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Author Topic: Milo of Redwall  (Read 2654 times)

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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2014, 03:19:01 PM »
  • Chapter 5:

    Log-a-log addressed the entire Guosim shrews. All Mossflower shrews was listening. He held the black stone high. "Slashcut and Slingpain have been slain by the fox." He yelled out, referring to the two shrews who guarded Milo. Those names was not their real names, just nicknames the shrews gave the guards. There was a instant uproar of arguing. "I knew that letting the fox come through was a bad idea!" "Yeah, look what happened!" Log-a-log held the stone higher and shouted for silence. "I have the stone!" The shrews grew quiet again. "We think he’s heading east towards the river. We found blood going towards Redwall, but it ended abruptly at the tree line, plus we found a quiver of arrows laying on the ground further east. He must be part of Gill's small band." There was again, a uproar of disapproval of the Log-a-log's decision. Once again he held the stone and there was silence.

    "If he’s part of that Southern rat's band, then he will die, and if Gill is responsible, then he will die as well. We tolerated his existence because he’s outside our territory, But if he sent a mercenary fox inside our territory, then by shrew law, he had just declared war! We will avenge our brothers and take the fox to justice, and rid ourselves of more vermin if need be!" He tossed the stone, to a new carrier allowing the full shrew army to shout uproariously and freely. They shouted the battle cry known to all Guosim, that they was at war.


    Stella stood in front of the fox, arms folded dangerously. He was enjoying himself looking around, he almost bumped right into her. The fox looked up in amazement. The tall badger, the guardian of Redwall. Milo was speechless. A awe expression was on his face. "Are you the... Abbess?" He said, totally forgetting that badgers was usually the guardians of Redwall. The badger shook her head. "No I am not! What dealings do you have here fox?" Her angered mood went unnoticed by the fox, oblivious that his presence annoyed her. "I came seeking the abbot of Redwall, I wish to offer a trade with the abbot.

    The badger was about to answer when the abbot place a paw on her side to let himself speak. "I am the abbot Wilson, what can I do for you my son?" Stella glanced at the fox, hoping he would snigger or make some crack to the abbot referring him as 'son'. But the fox smiled widely, happy to be given such a title already. He answered politely. "I am Milo Stumble Fox. I wish to trade a valuable object I know Redwall may want. Is there a place we can sit down?" The abbot nodded and led the fox into Great Hall. They sat at a table and both the badger and the abbot mouse watched carefully as Milo pulled out an object.

    "This is a book that tells about Redwall abbey. There is a map of the south lands hidden where it talks about the distance between the quarry and the abbey. It speaks of Martin briefly and tells the positions of certain mice in Redwall. It tells about your great peaceful ways." The abbot took the book from Milo as the fox handed it over to him with no restraint of holding back. Wilson scanned the pages. Stella was concerned though, "Where did you get this?" She questioned harshly. Milo could sense the harshness this time. "My mother had it for many seasons. When I learned how to read she gave it to me, I enjoyed reading it the most. Where she got it is a mystery. My guess is that it belonged to a mouse traveling from Redwall to the south lands. It took many days to write, and the wording is very specific, so specific that I was able to tell where I was, just from reading the part mentioning the distance from the quarry."

    Stella was convinced that this fox's mother stole it. She was about to question him further when the abbot spoke. "My son, what do you wish to trade for this book? Food? Clothing? Perhaps medicine for those cuts you have?" Milo received the book and looked at it. Such a book is priceless in his mind, "I give it to you for free. But I do ask that you give me all of the above, plus more knowledge of Martin the warrior. And a place of rest while I learn about him." Milo smiled and continued, "I don’t want to impose either. If you can’t give me shelter and food and medicine and knowledge, then at least take the book anyway, I am just glad to have met the abbot and the guardian in the same hour. Plus being in Redwall is a thrilling experience."

