I cant really whatch any show for more than five minutes without getting invested, no matter how bad it may be. Once it started, im in it for the long haul, or at least umtil I see a conclusion.
Heh, I do that a lot too... will flick to a channel on TV abe be like: "What's this crap"... pause for a moment, tilt my head, sit back on the couch and continue to watch. LOL!
As for me, I suffer from properly diagnosed OCD, and among other things; I only consume food in odd numbers. E.g. I will eat pretzels if there is 1, 3, 5... etc. in my hand at a time. It gets really furrstrating when I am consuming snacks that are very small and handfuls usually equate to 20 or 30 pieces at a time (like mini M&Ms). I used to be a lot worse, with a wider range of "issues"... but I have learned to control it more.