While this isn't necessarily about furry-specific costuming, I thought I'd post it to see if anyone else is into the same stuff I am.

Recently, I've been gradually amassing clothes and accessories with a cyberpunk/cybergoth aesthetic in mind. So far, I've got a pair of all-black, Vietnam-era military trousers, as well as several plain black T-shirts (both short sleeve and long sleeve) that I'm basically using as blank "canvases" or bases for my more cybery accessories. In that department, I've got a blue Nodus Cowl from Crisiswear on Etsy, and I've just submitted an order for a blue LED respirator, also from Etsy:

Are any other furs into this sort of thing? I'd love to see the types of gear you have, as well as suggestions on where to get/how to make other cool cybery stuff!