    The abbot looked up at Stella, he could tell she didn’t like the idea. Which made her perfect for giving Milo a tour. "My son," The abbot began, "we never turn down a creature in need. What you offer me is very acceptable. You may stay in Redwall, and learn all you need. Eat as much as you can, and get medical aid. But you must follow our rules." Milo nodded instantly and recited. " never lift a hand against any creature, to aid those in need. No stealing, no lying, no treachery. Honor the elders and those in command." Both Stella and the abbot was taken back. Indeed this fox actually knew the Redwall code.

    "Stella take him for a tour, and point out all the specifics and show him to his room. And when the day is finished, introduce him to Brother Yuli, he would definitely like to meet this fox. In the mean time, I will prepare the feast for Nameday and see to the essentials. When you have shown the fox around, bring him to the orchard where we can begin the feast." Stella nodded as Milo got up. The abbot took the book and walked with them. The abbot looked at the fox's feet paws. "Your foot paw is untied." He said alarmingly. Milo looked down at his bare paws. He looked up at the abbot and titled his head in a half smile, half look of confusion. But the abbot just smiled and continued walking. Stella rolled her eyes. "Come on fox, you’re not getting younger." She said annoyed by the abbot's pun. Milo left, a few giggles slipped from him. The abbot smiled, happy to have fresh meat to pun at.

    Stella showed him to Great hall, the kitchens and the infirmary where his arrow scratches was patched up. The dormitories where he would be staying, a room with a broken window and wooden bed, rather bland and plain even for Redwall dwellers. This room was actually under repair, but mostly forgotten by all, except Stella.. But Milo didn’t care, he was happy to be here. Stella showed him the bell tower and the gate house and the orchard where they found Brother Yuli. Every creature of Redwall starred at this fox. Why was he here? For the feast? For aid?

    Stella walked up to Brother Yuli and introduced Milo to him. "Milo this is our recorder, Brother Yuli." Milo let out a exhale of awe. He shook the recorder by the paw. Stella continued. "He’s the one that..." But she was cut off as Milo spoke. "He is the one that records and keeps all the files of Redwall. It is his duty to record all the things that take place. His role is vital as he is also a documents keeper." Yuli was taken back. "My dear word, how do you know this?" The fox smiled and replied, "I read a book. It told of the records kept by Redwall and who was in charge of them."

    Yuli smiled and said, "You know your stuff fox. But I don’t think you grasp the idea of the records keeping. Allow me to show you." The fox nodded and followed the old recorder to the gate house, leaving Stella to stand alone. Yuli showed him the records. Milo was intrigued. No matter how awful they was stored, they all looked valuable and interesting. "Whoa, the wording of this one is spectacular. Who wrote this?" Yuli smiled at the fox, who read a piece of parchment and said, "I did, you flatter me." They started talking about the records, each one exchanging ideas for future records, while Milo searched for specific ones about Martin. Yuli was about to help his new fan when the bells tolled out. "Come on Milo, the feast is about to start." Milo remembered it was Nameday, something of legend in all Mossflower. They both ran to the orchard.

    The abbot had already ended the prayer. Creatures was digging in. Milo gawked in awe at the food spread out. It was a sight to see for sure. He knew nothing about what the food was named, but he wanted to sample everything! Quickly he got to it. Yuli guiding him through the mess. "That there is a mole favorite, Deeper 'n ever pie. Those are strawberry scones and those are candied chestnuts. That you are about to take from is Great hall cake. And that is a trout from the kitchen, still hot too. Careful, that there is otter hotroot soup, they say it can burn your lungs it if goes down that way. That is red current cordial, but you must try October ale Milo. It will send your taste buds for a loop. Those there are pasties covered with elderberry jam. Oh and you just got yourself the chef's new recipe, pear n' apple pie with buttercup cream topping it."

    With a plate full, Milo sat next to Sister Talim. The mouse starred at Milo as he dug into his mountain of food. Quite the scoffer this young fox was. The abbot stood up and announced his speaking. "My friends, please settle down, if you please, I would like to talk. I am about to announce the name of the season, but before I do, I would love to give you the season's best pun I could come up with. Only one has heard this pun, and that is Sister Talim." She slumped down to hide herself. The abbot continued. "I walked into her sewing room, finding her stitching together clothing. I asked her 'Why are you stitching, Sister Talim?' Her reply was, 'It’s a Habit of mine.'" He paused there was giggling, but he noticed the fox laughing. The fox laughed holding his mouth so as to not spray food. Abbot Wilson smiled at his new pun target. "Today I shall announce the name of this spring. I noticed that there is a surplus of Foxglove plants in the medicine storage. So I proclaim this spring, 'The Spring of the Foxgloves." There was a cheer.

