(( 1. that was OOC, meaning I had nothing against you... just expressed way too freely
2. My powers come at a price, and you don't have to abide by them at all, but don't come whining to me when I totally ignore you too
I don't like it, but what I see in you is 'god-mod-much' It seems you cannot be harmed or killed, have no weaknesses and only strenghts... you're good at everything, and that just isn't realistic... my character has weaknesses and strenghts, just like other people. Like magic is his forte, melee is his middle and ranged fighting, bows and the like.... he just's sucks at that.))
"Why would I do such a thing....."
The feline still stands over fifty feet away from the boy, and turns to the female that called him 'daddy' just a mere second ago. "No sweety... I just don't allow the bond anymore, as much as i love you, and care for you, I just can't.... I am sorry, it's not you that is to blame, it is me... and shall always be me."