Hello, my name is Nerita Gotaff. I'm about seventeen in years and I really like the internet! I love a lot of blogging and social justice, but often I get caught up that I need a bit of a break. Ehehe, maybe I should stop overworking myself, right?
Aaaanyway, I was informed about this site after I came out to others as an Otherkin. I wasn't sure how or why, but after reading something that was wonderfully complex, I realized that I didn't feel... well,
human. Or at least, most of the time I felt different. And not in that weird,"everyone is unique way".
However, with what I read, I feel as though I could be criticized for being 'a diehard fan'- I already am, but that was beside the point, the point being that I
still felt out of place.
The emotional set just matched between trolls and I.

I was worried that I might be criticized because my furrsona isn't furry or scaly or anything... well, I have fins. And gills. And maaaaybe sometimes I get a bit hot-tempered ('social-justice vibes are tingling'), but I'm a troll at heart and I am worried about how the internet in general would take that.

I'm really,
really, REALLY,REAAAAAAAAAAALLY, new to this site and to this community. Could anyone spare a minute to show me around? I would be very grateful. 0////0