Futurama defiantly~!
The characters are funny, the story-lines are well made,
and the whole show is just plain unique.
I used to love the Simpsons as a kid, so don't get me wrong. x3
Just it got old.. and it's about time television gave us more hysterical adult cartoons!
I love Family Guy and American Dad too.. and compared to those, The Simpsons is
just that.. and old classic cartoon for adults.
I try watching the Simpsons now.. and it's really not that funny anymore. ._.
Sorry old friend *hugs* but I've moved on to better things. x3
On another note: Anyone see that episode where Fry finds the fossilized remains of
his old dog friend? .__. The ending is soo sad. D':
Also.. that episode about the lucky seven leaf clover. (I think it's seven anyways.. stupid memory.)
That one makes me cry too. ._.