~year:3054 place:Waterdance,Seaweave~
i land on my knee clumslie from falling about 3 minutes,being drenched in rain i pull meh hood over meh face and stand up,walking in the rain,as i begin walking i turn to see a glass window with televisions stacked ontop of eachother,each on the news channel, "...today is another rainy day" "yes it is,Tom,the 33rd day of rain actually" "...we will continue to advise you about the rainfall and flooding" "so untill then,stay inside and lock your doors.." "and that will be all for us tonight..goodnight and have a nice evening.....*ending of news music*...." as i turn around to continue walking a car drive past meh,sending a tsunami of muddy water flying at me,i turn meh head to the left to avoid getting it in meh face,i ended up drenched anieways, "...sigh*...." i continue walking,lost in the big,building and skraper infested concrete jungle known as Waterdance,Seaweave