so im hoping to do a podcast some time this week. I know its kind of late in teh week but I really want to make one soon. im in something known as podcast mode and that means I'm willing to go pretty much all out for it.
now here is what we need. or more like YOU need. a mic, and skype. you must be willing to talk and have fun. you must be willing to say whats on your mind and willing to take in someone else's opinion without anger let alone yelling. I don't want you yelling into the mic about how he's wrong and your right. Also, time! I usually go into podcast mode once a month but it last a good two weeks to three sometimes. I want to be able to make the darn thing without so much time between the two. if there is something coming up like thanksgiving or Christmas or your traveling or something then yeah that's understandable.
We will be putting these on youtube since I have a hard time paying for stuff for itunes. I will also be the recorder and editor for all this, unless you have a way to do it your style then we can talk.

We will be talking about random stuff that are both fur friendly and not. we could do whats on the news or we could do shout-outs for artist and such on certain sites. and if we start getting questions from people then we can start to answer them as well. Also if you have a topic that's wonderful. we can talk about that too.
what we need! a name, and a design or logo.
email me or put here!what to fill out:
Name- (the one we will be using)
age- (18+ please)
have you done this before? (its okay if its your first time)
got any subjects?
Your fursona? (I want to know you better)
Thank you for reading! I would love to know you! Here is mine by the way so you know me better as well.
Name- Venya Aven
age- 23
have you done this before? I have yes. I try to do it once a month with another friend.
got any subjects? Talk about us first ep and then go to news or maybe even the latest video game or something.
Your fursona? A silver Lioness with purple dreadlocks with a vest on and blue jeans short shorts.