    Once the cheer died. The feasting continued. Yuli walked over to Milo, "I think we shall start researching about Martin tomorrow. I'll tell you all I know then and see if we can dig up new information." Milo heard him abruptly and turned with a mouth full. Unable to talk right, he just nodded. Yuli smiled and walked away. All creatures watched as this fox scoffed the nearest dish and went after another. His feeding looked as if he had suffered famine his entire life. The abbot smiled as Stella whispered to him. "Why let the fox stay? Have you forgotten about Slagar?" The abbot shook his head and said, "A young kit fox capable of pulling tricks of an advance expert is unlikely. He doesn’t really have anything to pull that we haven’t seen. If he is evil, Martin will deal with him appropriately." Stella looked at the fox as he walked to a mole sitting by himself.

    "Hey, what is that you are eating?" Milo asked curiously. The mole turned and said, "Woild garlic." Milo flew back and landed with a thud holding his sensitive nose. "Ugh, next time speak the other direction please!" The mole nodded, "Oi dredful'ee hate teh smail too, but oi luvs teh toist! Burr hurr." Stella laughed. The abbot noted her laughter at the misfortuned fox.

    Clouds rolled in quickly and with them, heavy winds and soon rain. But the day was already over, night had fallen most of the creatures, save for Stella, Yuli and Milo, who had retreated for the night. When the winds picked up, they raced inside. Milo was unable to fight the winds and Yuli was with him. Stella turned and saw them fighting, barley making a inch. Her powerful paws swooped them up and she carried them inside Redwall. Stella let the record retire and showed Milo where his room was. She quickly walked away as he walked inside.

    The winds was powerful and the broken window was letting the winds in. The room was cold and dampened. Milo just shrugged it off, his thick fur would help keep him warm. He walked over to the bed. A thin sheet and a thin blanket awaited him. A small pillow lay at the head of the bed. Perhaps it was a little windy, but he was still happy to be at Redwall. Even if some of the creatures wasn’t use to him. Even if some creatures smelled of wild garlic.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2014, 02:39:52 PM »
  • Chapter 6:

    The storm that came shook Mossflower. Rain fell sideways and in a pouring blistering winds. Weak limbs was broken away from trees and the winds was very heavy. "Log-a-log!" A shrew called out to his leader. "We should head back, we won’t find the fox in this storm!" Log-a-log tighten paw fists and looked back. His ten shrews struggling against the winds and rains. He looked forward, knowing the path the fox took would be covered completely now. "I will find you... Alrighty Mates! Track back and get to camp! We'll have to search when it stops raining." They fought their way back to the shrew camp.

    Redwall felt the shakes of thunder as lightning stroke rather closely. Milo couldn’t sleep, and to make matters worst, the rain had started to fly in through the window and onto his fur. He jumped up and shook himself as another wind just threw more water at him. He ran out of his room. He closed the door and looked down the hall towards the stairs. He smiled a bit. Redwall was still amazing to the young fox.

    He quietly and slowly made his way down into Great hall. He sighted the table that him and the abbot traded at hours earlier. He smiled gleefully and ran to sit down, recalling the whole conversation. Something, however, felt off. He felt as if someone was watching him. Standing behind him. He turned and saw a strange tapestry. On it, near the corner, was a brave looking mouse, clad in armor and held a sword mightily. There was a smile on his face. The background had wild cats, rats and foxes fleeing from the mouse, trying to somehow find a way out of the tapestry. Milo gawked at it. It seemed like this was the mouse he wanted to learn about. This had to be Martin the warrior mouse.

