiled and nodded. He found the pear tree and relaxed next to it. The squirrel was paying close attention to the surroundings. Brother Yuli, the current recorder, walked over to the blind squirrel. "My friend" He said. "I fell victim to becoming one of Wilson's puns." The squirrel laughed and replied, "Found himself a new victim? I was relieved when he decided to give up watching me for his puns. I kept giving him many ideas. Like the one he presented in the winter feast." Brother Yuli laughed.
"Yeah I remember he went after you for a while, and even managed to make Stella laugh that season. What was it he used in the winter feast?"
Triscan shook his head. "He made me walk into a wall and then said loudly 'Who is responsible for putting that wall there!'"
Yuli laughed once more. "I remember now. Your face lit up when he first saw you walk into a wall."
"Yes, but I did that in the fall, he saved it for the winter feast instead. Sometimes I wonder why he picks on a blind squirrel."
Yuli threw a paw around his old friend. "It shows he loves ya mate! If he didn’t, he wouldn’t make the puns."
Triscan laughed, "Sometimes I wish he didn’t love me, it would be worth it never to hear a crazy pun again!"
They shared a good laugh amongst each other, knowing that every Redwaller was bound to be a victim of the Abbot Wilson's humor sooner or later.
Far south, spring also showed its face, but it was not a gleeful day for one. A fox stood near a mound of dirt, on the dirt was rocks of good size. Tears was in the eyes of the fox. He blinked some away, trying to keep his eyes clear. He gave a few words of honor, thinking she could hear him.
"You was always there. I don’t remember a time when you wasn’t. You taught me the value of honesty and saved my life. I never told you, but I owe it to you. I loved you as my mother and my friend. You... You... You promised to help me go to a peaceful place. I know you couldn’t, but I am grateful you wanted to. I am proud, to call myself your son." He knelt down. "You'll never be forgotten. I will do all I can to fulfill your wish." He put both hands on the ground. His words mixed up, he was saying multiple things in one sentence.
He was still young, still a kit. Marie had protected him for most of his life so far. But then she died from sickness. Milo stood up and rubbed his eyes. He gave one more thought and said one final goodbye. "I will make you proud, goodbye Flower and I hope you find your lost ones." He turned and ran inside. He ran up to his room. The wall decorated with various items he found. Many of which was lost and waited to be returned. He dove on his bed sobbing. Drawing more tears into the pillow. For a small kit fox, he was intelligent. Marie had taught him everything she knew of manners and politeness. Then she taught him how to use his brain. Eventually he started talking beyond his age.
Milo looked up, a particular book was about to fall. He got up quickly and caught it. It was his favorite book. It was entitled, "Life at Redwall". The book told of the many jobs and responsibilities of each creature of Redwall. The chef's head duty to oversee the cooking and add new dishes he saw fit. The bell ringer, the recorder, the guardian, the infirmary keeper… All farmers and care takers. Living a life of peace and tranquility. He read also of the many attempts to take Redwall by means of great seiges. Milo wished he could somehow go there. It would be nice to find a place he could walk through without being attacked.
He fantasized about being a dweller. Eating at the season's feast and helping to prepare it. Perhaps even helping to take care of the injured. He smiled, but his fantasy was cut by noise outside. He peaked out his window and saw a big badger heading his way. The badger's name was Muldren and he hated foxes. Milo met him a while back, and no matter what Marie said, the badger refused to believe Milo was a good fox. Milo sighed and ran downstairs to meet the badger. The badger saw the grave and then saw the fox come out of the tree house.
"Milo!" He said, "Marie's home is no longer yours, she lived here, and when I return I want you gone!" Milo was timid and shy, but he was not going to leave his without a fight. "Let us settle this at the council!" Milo yelled. Muldren smiled, "I did! And they said that a fox cannot live in this area anymore. Find a place in the west lands, like the others!" Milo knew Muldren never forged the council's word, he always spoke truth, even if his truth was twisted behind revenge and anger. Milo sighed and then asked, "I will leave peacefully, but could you help me find a place? A place known as Redwall?" The badger laughed mockingly and said, "There is no such place! Your tricks will not work on me fox, be gone by sundown!" At that he turned and left, leaving Milo worried and sad.
