Greetings, I am the TravelingStoryteller one that would call himself a furry but of the less obsessive of this fandom. I greatly enjoy such things as mythology and legends, folklore and fairytales, fantasy and adventure... meaning anything of the above I will always have an strong interest in though I don’t believe there is a name for such.
Of movies and tv series I am a fan of Disney, Starwars and Star Trek (more the former then the latter), Indiana Jones, Once Upon a Time (tv series), Doctor Who (tv series), and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Of book series Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Warrior Cats, Bobby Pendragon, and many more. I am more then almost anything else a huge bookworm.
I am an anime and manga fan, though I have not been able to enjoy these two subjects as much as I would like with such favorites as Fullmetal Alchemist, D. Gray Man, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (anything by Clamp really), One Piece, Naruto, Vampire Games, and many more.
Lastly of roleplaying and gaming I greatly enjoy tabletop games Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k, counting their roleplaying Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, and Dungeons & Dragons 2.0 and 3.5/Pathfinder, Star Wars RPG, World of Darkness RPG, Iron Claw (furry roleplay), Jade Claw (furry roleplay)... bottomline is that I am a roleplayer.
Now that I got my interests out of the way I would just like to say I am very pleased to find a site such as this. As I said above I am a furry (though I have to avoid the term in some company) yet not an obsessive as many and I have a variety of other interests with the most extreme contrast being between grim darkness of the far future Warhammer 40k and the show involving the adventures of talking candy colored ponies My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (even I wonder about these contrasting interests at times).