    Martha walked in from Great hall. She saw the fox starring at the picture. Martha walked to him and stood beside him. Milo took a glance at her but then went back to starring at the picture. "Is this Martin?" he asked. The mouse nodded and said, "Yes, he is the protector of Redwall. The abbot feels he is the true warrior of Redwall." Milo smiled widely. The mouse maid continued. "He fought all kinds of vermin. Cats, ferrets, rats... foxes." She made the last word try to stand out. Milo heard but didn’t make any connection. His innocent mind focused too much on Martin.

    He took a glance at the mouse maid. She then turned to him. "I am Martha the warrior of Redwall. I try to follow Martin's example. And I will do anything to protect Redwall." Her voice harsh and a bit thrashing. She turned revealing the sword on her back. Milo watched her leave and instantly noticing that it was the sword Martin was wielding in the tapestry. Was Martha the descendant of Martin? He shook himself and yelled after her, "I am Milo!" She didn’t stop, she left walking out of the room heading for the dormitories. Leaving Milo alone. Martha was actually hiding, paying close attention to the sounds. If this fox was after the tapestry, she would catch him red handed.

    She peaked around the corner to see Milo laying by one pillar fast asleep. She sighed. If he wasn’t after the tapestry, why was he here? She left for a bed, hoping the fox wouldn’t steal anything tonight. She reasoned, that he wouldn’t steal anything and try to run in this storm. Milo slept peacefully by the pillar at first. When Martha left, his smile strayed to a frown and he rolled on his stomach in his sleep.

    Milo was running from the shadows of rats. He looked back and saw them slither in the air from tree to tree, firing arrows at him. No matter how fast Milo ran, he couldn’t outrun these rats. Then a horde of more shadowy looking creatures appeared in front of Milo. He turned and ran right, trying to escape. A root sticking out of the ground rose up, Milo jumped but the root increased its height position and caused him to fall. He turned to see the horde chasing him, he tried to get up, but couldn’t, he didn’t know why. The shadows was about to leap upon him. But then, they stopped. Milo blinked and saw a fuzzy figure standing before him and the shadow horde. It was a mouse no mistake, dressed in armor, and holding aloft the sword of Martin. Then light shone from the sword and the shadows was eaten away by the light. The mouse lowered the sword and went to face Milo. But as it turned it grew fuzzier and light got brighter.

    The dawn had came. Milo awoke to find the sun shining on his face. He also saw Martin smiling at him from the tapestry. Grinning back, Milo stretched and worked up his limbs for the day. He looked at the tapestry once more, this time he heard steps come from the dormitories. He turned and saw a squirrel slowly walking to him. The squirrel put his hand on the closest pillar. "Is that you Milo? You are the fox that just walked in our abbey aren’t you?" Milo was taken back. No doubt this was the blind squirrel and he heard of him, but how did this squirrel know he was there? The squirrel laughed as he walked to the next pillar. "Don’t look surprised! My senses are sharper than those who can see. My name is Triscan. Please tell me Milo, what do you think of our abbey?"

    The fox looked at the picture again. He was done now with thinking about Martin. "I think this place is the most peaceful place in all of Mossflower." The squirrel walked to the pillar closest to Milo. "You may be right. Tell me more about what you think of our abbey." Milo walked over to the squirrel, talking as he did. "This place is wonderful. When I first saw it, the sun bounced off it in a orange glow, making the walls redder. When I entered, I smelled food first. But that was because traders was packing some away. I saw the badger next and I can understand why she is considered the guardian of Redwall. When the bells tolled, it was a joyful thing. Your kitchens was huge, and your orchard had the most food I saw growing anywhere!"

    The squirrel listened to every word. This fox's words was true and honest, a certain sincerity was in his voice. "Could you help a old squirrel outside?" Triscan asked. "I wish to find out what damage the winds have caused our abbey. Perhaps you could describe them for me." Milo nodded and grabbed the blind beast's arm to lead. They walked out, heading for the orchard, Milo told of spread limbs and twigs. Stella was standing by Foremole Dirty, both watching the fox and the squirrel. "A fox in our abbey." Stella said, "I wish the abbot would do something. Dirty, we have to act before he ends up hurting anyone. Look at him. No fox anywhere could be this nice. It’s all a game, and we are playing right into it!" Foremole nodded a bit, "Hurr aye, but yon fox'n 'as dun not'in wrong. H'abbot Wilsun wood do not'in if'n fox remains peaceful." Stella looked at her friend, "We must keep close eye on this one. We must be the ones to help protect Redwall. I say it again, I really wish the abbot would do something about him." She turned and continue to watch the fox.

