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Author Topic: People Who Inspire You  (Read 940 times)

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Offline Drakos

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People Who Inspire You
« on: June 23, 2013, 01:29:57 AM »
So I've been reflecting on my high school experience lately (because I wrote my final exam ever in high school yesterday and am now done high school forever) and I thought about all those important people who inspired me and kept me going along the way to the end of my journey. I've met some pretty inspirational people along the way, and I can honestly say that they've changed my life forever (for the better!).

So my question to all of you now is; are there any people in your lives that have inspired you? Who are they? How have they inspired you? I'm looking forward to reading all of the interesting stories about different people that you've met and how they've helped to shape who you are today ^w^.
  • Avatar by: Kaprika (Zee awesome floof! 8D)
Outside on a winter's night as the rain begins to fall
There's a chill in the air and the howl of a wolf while the rain beats at the door
Seven kings will ride on the wind up towards        the mountains high                             
And the only sound that will break the air is the warrior's bitter cry

-Starfire by Dragonforce.

For those who know me I'm still kicking around here, enjoying life. For those who don't know me I do invite you to get to know me if you'd like :3.

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!

(The song that the lyrics in my siggy come from :3).


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