Through the darkness, at the heart of night, a feline strode amidst the area. His fur golden, his claws sharp, his mind..... tormented by that that haunted him for so long already. His name, long forgotten, so he has taken a new one. One to which he feels akin, one that makes his blood seethe and boil with rightious hatred. That name, is Rahvan, the champion of the north. The name stirs within him a fury, he does not know why, but always, when he thinks about the heritage of his name, he feels the power of the one who bore the name before him. At this time, the wanderer had on merely a robe and hood, shrouding his frame from sight. His robe appeared strange though, sharp and pointed at places, where it would normally be flowing freely.....
He walked, as if it was all that he knew now, all that he cared for.... but sounds came from him, sounds that appeared to form words, even sentences... yet they where to faint to hear, to faint to understand.... merely one word was clear enough to be heard.... "....death...."