    "Careful what you wish for Stella." The abbot said walking to the window. Stella was dumbfounded, and embarrassed that he heard her. "That fox has came in peace," The abbot said looking down as Milo was speaking with Triscan. "He returned an old book to us, and in it, a new way to help teach creatures of Redwall. He wants knowledge of Martin. If I treated him as he appears, would I be following the code to aiding any creature asking? Or would I be following the code to be just to all living creatures? The fox, maybe a fox, and his intentions are questionable, but I have reason to believe he is true in his word. I believe he wants to learn of our long gone, but still close, warrior. So careful what you wish for Stella, cause that wish goes against the code of an abbot." He turned. His voice was very serious, but calm. He walked off leaving Stella ashamed. He knew it couldn’t be helped. She had to feel this way, he hated doing this, but it needed to be said. Foremole comforted his friend. "Hurr, Jus cuz teh H'abbot say'n yon fox 'as dun not'in wrong, does'nt mean us'ns cant spoi on 'im. Moilo may'aps make a mis'ake an' we be'n t'ere to catch'em." Stella smiled at her friend.

    The abbot made haste down to where Milo was. Stella's words got to him, even though he hid it well. He wanted to know the fox's true intentions. Was he really after knowledge or something else? When he came outside, the fox had left the old squirrel to sit by the old pear tree. The abbot smiled brightly. "Well Milo, how was your night? I hope it was as pleasant as mine." Milo laughed a bit, the clear joking humor was evident to the fox. "I am fine Father abbot, I had a good night in your abbey." The father abbot watched the fox carefully, his new victim in point blank range. He waited for some kind of pun to be inspired from this fox. Milo started to walk towards the abbot to close the distance. Suddenly the abbot's eyes grew wide with fear, he pointed at the ground in Milo's path. "Don’t step on that leaf!" he said quickly. Milo stumbled backwards as he quickly looked down at the leaf he almost stepped on. "Why?" he asked hastily. The abbot laughed and said, "I am just picking on you, you should have seen Stella fall with fright when I first told her that." Milo laughed with the abbot.

    Brother Yuli came strolling up. Seeing the abbot throw his puns at the fox. "Father please! He is just a young fox, go pick on someone who is use to it." The abbot looked at Yuli and laughed, "Ok I think I see an old dusty creature straight ahead." The abbot was starring at Yuli, who was covered in dust from ear to foot paw. Yuli fake laughed. Milo however was both entertained and curious. "Why are you covered in dust Yuli?" The recorder mouse polished his spectacles and replied in a normal voice. "I was digging through my old records and of various recorders' words all night. I found all I could about what we are searching for. I found Martin." The abbot laughed suddenly. "I didn’t know he was lost." Milo laughed with him, brother Yuli shook his head. The abbot laughed harder when he had someone laughing with him. He often amused making others laugh, and this fox was a good audience.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2014, 07:05:02 PM »
Great read. This is a story that has kept my attention. As does anything red wall related.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2014, 04:07:03 PM »
  • Chapter 7:

    The shrews of the Guosim was wide spread. Searching this way and that way. A bulk of their unit was sent searching east, towards the river. Another went northeast. Log-a-log took his best fighting shrews and had been traveling since dawn. They were headed for Gill, the southern rat.

    Gill was the only rat in the band, with him were Killtwig and Jerkhead the weasels. Rotbreath the ferret. Riptooth and Sorenose the stoats. His band included many others from the locals. They offered their services to Gill and his small band, but only he and his fellow southerners was all he considered as nestmates. They was all gathered around a square table sitting there in the woods, half battered and worn from last night's storm.

