Biggest threat to humanity? Stupid humans.
there's something to this, in that there are far too many of us stupid humans.
since 1950, the population has nearly trebled. this is a severe problem which is all to often ignored, and it's only going to get worse-so unless there's a huge difference in world attitude. and it really does have to be a world attitude change because the areas with the highest populations also tend to the the places with the most rigid attitudes. china tried (rightfully in my eyes) to implement a birth-limit of sorts, restricting couples to only two children. unfortunately because their society is so patriarchal, this resulted in so much infanticide of young girls it's almost too much to comprehend. i wish i knew the figures for sure, but i also think i read at some point that after 10 years of this, there was a 80:20 ration of male to females. a friend of mine suggested, amusingly, that this would cause an uprising of homosexuality in china. whether it has or not is yet to be confirmed.
but speaking of homosexuality... perhaps it offers some hope in this respect. the past 50 years have seen many gay or bisexual men and women liberated from having to follow the norms of a hetrosexual culture, which will obviously mean that less babies are going to be produced, which is never a bad thing. however, going back to places like china and india... it's going to be quite a long time before the great moral zeitgeist floats it's way over yonder.
I don't think It's one event that will expel mankind from the land, rather the two intrinsic values of man kind, that will in one way or another equate to disasterous events; our need to constantly progress and not look back.
Imagine if you will, a worldly bus seated by all of mankind, on they travel aiming for the perfect destination.
Low and behold! In the distance approaches a side street labeled Goal Rd, but the bus passes by anyway without inspecting.
"Did you not see the sign?" asks a passenger, "Is that not where we are headed?"
"It is indeed where we are headed," says the driver, "But i'm sure we'll find a way there if we keep on our current path."
It's a floored logic, but we abide by it, and I find it rather poetic that our striving is what will kill us all in the end.
this is a really interesting little parable. did you write it?