Hearing the badger say Redwall did not exist, stirred mixed emotions in the young fox. Did the badger not know of Redwall, or did he know what he was saying? Was Redwall a meer story?
The badger needed a reason. He did not want any vermin near the inner woods. Milo sighed and went back upstairs. He plopped on his bed, forgetting the book was there, and it fell to the floor. Instantly Milo reacted picking the book up with care. He noticed though, a tear between a page, like the page was sticking to another page thinly. It was the page describing the distance from the quarry to the abbey. He tore it down and separated the two folds, revealing a hidden page. It was a map of all Mossflower woods, and the roads from the south that lead to it. He smiled. His mother believed in fate, and now she would say 'Fate shows up at the right time, and this is your time.' He ran downstairs and packed a haversack full of food, and put the book inside a side pack his mother made.
A few medicines and a sewing kit, incase he needed to sow his red tonic with yellow fox-prints. Finally, a extra pair of cloths. Two side packs, and one haversack. He ran out the door, ran behind the house and fell to his knees at the grave. "My mother..." he began "I am journeying to Redwall. I promise to be safe. Thank you so much for being there." That last goodbye being said, he got up and ran for the road. Who would have guessed it lead right to Redwall in Mossflower woods?"
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2014, 04:37:53 PM »
  • Chapter 3:
  • Stella walked out in the starry night. The moon wasn’t shining tonight, but the scene was spectacular. She came out seeking the abbot. She saw him sobbing by a fire. The fire was embers now. She walked over to him. "Father? Are you alright?" She asked sympathetically. He sat straight and replied, "I tried to save him, but... My friend died today." He hid his face away from Stella, no tears were falling, but he didn’t want her to know that. She bent down. "Who father?" He sobbed some more. "My friend... Flare the fire..." Stella rose shaking her head. "Father Abbot, can we please be serious for a moment!" She said a bit annoyed.
  • He smiled and rose to his feet slowly, aided by Stella's paw. He released her paw when he came up. He folded his paws into his habit's sleeves. "Alright my child, what can I help you with?" Stella looked anxious. "The feast day, aren’t you worried it would go wrong?" The abbot showed concern for his friend. "What do you mean?" Stella thought and replied, "What if the same thing happens like what happened during the fall? You know, what if the kitchen catches fire again?" The abbot smiled. He grabbed the big badger's paw.
  • "My friend, I do not worry about things much because I believe strongly in Martin's spirit. Remember that Yuli was up late because he heard a voice leading him to the kitchen. Then if you recall, Martha was saved during the winter feast, again by Martin. She heard him yell 'dive', and dove out of the way from an icicle. Martin guides us. We must trust him. Right now, if there is something wrong, he will aid in our survival. Plus, we had many years to perfect the name day feast, and apart from a few mishaps, everything goes according to plan. All that matters is that the creatures enjoy themselves and have a hearty meal. Now Stella, are you worried about the feast?"
  • Stella shook her head smiling. She felt like crying at his words. "I guess you’re right. Come abbot, it is late and old ones need to rest." The abbot laughed. "Making fun of my age huh? Well young rip, it is late and Dibbuns need to rest. Hahahaha!" She shook her head at the comeback attempt.
  • The next morning was the same as the last. This time, more urgency was called for. About Wilson sat between sister Daisy and Triscan. "Hey Daisy, what is that smell? You smell wonderful!" The abbot said. Daisy blushed. "Father what do you mean?" He smiled and said, "You smell like flowers." Triscan nodded, he expected the abbot to make that one pun. Daisy laughed and blushed at the same time. The abbot picked up a pebble and threw it over Triscan's head. "Hear out Triscan!" The old blind squirrel reached up and caught the pebble at its decent. Daisy was astounded, but confused. "Hear out?" She asked. The abbot smiled, she played into his joke. "I would have said 'look out' but it wouldn’t be useful for Triscan." She laughed once more. Triscan shook his head. "Father, why don’t you go one day without a pun?" The abbot gasped in horror. "What!? Its not even possible, such thinking should be condemned." The abbot got up and stormed away in a mock angry mood. Triscan shook his head again and sighed. "How did he become abbot?"
