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Author Topic: Fawn/Deer ears DIY help  (Read 5183 times)

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Offline Wonderllost

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Fawn/Deer ears DIY help
« on: October 23, 2013, 09:18:58 PM »
I decided I was going to be a deer sorta anthro (my fursona) .. I then found some pictures for inspiration and I found this

I found these ears to be perfect, and they looks very close to my fursona (his ears are on the side, not upright like a realistic deer)
So as a part of my costume, I was wondering if anyone knows how to make this in detail (tips and tricks help too!)
I think they probably used faux fur, or even brushed out and straightened yarn with some wiring (and of course a headband)

If you know anything, thank you in advance! It would be much help


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