sorry its so long, i got carried away =3
Character name: Dongo-Fett
Race/Species: Fox
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Likes: Ninjas, katanas, old style japan, sake, sparring
Dislikes: godmodders, cheap kills
BattleTactics: usually he tries to keep it one vs one
in a close range battle, with either katanas or fists.
Does decent to poor in long range battle however thats
where his stealth skills come into play, he may not be
able to fight well in long distance battles but he
makes it just as hard for someone to find him...
Bio: not much is know about Dongo-Fett, What is know is that in his native tongue Dongo stands for Loner.
Dongo never really fit in with his pack never felt right to him (hence where he got his name). One day a
group of demon controlled beast started attacking his fox clan, he immediately defended his clan getting his
left arm ripped off, single handedly saving his clan...however since he used a human made weapon (katana) the
clan then turned their back on him. with nothing left he went searching for someone to help him and thats
where he found a lil girl no older than 5 years old by the name of Myo, she took him to her father who made
him the metal arm which he has to this day, in return the father ask him to be the protector of his daughter,
which he agreed to, at this point life was pretty good until one day. Dongo had taken Myo to the river near
her house to get some food and clean water, when they returned both of Myo's parents where killed by the same
demons which had taken Dongo's arm...knowing that Myo's life was in danger he took Myo to her aunts house and
had left...he now searches for the demons who took his arm and Myo's parents...