  • Brawly, the cellars keeper hedgehog was wheeling a cask of his best October Ale. It was what made Redwall famous, he thought. Though he kept from the abbot's sight. One look and the abbot would tell him to take it to the infirmary... Cause it was a "Ale-ment". He did his best to avoid the abbot and bumped right into Foremole. The cask rolled upright and Brawly helped Foremole up. "Sorry Dirty, I am tryin to avoid the abbot. His puns will only get in the way." Foremole chuckled. "Hurr, The Habbit tis 'n a gudd mood tis morn'. Oi be carefel to wotch 'ee wurds, Brewly."
  • Indeed the abbot was in a good mood. And his deadly awful puns are at their worst this way. But he decided to take a break from it and enjoy Yuli's company. They both stood on the ramparts. Yuli looking for something to write about. He just needed a reason to write. The abbot wished Yuli would record all his puns, but the recorder only recorded the ones mentioned at each feast. And he was prepared to record only that one pun.
  • "Yuli, sometimes I feel damp and cold. Useless. I wish my frail body would return to the once strong mouse I was." Wilson, feeling now was a good time to let his emotions known to his old friend... Even though he mentioned this more than once. "Being abbot, you are given a rare privilege to let the younger ones work for you. But I make puns only because I feel its all I got." The recorder listened to the abbot, noting this so he could write it later. It also occurred to Yuli that the abbot mentioned this to him already. Three times. How could he forget? "Yes Wilson, I know this to be true. But you are wise and very soft hearted. Which is why you was chosen to lead Redwall. I heard that in your Dibbun seasons, you stepped on a grasshopper and cried for three days, even after the funeral for it." The abbot gave a chuckle. He smiled and looked up. "I still regret stepping on ants, but sometimes it can’t be helped and I learned that. I do suppose my wisdom helps Redwall. I did help Stella overcome anxiety for the feast." He looked down and saw Stella playing with a young squirrel. "And now she is more relaxed. I am joyed for this my friend. But I can’t shake the feeling of wanting to do something greater. Something that will change Redwall for times to come. One that would benefit all things inside the abbey. A change that will bring eternal delight. Like our Martin. Or the bells. Perhaps even a better philosophy."
  • The recorder mouse wrote every word down. Including his feelings about the abbot. The abbot looked at Yuli. "When did you get that paper?" The abbot asked. Yuli smiled, "While you was talking, I found it in my habit, I forgot it was there, blank and ready for recording." The abbot smiled, "I would make a pun, but I think it’s funny the way it is."
  • _______________________________________
  • Milo observed the map thoroughly. He was on the right path, each winding passage, the trees to his left had gone. He continued northward, his trot progressing cutting the time in half.
  • He stopped mid-day, and ate scones and nuts preserved in honey. Wildberry cordial was made just before he came, it tasted unsettling. But very good. He ate and watched as two shrews walked out of the woods and onto the path arguing, instantly spotting the fox. Milo smiled shyly, hoping they would start talking first.
  • "Hey fox, don’t ya know this is Guosim territory?" A shrew said. Milo noticed the rapiers at their sides. "Guosim?" Milo repeated. The shrew stepped forward, "Gorilla union of shrews in Mossflower." Milo shrugged and swallowed another mouthful of cordial. "I did not know, I will leave now if you want me to." One of the shrews tilted his head while the other spoke. "How do we know you'll leave?" Milo stood up putting his food away and capping the flask of cordial. "Escort me north out of the territory and I promise never to return." Milo said hoping it sounded as good as he thought it would.