    Gill was bobbing as the two weasels in his band sang out a southern song known to many thieves and stealers. In his hand, Gill held a beaker of strawberry wine. These were specially picked for him as a gift for sharing his thieving knowledge to the locals. Killtwig fell back in his chair, half dozed, half awake. The singing stopped as Gill leaped on the table. "My mates, see what horrible things the locals do! They give us wine to give us this stuff and we suffer for it!" There was laughter as Gill bent down and reached a paw for Killtwig. The stoat grabbed the rat's paw and was pulled upright. "Sorry me cap'n, ships a bit wobbly this time o' season." Then he fell back down, and a roar of laughter came from the entire band.

    The rat jumped down enjoying a huge gulp of the wine. The surrounding creatures watched as these southern former thieves was enjoying their gift. Gill had shown them new tricks to stealing. Rotbreath showed them killing techniques. The others agreed to show them tricks too, but later in their life, now that they were free from the southern lands. "Oh, come and play and save my day from boredom skies of grey!" Gill began singing. Then the rest of the southern group sang with him.
    "I take these, if you please and come to the waters,
    Where we'll bags and bones, slinging stones, at the passing swimming otters!
    We'll steal from mice and flee in a trice, then to the market we set sail
    And we'll get out the suns, and pick on old uns, who are weak, slow and frail!
    Oh the stealers life is a good life so come and play with me
    We'll gather round and cover the ground as the waters cover the sea!"

    They cheered as they ended, holding a long note. They all danced in their own way. A fox named Tamer was watching them with distrust. These southerners was enjoying food brought to them and drinking wine, and all for clever tricks that seemed simple enough to figure out. He stood up and addressed the head rat. "Gill! Why is it that you don’t share the wine we stole for you." The rat staggered a bit and blinked, trying to shake off his drunken haze. "Because me 'earty sea dog." He said in a mock pirates tone. "You stole it with my trick; therefore I stole it fair and square!" He laughed and fell into a chair. It was obvious; this rat was a drunken fool. Tamer drew a sword from the creature he was standing next to. A weasel. He marched forward but was met head on by Sorenose, who had wielded a long sword. The sword was single edged, but very fear strikening. "'Arm my matey and ya 'arm yourself... Matey." The stoat said dangerously. The fox sneered at him and said, "You never even speak to us when we ask for killing tricks, and yet you are the one who claims to be the best fighter in the south! Then why don’t you show me now!"

    At that he swung at Sorenose. Sorenose blocked and parried, taking light steps forward and back. Then, almost as if he expected it, he hit Tamer's sword square on, the force from his long sword made the fox's hands quiver a bit. Now the stoat was swinging this way and that, fast, accurate, intentionally hitting Tamer's sword, causing Tamer to be in a frightened state. He could not tell which directions Sorenose was swinging. Suddenly, Sorenose's long sword tip caught the handle, flinging Tamer's away. Tamer blinked and yipped in dismay as his belly was nipped by a diagonal cut. He fell back holding his stomach. The stoat sheathed his sword and turned, leaving the fox alive, but coming out victorious. "From now on," the stoat said, "you won’t be included in my training when I decide that the time is right." The surrounding creatures cheered for Sorenose's victory, which seemed almost one sided.

    Sorenose was patted on the back heartily by Gill. The rat leaned close to the stoats face and said loudly, "This is my matey! He saved my life and that is why I am giving him a new rank! Head stoat!" Gill staggered backwards back into the chair laughing. "So give me your head Sorenose!" Only the drunken creatures laughed. Sorenose sat down next to his brother Riptooth. They were both good warriors, but sometimes it got frustrating having to always protect their drunken leader. They exchanged glances and returned to enjoying the night. The normal faced Sorenose sat up, suddenly a large smile appeared. "Oh give me gold from which I sold, and took from a poor sight! That roams the shore, and absolutely nothing for, all through the night!" He sang out, and Killtwig joined him. The others tried their best to remember this one.

