Three pondered on the question that was given to him. She had shown some skill when fighting Five, but her attitude change. That is what he currently was fearing. The way One had been acting towards him, how she tried to become a Success like Five, that was what he had on his mind right then and there. He couldn't dare say fully yes, but saying no would also make the cat think twice.
He sighed softly before looking at the other, as Two was drying his furr, giving Three a full view on the other, as he too closed off the water to the shower and starting to dry himself.
"Honestly, I don't know yet... She has some control over it. But not enough that I know off. Neither if she wouldn't rat us out." As Three spoke softly, clenching a fist. "One has been uuh... changing... her attitude recently since she became a Success a day ago. It might be small, but she seems to want to impress the administration. She thrusts Thirteen the most however. If she talks to One, she could persuade her. Five I would not tell it too, or he would most certainly tell it.... Seven?... Huh, he's a tough one to think on. And Four is still in detention." As the cat began to dry his tail off at the same thinking and pondering. "Look it is simple Two, if you can arrange a fight with One and anyone else, you can see for yourself wether she is good enough for what you would want with her... As I think you want her to keep a portion of the facility lit up no? To prevent the blackout."
But Three then suddenly realised something. "But so..." As his ears drooped a bit. "It will be either this event happens... We escape... and are free." As he gave a smile to himself. "But have that Subject go free as well. Or else, nothing happens and it was all false hope then?"