  • The shrews laughed. Their pointed snouts jiggled with their laughter. "It is against Shrew law to let a fox go pass through our territory once spotted. This law was made by the Log-a-log long ago when a fox tried to kill the Redwall warrior." Milo tilted his head. Redwall warrior? Mice that lived in peace lived at Redwall, how could there be a warrior. But Milo was also curious about something else. "What is a Log-a-log?" The shrew speaking stepped forward, "Log-a-log is the title and name of our leader. He commands the Guosim with full authority." Milo thought fast about what this shrew spoke of. "Suppose," Milo began, "a creature who needed to get by was a fox like me, how would he get by untouched? Would he have to meet this Log-a-log?" The shrews were dumbfounded. Never before had they been asked about this. Foxes usually threatened and never spoke words of peace.
  • The second shrew stepped forward and said, "We must meet with Log-a-log himself to find the answer. But you must come with us. You cannot run around shrew territory willy-nilly." Milo nodded and smiled, "Take me to your Log-a-log." He said politely.
  • They led him through the woods. He loved the look of Mossflower. The spring was a pretty and a aw-strickening sight. His gawping was cut though. They led him right into a shrew camp. Instantly, shrews began to notice this stranger fox. Ahead of him was a shrew who stood like a leader. The shrews taking him to Log-a-log stopped at this shrew. Then, the leader looking shrew, tossed a small black stone at one of the shrews. The shrew who caught it spoke, "This fox was sighted roaming our territory. He wishes to pass unharmed, and peacefully." The shrew tossed it back to the leader looking shrew. "I am Log-a-log, fox. Before I say more, I must tell you that you cannot speak without having the black stone. It is shrew law." Milo smiled awkwardly at Log-a-log.
  • "Why are you in Mossflower, you are from the south lands, so what business do you have here?" Log-a-log spoke with a commanding voice and tossed the stone to Milo. "I am Milo of the southlands. You are right, I am from south. I am journeying to Redwall Abbey to return a book. A book that might be valuable to them. You see, south is famine stricken, and I heard Redwall is a place plenty for anyone seeking food. I intend to trade for that." Milo tossed the stone back to Log-a-log.
  • "Allow me to see the book." Milo took out the book and show the shrew leader. Log-a-log nodded and said, "Two shrews will accompany you to Redwall, you are to return the book, get your food and head home. This is the law of the Guosim, do you accept?" Milo nodded and held up his hand for the stone. The leader tossed it to him. "I accept fully. However, I also intend to learn more about Martin the warrior. I read great things about him, but the book only gives half the tale. Permit me, please, to learn, I wish to know what made him great." He tossed the stone back to Log-a-log. The shrews around was murmuring. A fox passing through shrew territory was against shrew law. Could Log-a-log really ignore this, since it was his great grandfather that set the rule?
  • Log-a-log nodded. "You may learn a full days worth of knowledge, take in as much as you can fox. But my shrews will notify me if you try anything foolish." Then he spoke over Milo and to the crowd of shrews. "My fellow Guosim. Tis true the old Log-a-log made the rule, but he did so to protect this forest from evil. This fox shows no aggression, thus the law can be averted if this fox isn’t evil." He glared at Milo as the two shrews who escorted him to Log-a-log began escorting him to Redwall. Milo could hardly contain himself. However, he desired more than just knowledge and food, he wanted shelter from the evils in the world. But perhaps he could plead with Log-a-log to stay more nights.
  • The day came to a end and the two shrews encouraged the idea of resting until morning. Milo had no choice but to follow their encouragement. They took shifts watching this young fox, making sure he didn’t try to run during night time. Milo was sure that he would make it to Redwall now. These two shrews were also body guards, if a enemy was in the way, they could use their rapiers to end a conflict.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2014, 07:39:26 PM »
Dude!! This is becoming amazing!! This chapter was absolutely awesome!!
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Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
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SNIPER!!!  boo ya FDF!!