    Log-a-log came out of heavy bushes with his large group of fighting shrews. Instantly the singing stopped. Log-a-log walked over and address the drunken rat. "I am looking for a fox!" He yelled at the rat. "A southern fox that killed two of my shrews. Gill you rotten rat, have you any foxes in your band?" Gill blinked, unsure if this was real or not. Sorenose took Gill's place as speaker. "We brought wit us no southern foxes. There is just the six of us, plus locals in the background." The shrew leader walked to the opposite end of the table from Sorenose. "He wore southern garments, his actions was deceiving! Show me all the foxes in your band!" At a call, Tamer, with his cut poorly bandaged, and Rathound, another fox who sought more fighting skills then thievery, joined him. "These are the only foxes in our band." Sorenose said.

    Log-a-log inspected them. None of them was the fox he was looking for. He turned and glared a deadly glance at Gill then at Sorenose.

    "If I find out that you had anything to do with this," Log-a-log said angrily, "I will kill you all, and make sure no southern vermin comes into Mossflower ever again. If you find the fox before I do, you better take the vermin alive, I want the pleasure of killing the blaggard myself, or at least let the evil one die at the hands of shrews!" He turned and left back into the heavy bushed area. With him, the large group of fighting shrews. Riptooth and Sorenose starred at Gill as he thought it was all just a dream and laughed.

    "So Martin's sword was originally at the top of the Abbey building?" Milo questioned, peaking up from a scroll written long ago. There were scrolls everywhere. They piled by the door, preventing them leaving, they piled pass the window, and books of dust was in leaning towers on the desk. Yuli noticed the fox had gotten through most of the scrolls. "Yes. Indeed. It was put up there by a squirrel long ago." Milo set the scroll down. "Yuli, I think I gone through it all." The mouse looked and sure enough, the fox read every last scroll. They both were covered in dust and needed fresh air. It would do them good. There was one problem though. The door was blocked by scrolls.

    Milo and Yuli picked the scrolls up very carefully and put them aside, finally able to go out and breathe fresh air. Milo sneezed and dust flew off his red tunic. He smiled abashed as the abbot came up to them. "So I see you went digging for more Martin. I wouldn’t doubt it if he is buried somewhere in there waiting to be recovered." The abbot gave his heartily fake laugh. Following was Milo's giggles. Yuli nodded and said, "It took longer than I thought to get through all the scrolls. I think I better go through them all and organize them rightly and neatly." He walked back into the dust filled gatehouse. Milo tilted his head. "He said we needed a bath? Then he just goes back in there?" The abbot nodded, "He often takes dust baths." Milo laughed again.

    The tub was brown when Milo got out of it. The water was turned brown after Milo took a bath. Lunch was being served and he didn’t want to miss it. He put on his second pair of cloths, leaving his original ones to be washed. His chest fur fully white, but hidden by the red shirt. His reddish brown fur now was more shimmering. His white tail tip, snow in color.

    He ran down to join the creatures at Cavern hole. Stella and Martha was eating together, watching the fox. "I don’t know what it is Martha, but I just don’t trust him." Martha nodded at Stella's words and cleared her mouth so she could talk right. "He actually learned about Martin. Always asking Yuli questions. I don’t know Stella, maybe this fox isn’t here for evil purposes. I would still never put my life on the line for him though, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say he is evil." Stella didn’t say a word after that. She was entertaining the idea that Milo was up to something.

    Milo sat at the back, closest to the doors, chatting away with Yuli about Martin. "I read that Martin actually tore down the walls of the fortress Tsarmina was in." The old recorded nodded. "Yes he did, with his good old friend, Tim Ballisto. That was the same season that Abbess Germaine decided to make her dream a reality." Milo nodded. A Dibbun squirrel named Zema was pawing at the fox's bushy tail. He turned and the little one squeaked and back away quickly. Milo smiled at the small squirrel, turning himself to face her. "Why was you messing with my tail?" The little squirrel held up her paws in a threat, as if she was going to fight the fox.

    Milo's eyes widen. "Oh no!" He said loudly, "I am being challenged by a deadly warrior! Please someone help me!" He leapt up and ran left. The little Dibbun, taken aback, paused and starred at her paws curiously. She turned and saw the fox facing her. "Haha!" He laughed mockingly, "I have escaped your wrath, now you can never..." He was interupted by the squirrel running after him. He gave a yip in false dismay and turned to run.