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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2014, 11:51:09 AM »
Dude!! This is becoming amazing!! This chapter was absolutely awesome!!

Sorry it took a while, there was something in the Redwall series that my story conflicted with, so I edited the story around it. Should be ok. The next chapter will be up on Monday.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2014, 12:42:06 PM »
You my dear friend are a professional writer. And if not then you should be.  XD   

My favorite chapter was the second one but this chapter is awesome in many ways. Can't wait for the next chapter.
  • Avatar by: tikikata
Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
 FDF forever       "
SNIPER!!!  boo ya FDF!!

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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2014, 04:15:37 PM »
  • Chapter 4:

    Today was the day. The abbot was up bright and early. Tables were laid out and food was prepared to their fullest. The feast and the name of the season were close at hand. Many Dibbuns was playing, excited to be part of the day. Small and quick reenactments of past events were taking place. The abbot enjoyed the tale of the disappearing Foremole. And he enjoyed the comic act as the Dibbuns fought madly to save themselves from the evils that lurked in the bath water. But the part that came up made the abbot rethink about the act. T’was the part when Matthias saved the slaves from Slagar the fox. Zurgle mole played one of the captors. Martha played Mathiass. And Kuo, the squirrel, played Slagar. Everyone booed as Kuo came out, and cheered when he feel down the well. The abbot rubbed his chin. Was it good thinking to promote war? Or was it good thinking to promote the ways of peace and penalties for evil doing? The abbot slumped back thinking about it.

    Brother Chris walked up to the abbot. "Father, the traders are here!" Instantly the abbot forgot about the act and put on his good humor. Fresh victims to pun at, was all he could think of, that and giving them more then what they ask for.

    The traders were astounded by the abbot's generosity. "You say this is worth two barrels of water? This is greatly under exaderated." He couldn’t pronounce the word right. "This is worth at least, two casks of elderberry cordial! And this…? This may be worth a few scones to you, but to me it is worth a haver sack full of scones. And this has to be worth a couple pies! You all come to my abbey and expect poor treatment; I am so ashamed that I must over flow you with food for the travel, and food for the season." Stella helped rotate items. What they offered was maps, plates, recipes, cups, various golden objects, and clothing material. They expected to have five haversacks, instead their cart was filled. They couldn’t help but feel grateful toward the abbot.

    Stella smiled at him as he was talking to a hedgehog maid. "Thank ye so much sir. You are a generous mouse." She said. The abbot smile and put his hand on her shoulder, paying attention to the quills. "I must serve every living creature. It is my curse as abbot to show generosity, and I know you are suffering from it, but be alert that I am too suffering." She tilted her head, "How so, sir?" The abbot smiled, "Cause my hand is on one of your spikes, and friendly comforting contact must be part of an abbot's day." She looked at his paw, but it was barely touching her quills. She laughed heartily and helped to pack the provisions. Stella shook her head at the abbot. He just smiled back to his big friend.

    Milo's left ear, his right side and his right lower thigh was pierced and open to wound, turning Milo's fur redder than normal. Milo panted as he ran. Finally he saw Redwall, its gates opened. The shrews that were with him was gone. He looked back, recalling what happened earlier this day...

    Milo awoke to find the shrews already awake and preparing to leave. Milo joined them and soon they were able to walk. All walking silently towards Redwall. None spoke as sleep still threatened all three. Milo noticed that one of the shrews was missing his rapier. Quickly he looked back and saw it lying on the ground. He ran over to it, causing the shrews to turn and watch him. He picked it, and instantly the other shrew drew his weapon. Milo walked over to the shrew and held it out to him handle pointing at the shrew, leaving the blade pointing at the fox. The armed one watched his movements carefully. "You left your sword back there; you might need it for danger." Milo said. The shrew took it, noting the fox's smile. "Thank you." He shot a glance to his companion, who sheathed his sword.

    Milo continued and soon the fox was in front of the shrews. They came to a clearing, oblivious that they were being watched.

    In the trees, local squirrel archers looked down and saw the traveling fox enter into the clearing. "Hey Plung, lookit there. A fox just out of nowhere." One squirrel said. The squirrel, Plung, smiled and said, "Sure enough. Wonder why he is here. Perhaps we should greet him." He pulled off his bow and took out an arrow. "I don’t know Plung, he doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone." A squirrel named Marnel said. Plung laughed and sighted his target. "We'll just scare him, show him that thieves or killers or whatever he is, is carefully watched and unaccepted in Mossflower.

    Milo was in the lead, while the shrews was arguing about whether or not the fox had the black stone for less than 5 minutes when he spoke to Log-a-log. Honestly, why did it matter? Milo was entertained though. Suddenly a hissing sound whizzed by, and just as one shrew entered the clearing, he was struck by it. Milo turned quickly, his packs hit him from the speed of the turn. "Cutter my mate!" The other, still alive, shrew yelled, drawing his rapier. Then another whizzed by hitting him in the stomach. Milo was frozen with fear. But the shrew looked up at Milo and shouted one last word. "Run!" Milo did not need to be told twice. He turned and fled. While another whizzed by nipping his left ear. Milo winced and yipped in pain, but continued.

    Another zipped past his right side and penetrated, but hit the edge barely, not even protruding into the fox. Milo was thrown off and staggered as he ran, but re-caught his balance and continued running. He glanced over his shoulder and saw figures in the trees. They could be none other than the vermin themselves; Rats. Only they would kill shrews, them or other kinds of vermin. But the shapes looked like rats to Milo. Even though his vision was blurry and he had seconds to glance. Then another caught his lower right thigh, sending him stumbling. He quickly crawled to a hollow trunk on the ground.

    He heard the rats leaping across the trees. "Where did he go?" He heard one say. "Who cares, I think he learned his lesson, if he is stupid enough to show his face again, we'll kill him."
    "But what about those shrews?"
    "Look unless you want to be chopped to bits by rapiers, I suggest you keep your mouth shut!"
    "Alright, but all I am saying is that the shrews are going to be mad when they..."

    The voices had gone, Milo sighed in relief. He observed his cuts. Small slits that was bleeding a little, but nothing to be alarmed over. Milo reached for his medicine pack, but it was missing! He ran out, looking around first to be sure and searched the ground. He looked at the way he came and the caught sight of something red in the background. He smiled and ran for it. Was it what he thought it was? It was! Redwall abbey! He ran for the gates.

    The flashback ending, Milo smiled. His medicine pack was useless now. They could address his wounds for sure. His breath was caught up, almost held as he walked through the Abbey gate. Traders were at its entrance first. Milo was astounded by the stone work. How long did it take before it was completed? Many seasons? He scanned the ramparts, but found himself starring into the blue sky at the tallest tower he had ever seen. Oblivious to the eyes watching him...
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2014, 04:20:45 PM »
A short chatper, and because of this another will be posted in a few more moments.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2014, 05:58:10 PM »
Love it!! You should make this a book and sell them at places as home made stories. This is a cliff hanger. What's your PayPal? If you have one cause I might just buy some of this story. (No jokes.)
  • Avatar by: tikikata
Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
 FDF forever       "
SNIPER!!!  boo ya FDF!!

Offline Milo_Xyunto

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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2014, 06:13:18 PM »
While I am flattered, I don't charge for my own passions. It would be different if someone wanted me to type something. But honestly I don't have a paypal anyway... Give me a few more hours, the next chapter has a conflict in it I want to re-word.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2014, 12:34:44 PM »
How is the conflict coming?
  • Avatar by: tikikata
Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
 FDF forever       "
SNIPER!!!  boo ya FDF!!


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