    It was a comical scene. A fleeing fox with a Dibbun squirrel chasing him. The abbot laughed heartily. He enjoyed the smiles and giggles from the watching creatures. Milo turned round the table, to be met with a small mole. The mole leapt forward, making Milo turn back and run towards the squirrel. He panicked, now boxed between a frightening mole, and a terrifying squirrel. They both leapt upon him, the squirrel leapt higher than the mole. Milo crashed into the floor, giving a small grunt as he fell. The two creatures began jumping on him shouting, "We caught the fox!" Everyone in the room laughed at the little dance they did on Milo, save for Stella. Martha was laughing close to her, Stella couldn’t take it. She got up and left Great hall.

    While the abbot noted everyone's laughing at the dismayed fox, he also noted Stella's attitude. His laughing ceased, but he held a smile, pretending to watch the fox trying to fight off the Turt, the mole and Zema. He thought highly about the badger guardian, but her attitude towards foxes had been wrong since the day she arrived at Redwall. He dearly wished he corrected the thinking of her the first day. But she would have to learn for herself that this fox was of no harm. Seeing Milo playing with the Dibbuns was enough to have him convinced.

    Martha shared Stella's attitude towards the fox, but not her thinking. She still didn’t trust him, recalling the traveling fox that fooled everyone to thinking he was an entertainer. All the while, kidnapping the Dibbuns and young ones of Redwall. This, however, didn’t stop her from enjoying the fox’s downfall to the mighty duo. Foremole Dirty laughed harder than any beast in Great hall. He was teary at the constantly struggling fox. Turt was a strong one for the little Dibbun's age, and now Milo found that out. Milo was able to pry Zema off, but the little mole had a tighter grip, fighting him off only gave Zema a more of a chance to find a better grip on the fox. Milo suddenly laid flat panting. "You win!" He said in a gasp. The creatures laughed harder, knowing that the young fox was actually trying.
    The abbot was watching Milo being chased around the orchard by all the Dibbuns this time. Milo was careful not to get caught by the Dibbun mole, Turt, less he fall victim to the vice grip once more. Abbot Wilson smiled as the Dibbuns now had a new toy and friend. "What did that fox do to make those Dibbuns mad?" The abbot asked himself quietly, then answering his question, "He stole their lunch." The abbot laughed out loud at his own joke. Triscan walked up shaking his head. "Really abbot, watching a young fox for inspiration? First you deliberately told Stella to stand by a target to get pies thrown at her, next you are picking on poor foxes." The abbot smiled at his friend and grabbed his arm to walk. He led the squirrel out into the orchard among the laughing and squeaking of the Dibbuns.

    "You have something to tell me old friend?" The abbot asked. Triscan nodded then said, "How did you know?" Wilson smiled and said, "You never come to me, unless you have something to say. What is it you wish to tell me?" Triscan smiled at the abbot, gesturing to the orchard surroundings. "We have many creatures here, but recall that some decided it was best to travel to Salamandastron to check up with the badger lord." As Triscan spoke, the abbot nodded. "Now they return my friend. Today they had arrived and now they are resting. No beast knows, save for me, and I want you to know cause you’re going to help me surprise everyone." Triscan trusted his friend. The abbot smiled widely. "This is good news Triscan. What do you want me to do, you old planner?" Triscan nodded, expecting the reply, "I want you to follow my plan exactly..."

    Their conversation could have been heard, if it wasn’t for the screaming Dibbuns crying out in victory as they caught the fox. Now Milo couldn’t be seen under the pile of paws, heads and tails.
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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2015, 12:56:44 AM »
Love it!! The best read ever!
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Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
 FDF forever       "
SNIPER!!!  boo ya FDF!!

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Re: Milo of Redwall
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2015, 07:42:08 PM »
Glad you like it. Unfortunately, I moved the story to some other file. I got to get it again. I have no idea why I moved it, but its not a problem.
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